How will base stat changes work in 3.3?

Something grunge said recently got me thinking about base stats and the 3.3 patch notes.

Grunge said:
...everyone's starter stats will be more or less the same come 3.3, so pick a class based on racials...

3.3 Patch changes : Races: General

* Racial Attribute Bonuses: These bonuses have been recalibrated to even out the amount of starting health on the various races. All races start with a standardized level of stamina, except for orcs, dwarves, and tauren who now start with 1 extra point of stamina. For each class, bonuses and penalties to all attributes have been adjusted so that each race has an equal attribute total.

I don't really get this. What do blizzard mean by this? will Orc's (race) get +1 base stam, and Orc Warrs (class) get -1 stam so that each race "has an equal attribute total"?

Wow races, stats and classes are becoming too homogeneous.

Every major release sees another stat dropped or merged and blizz cba creating new low level items so we have hit capped warrs rolling in spidersilk drapes :(

When Blizz merge and drop stats I'd like to see a little more effort than just lowering level req on spidersilk boots from 20 to 19. 19 twinking has too few gear choices. Give us some more low level items, more gear choices, and more gear sets. defias and fang are great, where's the gear and set bonuses for warrs, palas and clothies?

Variety is the spice of life. There are too many cookie cutter builds out there.

If they keep smoothing all the differences out of the game where will we be in 3 years time? 15 races, 5 hero classes, and one 'POWER' stat?
when you make a level one and have no gear. you have base stats. the amount of int, sta, agi, str, and spi that you start with before you get gear is all they are talking about.

the only time blizz merged stats was with healing and spell power, which imo was good for allowing healers to be able to switch to dps without switching gear. next expansion they are planning on simplifying the stats, but we don't know how that will play out and i wouldnt make judgements on it yet.

the spidersilk boots have nothing to do with the stat changes. how long have you been playing? there was a big revamp to most lowbie dungeon gear when they gave us spidersilk boots.

if you want more options go to end game, thats what blizzard has and will continue to concentrate on. twinks are a small niche blizzard will not be adding more content to it, everything we have is designed for leveling through and to be replaced. there will always be 'best in slot' gear because of how little is available to us.

in 3 years time hopefully i won't still be playing this game. :/
Want to go back to the old days when 'everything was better'?

*Hands everybody a pair of 5 stam/ 4 spirit Smelting Pants*
Supadrood said:
the only time blizz merged stats was with healing and spell power...

healing and spell power -> sp

spell hit + hit rating -> hit rating

crit and spell crit -> crit

spirit -> ?
yea sorry, i forgot about crit n hit. nothing happened to spirit. im glad you took all that information i was kind enough to give you and picked out the one spot where i overlooked something. there also was nothing wrong with merging hit and crit like that. more stat choices isnt always better.

Apologies for nit picking, I was just editing my post to agree with a few of your points when your replied first... I'm posting from work atm and people are on my case about work stuff, bah.

Agreed on the if you want variety go end game. You just have to look at the 80 wsg queues to see how much of a minority 19 twinking is. If I really want more choices then lvl thru the twink brackets 19,29,39,49 i spose.

Agreed there were a lot of new items added in 3.x. I picked on spidersilk booties because they were one of the few new items that are best in slot / favoured by 19 twinks. When 3.x hit I made > 50 pairs of those boots.

Also maybe I shouldn't moan so much about gear choices - Blizz did give us heirlooms (and glyphs) I spose, and they have got me lvling mains to 80 and running heroics as a result, something I swore I would never do...

And yeah I hope like hell I'm not still playing this game in 3 years time too.
Grabco said:
Can victory rush be dispelled?

Don't think so. Anyone know if the victory rush glyphs will have level reqs lowered?

[item]Glyph of Enduring Victory[/item]

[item]Glyph of Victory Rush[/item]
Only thing I can find on either glyph:

Glyph of Victory Rush: This glyph now increases the critical strike chance of Victory Rush by 70%, regardless of the percentage of the target’s remaining health.
ok heres the dealio on the stat recalibration. All classes have had their stats lowered to a point so their all even. i.e. My human rogue has as much agi as a dwarf rogue and NE's also have the same as dwarf rogues now. AP wise nothing really seems to have changed however. I didn't test 19 pally or hunter yet I'd really rather keep off the PTR, but if you'd like a gearless stat posting of rogue/pally/hunter at 19 send me an inbox message and I'll get it done over the weekend or sooner.
In some MMOs you start with a certain number of attribute points, and you get to distribute them accordingly.

WoW does that for us automatically, so what they are saying is that if you say, add up all the starting attributes for an orc warrior, they might not add up to the same number as if you added all the points from a troll warrior, and etc.


35 stat points - Orc Warrior

Stamina - 14

Agi - 11

Int - 5

Spirit - 5

33 stat points - Troll warrior

Stamina - 10

Agi - 13

Int - 5

Spirit - 5

They are changing it so when you add it up they are the same.

Might not make sense how I explained it, but that is most of what they are doing.
Roflowned said:
lol, victory rush is an attack that becomes usable after you kill something, there is no magic involved

So gift of naaru and lifeblood aren't magic either? on the other hand those don't say "magic" so i guess they are not dispelable by your logic, but then rumsey rum doesn't say magic either and it can be purged/dispelled. My point is i asked a simple question about a new ability coming into the bracket.
Grabco said:
So gift of naaru and lifeblood aren't magic either? on the other hand those don't say "magic" so i guess they are not dispelable by your logic, but then rumsey rum doesn't say magic either and it can be purged/dispelled. My point is i asked a simple question about a new ability coming into the bracket.
victory rush isnt even a buff... why are you comparing it to buffs. its not even close

Victory Rush

Melee Range


Requires Battle Stance, Berserker Stance

Instantly attack the target causing [AP * 45 / 100] damage. Can only be used within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. Damage is based on your attack power.

how could a melee attack be dispelled ?_?

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