How Twinked Out Are You Really?

Can someone create an addon called TwinkScore to measure it? We need to know everyone's TS!

here's the math for calculating if anyone needs it:

Length times Diameter plus Weight over Girth divided by Angle of the tip squared
A F2P with even a single ilvl 28 is cool...

I'd prefer it more like an app rather than an addon ... "Uh girl, only 12 slots and no terts? swipe."
point is, there is a clear metric for performance when it comes to gold.

but there isn't one when it comes to 20s pvp.

when there is a metric, it is easy to differentiate the cream of the crop from the good, and the good from the bad.
Right... And the players that this metric deemed "bad" would then be too embarrassed to post on xpoff?
69% on my F2P Shaman, got ilvl 59 helm, ilvl 49 artifact, ilvl 44 neck, ilvl 36 bracers, just missing good rings and some tert and better 2ndary on the few ilvl 28s I use.
Right... And the players that this metric deemed "bad" would then be too embarrassed to post on xpoff?

at least would be too embarrassed to post on xpoff as if they are good.

69% on my F2P Shaman, got ilvl 59 helm, ilvl 49 artifact, ilvl 44 neck, ilvl 36 bracers, just missing good rings and some tert and better 2ndary on the few ilvl 28s I use.

that would be signature worthy, wouldn't it.
Yeah I know, the 28 items I have are some shitty stuff I bought in Townlong Steppes in Pandaria. Showed him the stuff for the memes since he bought up ilvl28 gear. Some folks in dungeon runs were surprised to see those gear, told them they are dropped from rares in pandaria lmao
Why are they suprised? Not like theyre good. And why lie?
For me term "twink" roughly translates to person who stays at x lvl, is under max and tries to get / has best possible gear.

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