How to unlock Mists of Pandaria on oldschool F2P accounts

Justify it however you like, but you are still exploiting the system to get what you want. I though we were just talking about "morality" just the other day.

Well first of all, -I'm- not justifying anything at all. I have three F2P accounts, one of which is a wow1 account, another of which is an old converted trial account, and one of which is unlinked. So the odds were in my favor that at least one of them would get immediately converted to include MoP (which it was).

Second of all, if you are talking about something that Blizzard intends to give but which the delivery system is flawed, and people utilize legal and available means to update that delivery without causing any unintended effects, and you call that an exploit, then I would say your definition of exploit is both very broad, and rather variable depending on the situation and which group of people you intend to affront.
Practically nothing we do in game is "illegal ". Against EULA Yes, illegal no.

OK so you have made the assertion that creating a starter edition account on your account is against the EULA. Please, cite your source or retract your argument.

EDIT: Actually, nevermind. I don't have a dog in this fight since my wow1 was immediately automatically upgraded, and I believe all accounts will be upgraded AS INTENDED when they work the kinks out, and furthermore I honestly think both of you are trying to stir up controversy for the lulz rather than from any genuine moral outrage, so please watch as I walk myself out of this silly argument.
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Justify it however you like, but you are still exploiting the system to get what you want. I though we were just talking about "morality" just the other day.

I've had two WoW licenses (a russian and a european) attached to my paid account since russian realms were launched (country of residence set to United Kingdom for the sake of better support)

How can you call such thing an exploit?

There are no limitations when it comes to the type of WoW license attached to the account, there's only a max number restriction.

Has been like that since was implemented.
Dudes i posted it at the other post about f2p monk creation the better way to add monk at your f2p account is "open a ticket and ask to get it kindly"
a Blizzard Employ told me that "mists of pandaria it will be on the basic pack" all other options are too complicated, it's not a "bug" that some persons have monk, the only bug is that monk class is unavailable for some accounts.

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