Justify it however you like, but you are still exploiting the system to get what you want. I though we were just talking about "morality" just the other day.
Well first of all, -I'm- not justifying anything at all. I have three F2P accounts, one of which is a wow1 account, another of which is an old converted trial account, and one of which is unlinked. So the odds were in my favor that at least one of them would get immediately converted to include MoP (which it was).
Second of all, if you are talking about something that Blizzard intends to give but which the delivery system is flawed, and people utilize legal and available means to update that delivery without causing any unintended effects, and you call that an exploit, then I would say your definition of exploit is both very broad, and rather variable depending on the situation and which group of people you intend to affront.