How to Twink In Xp enabled BGs and not gain XP..

Step One. Take at least 2 twinks with you.

Step Two. Get the enemy Flag

Step Three. Dont chase the enemy FC.. dont attack him, dont do anything to him.

Step Four. Keep the enemy flag mid field and kill until you get tired.

Step Five. Drop before the 20 min timer.

Step Six. Log out of this toon and log into your other twink while the deserter debuff is up.

The best parts...

1. You get no XP

2. THEY get no xp

3. No wait times.
Step 1 Turn off XP

Step 2 have someone with XP queue

Step 3 ????

Step 4 PROFIT!!
This ^ .
Agreed. Leave the lowbies alone, you just look like a tool stroking you Epeen.
If your bad enough to fail at arena's AND no experience WSG.. Just stop playing this game.
I got into an XP WSG yesterday and STILL got rolled by hunters with 600 HP... there were SIX of them Alliance side. It's ridiculous how many allies roll huntards to level. FFS.
Me.. my new sport is making twink haters life horrible.

I am becoming what they all accuse me of.. a real jerk who ruins their BG experience.

This needs to be fixed fast. Someone post it on the bug forum, I'm banned.
Xio said:
Your banned because we don't have love.


Actually I was banned for quoting a troll who was trolling about Ezra's death.

Fucking butt hurt about some kids death and then banning people because of it.
Boglund said:
You tend to get banned here and there.

OT: why were you banned @pwndepot?

Linking to this site.
we need cross battlegroup just like they have on EU !

as for twink BGs, well you'll think otherwise when you'll fall on a BG with 1 non-twink level 12 who decided to disable XP for no reason and then have 6 twinks not even understanding how to group up and focus fire. when only 3 of us were trying hard to win a BG with no shaman, nor druid to run the flag. and those who say hunters can run flag fine... well think again, i could have gotten far if i had a team to back me up, but we were only 3 trying our best to win it.

go ahead, try that kind of no-xp BG !

you'll be pissed off just like i was !

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