How to Twink In Xp enabled BGs and not gain XP..

I went into an xp enabled battleground ONCE, to get Ironman on my hunter. I felt like a jackass :3
I think its a good idea if your realms dead... And your not wanting to quit
I have used my lvl 10 hunter and pally in the xp bg's. I am ok with that being as i am still kind of the underdog.
Yeah my lvl 10 rogue might go 19.. if so.. the levels 1-19 are going to suuuuuuck for non twinks in Ruin =)
hopefully blizz will patch this up soon, or maybe we can get these bastards banned for the exploit.

a twink who enjoys farming lowbies over playing a good 10v10 twink WSG is just insane.
iaccidentallytwink said:
(why were you banned @pwndepot?)

Linking to this site.

Not really a big loss there, the site has gone to the dogs with opinionated morons being allowed to spread misinformation and start flame wars
vapor said:
I was unable to queue with a friend recently because my xp was on and his was off. So I assume this was fixed.

The effect is that you click "queue as group" and nothing happens. I honestly had no idea what the problem was for a minute or two.

Were you the one clicking "q asa groop?" I was under the impression that you have to make the non-twink the party leader and let him q. Ima try it just to see if it was fixed.

:YEP:: I just tried it, and it let us in the q.

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