HOW TO: Public Test Realm (PTR)


Repost, for people who asked in game:

Character copying and client download: Charcopy

Up-to-date FAQ: Public Test Realm FAQ

Current Patch notes: World of Warcraft PTR Patch 5.0.4 Notes

So far a d/c every 3 minutes seems normal for everyone. :( Log in after d/c and zoning in appears to be faster than live, so it's usually easily possible to still be alive upon logging in even if soloing a dungeon, etc.

Most people are copying their toons to Nobundo (KR) for shorter login queues during peak times / less complete lockouts due to overpopulation.

To find out who is online and level 20, type: /who 20

(A lot of people didn't turn off XP and leveled to 21 or higher.)

Alliance Guild: <Twink Info>

To see who's online, type: /who twink info

Horde Guild: <Nerf Burst Healing>

To see who's online, type: /who nerf burst healing

I made everyone I knew an Officer, so try to get invited, we have a sweet tabard designed by Veintycoo, too. :)


See you there. :)

News: You can now roll premade level 85 characters.
There's no need for a charcopy, there's an option during character creation! :)

(Purple for verh.)

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Purple is nice. So is Yde. Yde is as nice as purple. Yde should be purple. Yde, why aren't you purple?!
Purple is nice. So is Yde. Yde is as nice as purple. Yde should be purple. Yde, why aren't you purple?!
Choose your own answer.:)

Option A: I would have a purple name, but I'm too lazy and cheap to get Paypal and donate to Twink Info. Also one user tag is enough for me. ^^

Option B: Secretly I am purple. I cover it up with hair-dye and make-up to maintain my pretence of humanity.

I'm glad. :)
Choose your own answer.:)

Option A: I would have a purple name, but I'm too lazy and cheap to get Paypal and donate to Twink Info. Also one user tag is enough for me. ^^

Option B: Secretly I am purple. I cover it up with hair-dye and make-up to maintain my pretence of humanity.
Option C: From now on Yde will always post in purple.
1k+ crits, and the same for heals

/happy cause i made my boomkin/hpally before they were fotm(bragging rights)
omg i can finally copy... thank you! you da best <3

Updated for News: You can now roll premade level 85 characters.
Healers are unkillable at 85 too, this is a result of terrible scaling from levels 1-89 -_-
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Updated for News: You can now roll premade level 85 characters.

YAY, 2 85 dk's

EDIT , DAMNIT, they didnte reset the charcopy's, and i used all mine for 4.3.4
And i gotta reroll my bal drood, copy'd to anesterian, and 2x copy'd my mage( accident)
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YAY, 2 85 dk's

EDIT , DAMNIT, they didnte reset the charcopy's, and i used all mine for 4.3.4
And i gotta reroll my bal drood, copy'd to anesterian, and 2x copy'd my mage( accident)

You don't need to copy them, there's an option during character creation! :)
Are faction x-fers avaliable atm?? or class changes??
they were on the last ptr
No, it's quite different from the last PTR, can't change faction or race. Might bit of a shame about the copied characters, if you'd like to try the opposite faction. As for the 85s, there's no need to change, as you can freely choose among all faction, race and class combinations. :) Gear for all specs bill be in your bags, along with raw mats for gems and enchants (you will have Enchanting and Jewelcrafting), potions, etc.
still hating the premades only start with jc/chanting, had to lvl alchemy, herbing, and mining all ot get a start on a vial on my dk( and archology)

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