<The Awesome>
To begin with, I do not advocate "mid farming" or "GY camping," not even if it is for an achievement. You play a hunter, which means you should be one of the number one DPS-ers and a great addition to your team - if you know what to do. Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT FARM MIDFIELD. Some people would have you believe it is fun and keeps the bracket interesting. Bullshit I say. Midfield camping is only fun for the team that is camping and will only influence the opposite faction to do the same.
[*=center]IN CASE TL; DR: Midfield camping is for nubs. Hunters are OP. Choose another class lol
Gear Guide
This guide belongs to Pizza, I think it's spot on. Notice how the entire set revolves around agi and crit, while mitigating hit rating at a perfect 10/10 (hit cap at level 19). I cannot stress enough the importance of the hit cap, I know many hunters believe that it isn't worth anything at this level, but it really can make or break a hunter.
Let's Get Down to Business
Playing a hunter is one of the easiest things one can do at level 19 in World of Warcraft. You should not be using a rotation, more of a prioritization.
Always be sure to have hunter's mark up. ESPECIALLY ON NIGHT ELVES.
2) If you are playing in an open field, which mainly as a hunter you should be, the opponent is ****ed. If you are attacking them anywhere near somewhere they can LoS you, they will. DO NOT let them LoS you. Scatter shot them before they can get behind the wall and run to a point where you will be able to shoot them even if they decide to LoS you.
3) After your concussive shot, hit them with explosive shot. Do not use serpent's sting unless they are a night elf, in which case you would be putting up serpent's sting before your explosive shot because of their shadowmeld ability. If it is a priest and they bubble RIGHT BEFORE you can get on the explo-shot, just put up a concussive shot and steady shot them until you are at max focus again. When you are at max focus, rinse and repeat. (If you are a blood elf, arcane torrent comes in handy here, as will lifeblood - a spell gained from herbalism)
4) From here, you should be able to arcane shot at least twice before you run out of focus (unless you were fighting a night elf rogue). Fire off 2 arcane shots, send off your concussive shot, and spam steady shot. If you can, lifeblood / arcane torrent your way to max focus.
When at max focus, the enemy should be dead unless they have a healer on them. And honestly, 70% of the time they will have a healer on them.
[*=left]If the enemy gets to close to you, you can use your Wing Clip ability and turn around + run away to get away! If your disengage is not on cooldown, this is an easier way to do so. I will cover the wing clip + disengage macro later in the thread.
[*=left]If the enemy begins to run away, let them go. Unless they are the FC or a healer, you can afford one less kill and 1.8k less damage done. Many enemies will appreciate this simple act of kindness and may pass it along. If they don't, hey, at least you gained a bit of respect from them.
[*=left]And of course throw in AGM and your PvP trinket whenever necessary.
Essential Macros
Yes, even for hunters macros are essential. Here are some macros you will find useful.
Scatter Shot macro:
/cast [@focus] scatter shot
This macro is pretty self explanatory. As DPS, you should always keep pressure on the enemy healers. Set the healer as your focus, and when you see them casting a heal, use this.
Pro-tip: ONLY USE ON HEALS. Interrupting mind blasts / exorcisms / roots will get you nowhere unless you are in very dangerous situations.
Focus + Kill Command Macro:
/cast [@focus] kill command
Again; simple and self explanatory. Keeping pressure on heals. If there are no heals, use this on other hunters that are focusing your heals.
Pro-tip: Use this with a combination of explosive shot for maximum l33tness.
Wing Clip + Disengage:
#showtooltip Disengage
/console targetNearestDistance 5.000000
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [harm,nodead] Wing Clip
/cast Disengage
(Not sure if the lack of a cooldown for wing clip allows it to be used without a 'castsequence' macro, need confirmation on this one.)
Use this when in dire need of saving. You can also choose to add in Arena grand Master if you are near death and need to escape quickly. Simply use this, press 'E' key to strafe away and fire off concussive shots to melee and apply scatter shots to players that get too close to you.
Pro-tip: Disengage can be used as an extra jump ability, making goblin hunters some of the most versatile FCs in the game. All you need to do is enter combat, quickly flick your mouse to a point where you are facing away from the area you are heading to, jump, and disengage. This works best if you have disengage bound to a key near the 'Q' or 'E' keys for easy access.
Good Sportsmanship!
Always be sure to show them that you care!
Pro-tip: Do not use on Xenaria.
How to Defeat Specific Classes
Hunter VS Hunter:
One of the most boring encounters you can ever experience. The encounter will only last about 3-4 seconds, as the damage output will be off the charts. The best way to win vs a hunter is to get behind them with wing clip and the disengage trick I showed you, then use your rotation I gave you.
If they pop AGM, and your AGM is on cooldown, just run for LoS or towards your graveyard if you are near it. They will kill you.
Hunter VS Warlock:
Very squishy, warlocks will go down easily. Just use the basic rotation I gave you and you should be fine. Be sure to PvP trinket out of their fears.
If they pop AGM, you should still be fine, just be sure to LoS whenever possible and interrupt shadowbolts if your health drops too low (which it shouldn't).
Hunter VS Druid:
Again, very squishy. Catching a good druid is like catching a greased up midget. They will usually escape you. Just abuse your concussive shot and spam your rotation. If they get too far away, use the disengage trick I showed you to catch up then scatter shot them. Find a place that you would like to pew pew from and do yo' thang.
Hunter VS Rogue:
Rogues are a very difficult class to defeat. If they are smart, they will save shadowstep for when you disengage away, and their waylay will pretty much keep you from winning. Best option is to wing clip / scatter shot them, then circle kite them to oblivion. As soon as they use shadowstep to catch up, disengage away and continue your kite.
Hunter VS Priest:
90% of the time, the priest will win 1v1. Thankfully for you, WSGs are not 1v1. Find help, as you will not be able to drop a geared priest if they know what they are doing (and most priests do know what they are doing). If they refuse to let you go, simply scatter shot + disengage into a group of your team members and they will run away. Let them run away if you don't see him as a potential threat. Nothing worse than an HK - seeking hunter noob.
Hunter VS Paladin:
Quite a fun encounter, actually. 99% of the time, the paladin will stun you and spam exorcism. If your PvP trinket is up, use it and use the rotation. Use scatter shot when the opponent heals, and you will usually be able to out-DPS their heals.
If they pop AGM / LoH and your focus is low, just concussive shot + steady shot spam until at max health. If your health is low, find an LoS spot and use your bandages.
Hunter VS Mage:
A good mage will be just as OP as a hunter, so be wary. They WILL get near you in melee range and kill you, so do not get to close. As soon as they blink, scatter shot and disengage. If they are frost and use the pet stun, they probably can't kill you, but will be very annoying. Also very squishy.
Hunter VS Warrior (the slaughter):
This fight is definitely for the sadistic... I try to avoid warriors in wsg unless they come after me, which they don't if they're smart. Hunter VS warrior is very easy, basic kite + rape. Sadly, the range on concussive shot is greater than the range on charge, so you will want to fire that off first. If they manage to get in melee range and set up their piercing howl on you, you may be screwed if you have disengage/scatter shot on cooldown. If you don't, however, set them up with a wing clip + disengage macro then continue your kite, making sure to abuse concussive shot.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that hunters are very OP and are looked down upon in this bracket. Unless you can play your class very well and can stick to the objective, you will never gain any respect. At 19, the last thing you want is to become a Xenaria. Respect in this bracket is mutual; if you respect other players they will grow to respect you. Basic kindergarden stuff, guys. Remember the golden rule:
Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
-That doesn't mean you have to hug everyone's nuts, but its basically a moral concept. You all know how lame Xenaria can be - farming mid, GY camping, chasing Pizza down the field whilst furiously masturbating to the thought of killing him... don't be like that kind of hunter. Be smart, use your OP-ness to benefit your team, not your statistics chart.
Edit: I feel that I am missing a few macros ... anything else I should add in there?
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