How to Play Your Hunter at 19 Effectively!

I have a little Sugestion for The focus macros.


/cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] Scatter shot; Scatter shot

Is quite a good macro. When you press shift it attacks focus and when you dont it attacks your primary target.

Switch out the "modifer:shift" to Modifier:Alt, and/or Modifier:controll For ajusting.

You can also swap out the "Scatter Shot; Scatter Shot" To a spell that will be usefull for this macro. example: wing clip conjussive shot.
Hey nice guide man, it was quite funny. The conclusion made me laugh so hard, I could picture Xeneria just running after Pizza.

Some tips you might want to add...

1. Reverse mouse jumping - Use the mouse to run away... jump, turn around, and shot. Turn back around right before landing to get a nice little run and gun action when facing annoying melee. (Best way I could describe it.)

2. Use raptor strike to your advantage, melee think they are cute, smack em back.

3. /hug your buddies who are on the oppsing faction. Or /wave at someone through the floor

4. Don't be rude, bandage your healers in the middle of combat! (Just kidding)

5. Try to be a leader and coordinate the team, if new players knew what to do, they might do better.

6. MESSAGE TO NEW HUNTERS, you are not god, don't rush the EFC by yourself, unless you are positive you got it all under control (no need to die and run back across the gulch.)

7. Stats beat health anyday of the week!
To begin with, I do not advocate "mid farming" or "GY camping," not even if it is for an achievement. You play a hunter, which means you should be one of the number one DPS-ers and a great addition to your team - if you know what to do. Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT FARM MIDFIELD. Some people would have you believe it is fun and keeps the bracket interesting. Bullshit I say. Midfield camping is only fun for the team that is camping and will only influence the opposite faction to do the same.

Winning mid is crucial to a solid victory, though. Would you rather avoid all mid fighting and go straight into a turtle for every game? As for mid-farming being just for fun... This is technically a simulation of a war, not a "game" for fun. I'm sorry if it is annoying when the opposing team owns midfield... Just /AFK out, if it really bothers you, or get your team to win it back

Xenaria: Just report him/her when s/he spams macros
Your words on Xenaria and being nice is CRUCIAL! Too many people get all mean and nasty in tough times and completely ruin any team they might have had if they just were nice and calm.

I don't agree at all about letting enemies go just to be nice... I certainly won't let people go if I can kill them since it is a war and that decision could be the difference between life and death. I guess if you want to start a civil rights campaign for the ethics of all this warring in WoW then you can, LOL.

Great guide and I love the forever alone computer guy as a link to Pizza's guide XD Have nice day!
Winning mid is crucial to a solid victory, though. Would you rather avoid all mid fighting and go straight into a turtle for every game? As for mid-farming being just for fun... This is technically a simulation of a war, not a "game" for fun. I'm sorry if it is annoying when the opposing team owns midfield... Just /AFK out, if it really bothers you, or get your team to win it back

Xenaria: Just report him/her when s/he spams macros
Your words on Xenaria and being nice is CRUCIAL! Too many people get all mean and nasty in tough times and completely ruin any team they might have had if they just were nice and calm.

I don't agree at all about letting enemies go just to be nice... I certainly won't let people go if I can kill them since it is a war and that decision could be the difference between life and death. I guess if you want to start a civil rights campaign for the ethics of all this warring in WoW then you can, LOL.

Great guide and I love the forever alone computer guy as a link to Pizza's guide XD Have nice day!

1) This guide is solely for hunters, who should not ever be playing with their dicks in midfield. It is necessary to control mid as a tactic and in moderation; but relentless and pointless farming of midfield leads to redundant games, and more people rolling hunters to have fun of their own.

2) This section was mainly for fun and put their as a joke, but it is true that Xen is widely known as the biggest midfarming hunter in the game ... at least when he is in the game. I don't know about anymore, I haven't logged onto WoW in months - he may have changed his ways haha.

3) Once again, just for hunters
. No one likes being chased down by a hunter with a 40 yd range concussive shot and endless pew-pew power.

*BREAK NEWS* Beau's 19 hunter guide has now been updated! Check it out by clicking on my signature's link titled "Beau's 19 hunter guide".
*BREAK NEWS* Beau's 19 hunter guide has now been updated! Check it out by clicking on my signature's link titled "Beau's 19 hunter guide".

Congratulations! But it's basically the same as Pizza's guide but with pics.... couldn't care less either way though I quit WoW.
Awesome guide man. A lot of this info I use as a hunter myself, and while I improv at times to keep things fresh, these are the downright basics to being good at the craft of a huntsman. I've also been considering getting a race change to Goblin for the versitile FC, and the sheer fact that every good hunter is Blood Elf (for obvious reasons). Goblin Hunter would most likely be the best FC as hunter right?
Awesome guide man. A lot of this info I use as a hunter myself, and while I improv at times to keep things fresh, these are the downright basics to being good at the craft of a huntsman. I've also been considering getting a race change to Goblin for the versitile FC, and the sheer fact that every good hunter is Blood Elf (for obvious reasons). Goblin Hunter would most likely be the best FC as hunter right?
Thanks, I made this for good hunters who want to be better - a lot of this is just recommended of course, improvisation is key in any situation :p

About the gob FC - at the moment, a goblin is definitely the best choice for an FC, with Taurens and Blood Elves a close second choice :p Goblins can get around really quickly, and if you know what you're doing, you can get across half of mid in 2 clicks and about 3 seconds xD

I'd only recommend goblin for hunters who only pug and can therefor be a consistent FC, or for Marksmanship hunters (due to the 1% increased attack/casting speed).

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