How to play in xp on bg's!

From my personal experiance i find it impossible to get a Q to pop for xp-off matches, so this is my way of protesting blizzard change. (on bloodlust bg U.S)

Here's how to do it.

1. Be the right class. Warrior is what i use (in the 39 bracket), but any class with survivability works well, i imagine paladins would be most effective using this technique.

2.Que for a warsong gulch on XP on, stack up on swiftness potions if you want some security.

3. Make sure that you are the first to grab the flag

4. Hold on to the flag, and pwn leveling noobs, this should be easy for you to slaughter countless leveling scrubs and if your survivability is low get a healer ;)! hahahahaha

5. 2 minutes till the game ends afk out.

You Must AFK Out If the following things happen!

-You die and the flag is returned and another team member has picked up or grabed the flag

-The Game is almost over

This technique is reduces the amount of XP everyone gets in the bg so it essentially makes you a dick, but this is my way of asking for a free transfer to nightfall bg :p
thanks a ton for this post bro! playing against equally geared people was getting way too hard :(

but now i can go back to facerolling undergeared 32s!
You know, the more I see posts like these, the more I start to suspect there's a greater wisdom in the No-XP patch. No wonder that no-XP battlegrounds are so much more civil and respectable.

Definitely worth the transfer.

there were 3 hunters doing this in the 19 bracket on Stormstrike the other day...

they said they play close to 500 games a year, and are shooting for at least that many this year if not more. the catch is that they'll do them in xp gaining bg's by controlling the flag for 20 minutes and not letting people cap.

The theory being that they could keep enough people from gaining xp as fast as they want to from pvp to force them to complain on the forums, which would lead to either a fix from blizzard or at the very least a free transfer service for xp off characters.

Let's run the math on this one, keeping in mind that this is 3 people who would play at least 500 games through out the year.


if all 3 of them always play together, and every game they get involves a completely different set 17 people, without any people being in the BG they are screwing with more than once they are slowing the leveling process of 8500 people over the course of a year.

They are also going to have to pay blizzard for the time they're doing this. So that's (assuming they pay the standard 15 per month) 15x12 months = $180x3= 540 dollars.

That means, that under perfect conditions they're going to slow the leveling process of 8500 players out of..what is it, 10 million? while paying blizzard $540 to do so.

oh ya...

that shit is going to make blizzard pass out free transfers like candy to kids.
i was thinking the same sheet last week - speed potion - grab flag - start pwning with my warr 29

the thing is that you can level accidentally

because if you join a bg that is not new and it has a score of 2:0 and your team scores in 2 sec after you joined - level up

so i was thinking at something more complex

have 2 computers and 2 accounts.

make a char level 20

make party with your twink

join q


when bg pops , enter with the level 20

see if that is a new bg

enter with twink - exit with level 20

start pwning

you can also do this with a trusted player

and in teams with a priest

i have a holly priest in my guild

if we 2 join a xp on bg we are invincible! :)

BTW - this should be in tavern section because it concerns every twink brankets
Magnusopus said:
that shit is going to make blizzard pass out free transfers like candy to kids.

"That shit" is hopefully going to get the three of them banned for ruining the experience for hundreds of other paying players. And let's be clear...they have enough spare time to do 500 games a year, but they can't come up with a transfer fee? Really?

They'll soon find something better to do than squander 500 more games...I would hope.

Worst twinks ever play in xp-on bgs....

Sorry that badlust isnt working out for you....why not reroll in NF or xfer a toon rather than trying to find extra ways to be terrible?

Id understand if you were from a Russian server and had absolutly no chance at moving somewhere where there were games....but you are from fucking US Bloodlust?

fucking terrible

BTW - this should be in the fucking terrible twinks section because it concerns every shitty twink

Bwappo said:
"That shit" is hopefully going to get the three of them banned for ruining the experience for hundreds of other paying players. And let's be clear...they have enough spare time to do 500 games a year, but they can't come up with a transfer fee? Really?

They'll soon find something better to do than squander 500 more games...I would hope.


Quite honestly I doubt that they will receive any attention at all, which is the real point of my post.

Plain and simple, they aren't touching nearly enough of the population that plays world of warcraft to make a dent in blizzard's income under the BEST of circumstances. Also, i had them argue that perhaps they would get several people several times, thus making those people complain a lot louder and more often. But then you look at how they're only toying with at best 17 people which is even better for blizzard.

To break it down barebones - There is NO way for any number of the currently existing twink community to fight what Blizzard has done. Stop trying, and go with the flow.
I can't believe this conversation is actually going on.

So many of us have fought to show that Twinks aren't some abhorrent, group of miscreants who are only looking to destroy lowbies...and then you guys go and do this, further feeding the negative sentiment we've been working so hard to counter.

I hope you all enjoy the ban-hammer. Assphucks.

...and don't bother transferring to another battlegroup; if you enjoy beating up on inexperienced players, you'd never survive a full twink BG. Never.
Sunblayde said:
if you enjoy beating up on inexperienced players, you'd never survive a full twink BG. Never.

lol some people here are so wrong

Let me explain the reason why i play in xp-on battlegrounds.

I personally perfer a challenge and believe me i tried to orginize 10 v.s 10 of twinks on my server it was a flop.

IF there ever was a free transfer or anyway to face other twinks instead of owning the scrubs i would take it.

I only use this method because the alternate is me quiting world of warcraft but i have put to much time in my twink leveling his proffesions, obtaining perfect gear to simply have him sit unused, so im sorry to anyone who gets the the wraith of the twink.

And to anyone says i prefer to fight lowbies and rape them cause i have no skill, to that i have to say is LOLOLOLOLOLOL I GOT PODZ YOU DONTZ and plus i've being playing the warrior class and have earned high warlord title back in the heyday :)
isnt the point of twinking to make your toon have a huge advantage over other people?

i mean, thats what the idea was when i started playing this game.

If im wrong, feel free to correct me.
Grunge said:
isnt the point of twinking to make your toon have a huge advantage over other people?

i mean, thats what the idea was when i started playing this game.

If im wrong, feel free to correct me.

I'll take you up on that offer. To be fair, different people have different aims for twinking. So absolutely, some people twink to rule over other people in a given bracket. The same can be said at endgame as well, so this isn't exclusive to twinking.

At some point, it gets old. You get bored. If you win a game all the time, do you keep coming back to it? How about if you lose all the time? Neither will hold your interest very long. But what about the close games, the games you win just under the wire, or the games that you just couldn't quite pull off the win? Those are the games that push you, that make you think about them when you're not playing, to look for a small advantage in gear or technique, to try a new rotation or combination. Those are the games that are worth your time.

So let me offer you this instead: twinking is making the opportunity to be your best in a given bracket, and to face off against others who will show you your weaknesses and share your strengths. The better you get, the more you will have a huge advantage over most people. But you don't have to settle for "most people" anymore. You can be a twink.

It takes time to build a twink. It takes money. If you spent the time and money to build one, come race that bad boy in one of the no-XP brackets. You'll need to schedule the time, and you'll lose some hubcaps, but it's a lot more fun than passing granny on the freeway. It's a lot more fun than it ever was!

I actually think the idea works if people want to do it. Personally, if you want to have satisfaction on a twink owning ppl or making them look really bad, roll a old endgame twink(60 or 70). All the battlegrounds for those brackets are now 60-69 and 70-79. You just get great gear on a 60 from raids and the 10 day free bC trial, or wotlk for the 70 twink. The catch is having no xpacs or if your a 70 twink no wotlk. I could see it being fun, and becoming more viable as more and more twink brackets begin dying out. I also find it funny how the bad rap twinks have gotten originally came from the 19 bracket, which is coincidentally the one bracket that is thriving in more than 1 battlegroup. I think if anyone should be getting mad at someone beating up on noobs, it should be the 29,39,49,59,69,79 brackets who got royally screwed over with 3.2 when the complaining become so bad that they seperated us. Go complain to the 19s, since its just a button mashing contest down their. and yes, 60s can beat the absolute crap out of the 67-69 unless they are also twinked, in which case they will be leveling out within the next month or so anyways. just my 2 cents on this entire piece of crap blizzard shiited for us to inspect for salvageable things.(aka. brackets)
On or Off - Rock It

Blizzard doesn't want to invest the money to make cross realm twink BG's. But they have no problem at all with us blowin MORE of our money to transfer to a place where we can BG again. So F-em, do what you gotta do to play. My original view on the situation with twink bracket BGs was "Your ass should be out questin anyways".
Ugarak said:
...You just get great gear on a 60 from raids and the 10 day free bC trial, or wotlk for the 70 twink. The catch is having no xpacs or if your a 70 twink no wotlk. I could see it being fun, and becoming more viable as more and more twink brackets begin dying out. ... yes, 60s can beat the absolute crap out of the 67-69 unless they are also twinked, in which case they will be leveling out within the next month or so anyways. ...
An equally skilled player on a non-twinked 67-69 in PVP appropriate gear/spec can give a fully twinked 60 a run for his money. On my 60 I especially like facing those people leveling through on PVP only who are earning the PVP gear ahead of them as they go and rounding out their non-PVP gear with PVP appropriate BC green (bear, beast, champion, sorcerer, etc). Semi-twink them with a few cheap enchants & cheap things like heavy knothide armor kits & they can actually have an advantage. Sadly you just start to really get to know them and then they level out though...

Yes there is the infrequent 1-shot or 2-shot when a 60-62 goes in with PVE gear/spec from 5+ levels back but overall it is more of a challenge than twinking was at x9.

I highly recommend 60 twinking. It is really fun and more of a balance than twinking was at x9 pre-3.2 and you can play games whenever you want/can (for those who can't wait or adhere to a particular schedule).
RC-ST. said:
i was thinking the same sheet last week - speed potion - grab flag - start pwning with my warr 29

the thing is that you can level accidentally

because if you join a bg that is not new and it has a score of 2:0 and your team scores in 2 sec after you joined - level up

this cannot happen, you can know exactly if the warsong that pops is fresh, or in progess...

before you join queue, just look at the list of warsong (they are ordered by starting time), so for example if you see

Warsong gulsh 4

Warsong gulsh 2

Warsong gulsh 3

The next warsong gulsh will be either 1 or 5, and that's the one you will accept...if by any chance Warsong gulsh 4 2 or 3 pops, keep requeuing...sometime the box will instantly reappear for the same wsg if the number of people in queue is empty, so wait a couple of minutes and requeue...

After a while of mastering this technique you will always get inside a fresh bg...It is also not vitale to have a speed potion, get a gloves mount enchants and mithril spurs (as a rogue I have sprint, but sometime I don't even have to use it), so you should not need one in all bgs

But it's better if your exp bar has margin of error, anything can happen, disconnect never know...

btw can this get you banned ? have anybody got a GM talking to them about it ?

I'm doing this since a couple of weeks, to see how things goes, I think a lot of people reported me, at least I got a lot of menaces (up to IRL threat lol...), but I still didn't hear from GM yet...when it gets pretty heavy on bg chat, you can simply disable the displaying if you like, but I usually simply don't answer or anything unless ppl are friendly, there is a few that knows that anyway I try to make sure they are in a winning position before I leave at the end with 5-6min left (they can score 2 more), and I put the flag inside our room, they just have to grab it and score

There is also thoses retards that will spam their emote maccro, so I just reconfigured my interface to put the emotes in tiny little box of my screen, so if i get a dude spamming me, it will be like a fart in the wind...

The whispers, well I go easy shot, any bad whisper = ignore and it's done...

Easy routine after a while to handle the haters...

Morally I see the point (but this doesn't break any rules, since it's a pvp environement), Technically I don't see any wrong doing. You won't get banned because you suck at completing an objective in a battleground, well I admit I suck at scoring a flag... I might be wrong, I guess I'll know soon... this might decide either I keep playing wow, I stopped a few months anyway after ulduar, so I'm willing to take the heat guys...

Anyway I'll keep doing it, I think in a week or so I'll know for sure, yesterday I got one dude on a holy quest against me apparently, it was pretty funny, he was like building a case to plaid his case, with videos and stuff lol... Well if it work good for him, but he will be disapointed, I doubt I get perma ban without having any warning before hand...

But look guys we have no bg in no exp, and there is thousands of quests in game for thoses who wants to levelup...this is non sense of wanting to levelup in bg, it's real slow...

I have a few more tricks up my sleeve, I'm getting pretty good at it... I'll keep you posted if some are interrested

The best quote I have yet, very very redondant, I'm thinking of naming my guild like that :D, it's

"Let him die!"

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