EU+US How to make a 100 trial twink comprehensive guide.

Been playing BGs on my trial. 3 hours played, no gear upgrades aside from one 685 piece. Not locked yet.

Have artifact, no AP. Did some Garrison stuff too.
Okay, a technical question to you guys:

Possibly breaking the ilvl 780 barrier will lock us, because that's the ilvl required for dungeons - it did lock me out after getting 780. Now the question - if I find items with extremely high ilvl with extremely high stats - let's say chest with very high ilvl where the stat bonus from 640 chest is greater than what 640 boots (example) give, for example:

ilvl 800 chest 400 agi 400 stam
ilvl 640 boots 100 agi 100 stam
ilvl 640 chest 200 agi 200 stam

^ here getting +200 +200 from better chest is worth more than boots at all, so would it be viable to go with empty slots but very high ilvl in others?
Discuss pls

edit: the example above is unrealistic because it uses made-up stats so here goes:

ilvl 640 boots (Lightdrinker Boots) +138 Agility +207 Stamina +105 Critical Strike + 70 haste
ilvl 640 armor (Lightdrinker Jerkin) +184 Agility +275 Stamina +122 Critical Strike +122 Haste
ilvl 759 armor (Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard) +555 Agility +833 Stamina +496 Critical Strike +243 Haste

By using ilvl 1 boots with no stats and swapping Jerkin to Chestguard we are in total:
Agility 555 - (184+138) = +233
Stamina 833 - (275+207) = +351
Tertiary stats also on +, cba to count

item level is divided by 16, so dropping boots for ilvl 1 boots will drop me by 639:16=39,93 (let's say 40) and getting the chest is +119 ilvls from the chest (+7,4 let's say +8) so I'm getting a shit ton of stats while losing 32 ilvl.

Seems logical (PvE only ofc), what do you guys think?
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Okay, a technical question to you guys:

Possibly breaking the ilvl 780 barrier will lock us, because that's the ilvl required for dungeons - it did lock me out after getting 780. Now the question - if I find items with extremely high ilvl with extremely high stats - let's say chest with very high ilvl where the stat bonus from 640 chest is greater than what 640 boots (example) give, for example:

ilvl 800 chest 400 agi 400 stam
ilvl 640 boots 100 agi 100 stam
ilvl 640 chest 200 agi 200 stam

^ here getting +200 +200 from better chest is worth more than boots at all, so would it be viable to go with empty slots but very high ilvl in others?
Discuss pls

edit: the example above is unrealistic because it uses made-up stats so here goes:

ilvl 640 boots (Lightdrinker Boots) +138 Agility +207 Stamina +105 Critical Strike + 70 haste
ilvl 640 armor (Lightdrinker Jerkin) +184 Agility +275 Stamina +122 Critical Strike +122 Haste
ilvl 759 armor (Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard) +555 Agility +833 Stamina +496 Critical Strike +243 Haste

By using ilvl 1 boots with no stats and swapping Jerkin to Chestguard we are in total:
Agility 555 - (184+138) = +233
Stamina 833 - (275+207) = +351
Tertiary stats also on +, cba to count

item level is divided by 16, so dropping boots for ilvl 1 boots will drop me by 639:16=39,93 (let's say 40) and getting the chest is +119 ilvls from the chest (+7,4 let's say +8) so I'm getting a shit ton of stats while losing 32 ilvl.

Seems logical (PvE only ofc), what do you guys think?
780? do you mean 680?

but yes 1 ilvl 800 piece is as good as 2 mythic hfc pieces (around there) so getting a few high ilvl pieces especially in high stat budget slots will br better
Yes, I meant 680 obviously :) and thanks for the reply, will post results soon-ish
I'm very very curious as to the outcome of this testing.

This could potentially mean artifact plus WoD and lower content on a free lvl 100

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I'm very very curious as to the outcome of this testing.

This could potentially mean artifact plus WoD and lower content on a free lvl 100

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The vision I have in my head is artifact + BiS BoEs for level 101 + level 1/lowest green items for mog for max PvE stats and wpvp stats.
To test that, well, I need tons of gold as one BiS piece is easily 40k at my server, so running around with herb/mining :p
If this takes off I'm ready to roll 100s.

However, it's hilarious that accidentally equipping a wrong piece once will cost you $60.
Not if you invest in BoEs.
so this was blizzards plan all along. start by giving a lot of freedom to class trials. once a lot of players obtain items that they do not want to lose, impose tighter restrictions so they will be locked out. and now players will have "no choice" but to spend $60. you should have known better than to fall for blizzards scam. didnt the words class (nigerian) trial (prince) sound a bit fishy?
Trials can level CONFIRMED!

Did not start the timer once I dinged either. 7 hours played so far!

Went through the Broken Isles scenario. Got a 700 ring and a 685 trinket and wep, no lock. Also got Aliana's Bonnet since I usually play on horde, pretty nifty. Also, what classes can go to their class halls before completing the questline aside from warriors?
Currently 673 ill let you know when i get closer
I'm curious what the max level you can get on a trial is.

On the assumption that the trigger is indeed ilvl, theoretically we could have low ilvl 110's, usable for farming WQ's and AP and all old content.

Maybe a resurgence of WoD content?

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I tried opening a ticket to ask about some more info on the timers, but they didn't really give me anything except the obvious statement that they have limited time. I am kind of tempted to make a trial and just not touch it..but afk on it and start a timer, to see if each one has a set in stone timer, unless that has already been 100% confirmed not to exist.
Got 40 hours on my account so ill let the Vets know if you can still play after it expires

Really appreciate the info. I have a lot of ideas I want to use the class trials for but I really don't want to run the risk of it being locked and losing investments.

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