How to join the Aerie Peak F2P Community! START HERE!

Do we HAVE to download the chat addons/channel to be a part of the community? I don't have a F2P twink on Aerie Peak yet, but seeing how you guys have so much fun, I'd LIKE to x) However, I have no idea how to download the addons on a Mac.

Sorry if I'm breaking a rule or something by posting on this thread, but I'm still new to these threads. I've been twinking on Onyxia, and Onyxia = most boring realm ever. Thanks
You only need the addons to be able to chat in the chat channel. You can of course still join AP and meet people the normal way. I assume it would be possible on a Mac too, but I'm not familiar enough with them to say for sure.
Thanks for responding so fast

Is there a thread somewhere with just some generic information, like where Alliance/Horde players hang out and stuff like that? Sorry, like I said, new and learning
Thanks for responding so fast

Is there a thread somewhere with just some generic information, like where Alliance/Horde players hang out and stuff like that? Sorry, like I said, new and learning

Yes there is! It's actually this thread... the end of the first post contains as much information as I've been able to collect from the players.

The instructions for downloading the addons, by the way, are the same for both a Mac and a PC. I took that into consideration when writing it. All you basically have to do is drop the downloaded folder into the specified folder in your WoW installation. Have faith!

It's still totally possible to be a part of the community without them, but it's just exceedingly difficult to communicate with anyone or for them to know you're online. There's a limit on trial accounts where they can't send tells to someone unless that person has you on their friends list, and that's what the addon takes care of. But if that's your situation, I'm sure you can make it work!

I look forward to seeing you around!
Gurubashi is a good place to meet people. The same with the BB fishing tournament, and just in BGs. Once you find people you get along with and play well together with, you'll soon find yourself filling up your friends list fast.

That said though, if Ciroe is confident that they work on Mac, which I assumed they would, then I'd give downloading them another try.
Thanks so much for your help guys :)! I'll try downloading them again later, I need to get some sleep now.

And, I have seen Kincaide in some WSG matches
I'm Jaine @ Stormreaver or Raptured @ Onyxia. I was thinking about making a Horde character on Aerie Peak but I haven't decided yet. thanks again :)
Really curious. In your sig i see a warrior with BoA's. Really curious how you got those on a F2P.
Same way anyone gets them. They're 3375 honor points each. I've actually been taking screenshots since yesterday for my new sig pic, since I recently got my shoulders.
All addons will work the same on both a Mac and a PC; I am running them on a Mac.

Good luck.
If you're new, you may as well use F2PAddon version 1.2.1 beta. It'll save you having to download and install seperate parts that do the same thing, and save you from getting your chat spammed with gibberish when people start using future versions that no longer work with F2PChannelToFriend, F2PChat, and F2PAchi.
This probably means I need to update the link and procedures in this how-to. I will definitely do this when I get home tonight. Glad to see your add-ons thread got moved and stickied, Yasueh!
Winrar won't work on OS X, its only for windows. Windows has had native support for zip files for 10 years now to expand them without needing anything else. Doesn't OS X have it by now also?
i still cant uncompress, i click f2p addon, then it says i neeed to make archive or sumething and so i do then press extract and nothing happens?

The archive file handler included with OSX is generally considered crap, and should be one of the first things you replace.

You want to right click (or command-click if you've got one of those neutered Apple mice) the link, and select 'save as'. There's a chance your web browser isn't configured to pass the .zip file over to the right program to open it. If you save it to the desktop/your downloads folder/wherever, your operating system has a better chance of doing the right thing with the file.

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