How to gear your 70 for PVE

You aint no dps Spirit, your a healer !

Let's get the thread back to On topic tough.
The trinket was hot-fixed in last patch.

And no, Satina. I base the info on experience, not the random chances. Even as my gear is so "shit", I've never ever been beaten in DMG by anyone. There was only one mage in the old iddqd (Dimsal) who was near meh! x)

CYANIGOZA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Where you EVER in a raid with me in Born to Survive?!?!?! i was top dps on every single boss fight! i peaked at 16k dps in the 10 man SWP we did! I have never been beaten in any dps fight... only one getting close to me was spiritflow on our 15 minutes dummy fights... and i still topped him with my 6.3k dps over his 5.9k! so if you ever again claim to be the best dps imma choke you once i get my new mage lvled to 70!! Yes that's right! i'm coming back! Thanks to Spiritflow and Likeaduck
love you guys, you made 70 twinking fun for me. I left because you went inactive in 70!
CYANIGOZA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Where you EVER in a raid with me in Born to Survive?!?!?! i was top dps on every single boss fight! i peaked at 16k dps in the 10 man SWP we did! I have never been beaten in any dps fight... only one getting close to me was spiritflow on our 15 minutes dummy fights... and i still topped him with my 6.3k dps over his 5.9k! so if you ever again claim to be the best dps imma choke you once i get my new mage lvled to 70!! Yes that's right! i'm coming back! Thanks to Spiritflow and Likeaduck
love you guys, you made 70 twinking fun for me. I left because you went inactive in 70!

CYANIGOZA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Where you EVER in a raid with me in Born to Survive?!?!?! i was top dps on every single boss fight! i peaked at 16k dps in the 10 man SWP we did! I have never been beaten in any dps fight... only one getting close to me was spiritflow on our 15 minutes dummy fights... and i still topped him with my 6.3k dps over his 5.9k! so if you ever again claim to be the best dps imma choke you once i get my new mage lvled to 70!! Yes that's right! i'm coming back! Thanks to Spiritflow and Likeaduck
love you guys, you made 70 twinking fun for me. I left because you went inactive in 70!

Looking forward to your return mate!
May i add that you can change the glove enchant with a 28 spellpower and then put a 20 hit gem somewhere instead of a 20 int gem? ;D it gives 8 spellpower more but less mana.. but i find it worth it

20 intellect grants 22 spell power and a portion of crit on top of the mana. If one were to aim for absolute optimum DPS, they would forego the hit cap and use 28 SP instead of 20 hit on the gloves while keeping all gems as intellect. Of course, the difference in DPS between these two choices can probably be counted on one hand, and I felt it was a fair sacrifice in order to reduce any element of RNG in the cycle.
Is there any reason why http://www.wowhead.c.../vengeance-wrap is not listed as BiS for ret/fury/arms/dks?

For Death Knights there is a very good reason. Both Frost and Unholy have such high strength multipliers (and the Ghoul inherits only strength - not AP) that Cloak of Darkness comes out far ahead.

For Paladins and Warriors, the difference comes out to 1 crit vs. 1 AP + 2 hit, since their only strength modifiers are plate spec and BoK. For rets who with the current BiS list lie at 7.98% hit, the only essential difference is 1 crit vs. 1 AP. The crit rating is superior in this respect, and Cloak of Darkness is thus better from a DPS perspective. Of course, this is a ridiculously small difference (less than 1 DPS), and I'll wager there are many paladins who would forego that in order to ensure that none of their attacks ever miss, even if it's only one in 500. On that basis, I've changed the cloak in the ret chardev.

Arms Warriors are already over 8% hit in their Chardev, and Cloak of Darkness can therefore be assumed to be the superior choice. Fury, while over the soft cap, benefits to some extent from additional hit rating, and Vengeance Wrap has been added to both SMF and TG.

Thanks for the heads up!
This wont be possible sadly, he leveled his mage to 85.

Do you even read topics or do you just spam the 'reply' button for a higher postcount? It's pretty annoying to see you only add useless replies to topics, eventhough I don't even know you or whatsoever. Anyway, he already said like two times that he's leveling a new mage.
Do you even read topics or do you just spam the 'reply' button for a higher postcount? It's pretty annoying to see you only add useless replies to topics, eventhough I don't even know you or whatsoever. Anyway, he already said like two times that he's leveling a new mage.

That makes no difference till the point where his new mage is exactly geared as his old one.

Now please let the thread stay on topic.

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