How to: Farm timewalking instances

Here’s what I did that doesn’t make you wait ten minutes..

-finish dungeon and wait until your group leaves
-invite twink from high level toon outside dungeon and in different zone
-make the twink leader of group
-logout of twink
-wait a couple minutes until it automatically makes the high level toon leader
-reset dungeon
-login twink and farm

I just did this so can confirm it works.
Thank you so much for this! I had no idea we could do this - I was after the boots from FoS but with 11 items in the drop pool I wasnt looking forward to that much TW spam. Farmed them today in like an hour :) You and OP are the best
I am not getting loot in TW LK dungs with log out method. Anyone else experiencing this? 4 runs zero loot only badges

Besides RNG, there are fewer bosses. The only "extra" boss in a dungeon not on the list is Eck the Ferocious in Gundrak
Whats the point in farming it in TW vs not TW? badges? easier to just que and run
Gear. Ot just tmogs. I can take a ton of runs to get a particular item to drop. Not TW but I'm after a particular plate belt from the hydra in Underbog and I've run it something like 70+ times and it still hasn't dropped.

So take WotLK TW that just ended. There are only 2 bosses in 2/6 dungeons that drop 2H Warrior weapons. You waste a lot of time in random equeues if that's all you want. I had to run a lot of tW dungeons to get mine. Same for shields (2/6). I think both are more common in Classic TW and there are more bosses per Classic TW dungeon.

If, like me, you have a second account, I'd highly recommend having another toon on auto-follow for the dungeons to give yourself another loot chance as you can trade the gear. Doesn't work with F2P for this reason. It has to be a paid account. Still, even if you pay $15 for a month you can save a lot of time.
This might be common knowledge (although I haven’t seen it mentioned before), but I’ll put it here anyway: When a TW-week ends you can actually continue farming a TW-dungeon from that expired TW-week after it has ended.

You just need to log out inside a TW-dungeon before the TW-week ends. Afterwards, when the TW-week has ended, you will be able to log in inside that “expired” TW-dungeon where your toon logged out and still farm it in TW-mode. Right now, I’m repeatedly farming Dire Maul on my lvl 10 pala even though the Classic TW-week ended yesterday (in EU).

In other words: If there’s an item you need badly and you didn’t manage to get it to drop before the TW-week expires you can just log out inside that particular TW-dungeon before the TW-week ends, and you should be good to go ;)
still works, just ran three players in WOTLK dungeons that i left inside. the item drops still scale as they did during the TW event item level 56 for my 10s
Does anyone know if you make a twink on a trial account how do you get quick gold to cancle xp and get flying? I want to boost my mains alts with it and but not sure how to get to the point of op twink quickly without paying for another account
Does anyone know if you make a twink on a trial account how do you get quick gold to cancle xp and get flying? I want to boost my mains alts with it and but not sure how to get to the point of op twink quickly without paying for another account
Boosting doesn't really work with twinks. Why? Since BFA (?), Blizzard has reduced your XP by 95% if you queue with an XP-locked toon, I think because people were boosting islands with XP-locked 110s.

A lot of people, myself included, thought it might work because it was common in Remix but in Remix most people were using 20 HOly Priests on F2P accounts so they weren't technically XP-locked. In fact, you keep accruing XP, you just don't level. Technically you could escape Pandaria and create an XP-locked toon in Remix but most people didn't do that.

Now if you happen to randomly end up in a group with a twink then you will get normal XP. You just can't queue in the same group. I tried this morning to end up in the same group as my alt and had no success. I queued both as DPS at the exact same time like 8-9 times in a row and our queues never popped simultaenously. Maybe you can get lucky but it's hard to arrange.

It's hard to stay in a group with a twink too because in TW, as of lately anyway, the healer always leaves. This is kind of dumb. They may have "instant" queues but they're not really instant. And what's better, an instant queue followed by a 10 minute clear or a 2 minute wait for a 4 minute clear?

Compounding all this there's a bug that if a full group in the dungeon queues and some unknown condition happens, the queue says "2/3 DPS". It fixes itself in ~2 minutes but you have to explain to people it's a bug, people will try leaving and re-queueing (which doesn't help) or, most likely, the healer will just leave. And if you're a twink queueing as tank (eg Fury Warrior, MW Monk) then you're better off queueing with as few DPS as possible so you may as well leave too.

Oh and that "2/3 DPS" bug has been a thing since at least 8.2. I found reports of the bug from 2019. It could be an anti-twink measure or triggered when the dungeon clears too fast. I really don't know. Some have speculated it's because of instance limits but I'm 99% sure that's not the case, in part because you NEVER see the bug when it's less than a full group.
Boosting doesn't really work with twinks. Why? Since BFA (?), Blizzard has reduced your XP by 95% if you queue with an XP-locked toon, I think because people were boosting islands with XP-locked 110s.

A lot of people, myself included, thought it might work because it was common in Remix but in Remix most people were using 20 HOly Priests on F2P accounts so they weren't technically XP-locked. In fact, you keep accruing XP, you just don't level. Technically you could escape Pandaria and create an XP-locked toon in Remix but most people didn't do that.

Now if you happen to randomly end up in a group with a twink then you will get normal XP. You just can't queue in the same group. I tried this morning to end up in the same group as my alt and had no success. I queued both as DPS at the exact same time like 8-9 times in a row and our queues never popped simultaenously. Maybe you can get lucky but it's hard to arrange.

It's hard to stay in a group with a twink too because in TW, as of lately anyway, the healer always leaves. This is kind of dumb. They may have "instant" queues but they're not really instant. And what's better, an instant queue followed by a 10 minute clear or a 2 minute wait for a 4 minute clear?

Compounding all this there's a bug that if a full group in the dungeon queues and some unknown condition happens, the queue says "2/3 DPS". It fixes itself in ~2 minutes but you have to explain to people it's a bug, people will try leaving and re-queueing (which doesn't help) or, most likely, the healer will just leave. And if you're a twink queueing as tank (eg Fury Warrior, MW Monk) then you're better off queueing with as few DPS as possible so you may as well leave too.

Oh and that "2/3 DPS" bug has been a thing since at least 8.2. I found reports of the bug from 2019. It could be an anti-twink measure or triggered when the dungeon clears too fast. I really don't know. Some have speculated it's because of instance limits but I'm 99% sure that's not the case, in part because you NEVER see the bug when it's less than a full group.
I think that the "2/3 DPS" bug is actually just because characters with their XP locked have longer queues. I was recently subbed and my queues with healers and tanks were regularly 5-10x longer than the dungeon finder said it would be. Now that I'm no longer subbed and my 20s have their xp back on, the queue times are normal again (but my 10 Druid whose XP is still locked still has the long queues).
I think that the "2/3 DPS" bug is actually just because characters with their XP locked have longer queues. I was recently subbed and my queues with healers and tanks were regularly 5-10x longer than the dungeon finder said it would be. Now that I'm no longer subbed and my 20s have their xp back on, the queue times are normal again (but my 10 Druid whose XP is still locked still has the long queues).
I queue my MW and Fury as tank so why should it show 2/3 DPS?

I do agree it's twink-related somehow. I'm just not sure how.
Boosting doesn't really work with twinks. Why? Since BFA (?), Blizzard has reduced your XP by 95% if you queue with an XP-locked toon, I think because people were boosting islands with XP-locked 110s.

A lot of people, myself included, thought it might work because it was common in Remix but in Remix most people were using 20 HOly Priests on F2P accounts so they weren't technically XP-locked. In fact, you keep accruing XP, you just don't level. Technically you could escape Pandaria and create an XP-locked toon in Remix but most people didn't do that.

Now if you happen to randomly end up in a group with a twink then you will get normal XP. You just can't queue in the same group. I tried this morning to end up in the same group as my alt and had no success. I queued both as DPS at the exact same time like 8-9 times in a row and our queues never popped simultaenously. Maybe you can get lucky but it's hard to arrange.

It's hard to stay in a group with a twink too because in TW, as of lately anyway, the healer always leaves. This is kind of dumb. They may have "instant" queues but they're not really instant. And what's better, an instant queue followed by a 10 minute clear or a 2 minute wait for a 4 minute clear?

Compounding all this there's a bug that if a full group in the dungeon queues and some unknown condition happens, the queue says "2/3 DPS". It fixes itself in ~2 minutes but you have to explain to people it's a bug, people will try leaving and re-queueing (which doesn't help) or, most likely, the healer will just leave. And if you're a twink queueing as tank (eg Fury Warrior, MW Monk) then you're better off queueing with as few DPS as possible so you may as well leave too.

Oh and that "2/3 DPS" bug has been a thing since at least 8.2. I found reports of the bug from 2019. It could be an anti-twink measure or triggered when the dungeon clears too fast. I really don't know. Some have speculated it's because of instance limits but I'm 99% sure that's not the case, in part because you NEVER see the bug when it's less than a full group.
Well given that there is a macro to bypass the issue, It will be fixed soon, bliz already said they were aware and are working on it. But who knows how long. I have level 11 twinked over 1000 TW dungeons now since the start of the anniversary event. Even with a full group, you CAN get up to a 4 minute wait between dungeons. Ive also seen it literally take 5 seconds. But My level 11 can clear every tw in under 4 minutes. So max 8 mins a run. But more often, its a 2minute wait, so 6 minutes is more closer to average. Level 20s even min maxxed gear isnt as strong as 11. Ill take the delay between dungeons, I even have macros to explain things. I usually get a full group to stick with me till Im done. But Ive had alot of compliments from other TW runners thats ran with other twinks. Specifically Im not a "rush puller". I ensure I have aggro on everything, I watch my threat monitors on party members, I usually take everythying down to 10% health if not kill it and let the team wipe up the last 10% so I gain my war speed buff between kills.

I can boost a toon from 10-80 in less than 4 hours. I dont sell boosts, but a guy did "tip" me 250k for letting him stick with me while I was boosting my alt.
Well given that there is a macro to bypass the issue, It will be fixed soon, bliz already said they were aware and are working on it. But who knows how long. I have level 11 twinked over 1000 TW dungeons now since the start of the anniversary event. Even with a full group, you CAN get up to a 4 minute wait between dungeons. Ive also seen it literally take 5 seconds. But My level 11 can clear every tw in under 4 minutes. So max 8 mins a run. But more often, its a 2minute wait, so 6 minutes is more closer to average. Level 20s even min maxxed gear isnt as strong as 11. Ill take the delay between dungeons, I even have macros to explain things. I usually get a full group to stick with me till Im done. But Ive had alot of compliments from other TW runners thats ran with other twinks. Specifically Im not a "rush puller". I ensure I have aggro on everything, I watch my threat monitors on party members, I usually take everythying down to 10% health if not kill it and let the team wipe up the last 10% so I gain my war speed buff between kills.

I can boost a toon from 10-80 in less than 4 hours. I dont sell boosts, but a guy did "tip" me 250k for letting him stick with me while I was boosting my alt.
There's a macro to bypass the 95% XP nerf for queueing with XP locked twinks?!?!
Is the macro only needed when forming the group, after the initial dungeon, can we just queue normally as party ?
Is the macro only needed when forming the group, after the initial dungeon, can we just queue normally as party ?
Correct. Its to form the group. then you and the boostee toon never leave instance group. You can leave dungeon. but not instant group. Like I said, If using (1) version macro to enter into regular dungeon finder or TW, Then you as the booster have to be the LAST left to enter at that point use the macro and it should port you to dungeon and no one will have the buff. Use this at your own risk though.
This is going to be very helpful if youre interested in farming the old naxx gear.

Make 4 f2p accounts. Pick any 4 toons you want and get them to 15(i say 15 here incase you want to do this outside of tw). Run all your graphics on 1 if you have a crap pc.
run 5 instances of wow. your main, and 4 f2p accounts.
invite them all to your mains party.
Save this instance to farm once classic is done
and run them all on follow and clear the dungeon. Thats 5x scourgestones per boss. If you have alts to level, use a twink on one of the f2p accounts and use alts to save the instance.

To maximize this. Boost all f2p to 20 unless youre using a f2p twink. Take your f2p tw badge/scourgestone farmers to bc and get all the socketed gear you can. It doesnt matter if its the correct armor for your toon or not. cloth, leather, mail. Maybe make all your farmers plate so they can wear anything. Fill them up with the shadowlands sockets to get speed cap at level 20. Have them follow your main with a speed set. or your twink at speed cap.

Now that f2p can use the warbank lol. I feel like thats broken. So youre looking at 500 sourgestones an hour.

Im building a team of 20s for this next lol. Im getting that stuff done so I can sell the transmog
I've tried this method a few times, and it definitely speeds up farming. Having a second account to reset the instances without waiting the full 30 minutes is a huge time-saver, especially when you’re after specific loot or rewards. The timing can be a bit tricky, though—if you don’t get the log out/in windows right, it can mess up the reset. But once you get the hang of it, it really makes things more efficient, and the extra account helps keep everything rolling smoothly.
You're a god for posting this. It helped me get soooo many specific pieces I was farming for endlessly in horror. Thank youuuuu. :D
yeah this is a life saver, but does anyone know a good addon or wa script that can track your instance reset count properly ? (savedinstanced doesn't work, it only shows 1 instance) I'm burning through the dungeon so fast that it reaches the 10 per hour limit and it kick you out of the saved instance.
So, for anyone interested, I farmed Strath for the sword yesterday. I installed WoW Open Box (which is fine, only input broadcasting is prohibited AFAIK) using a full 5 man group (2 accounts plus 3 F2P accounts). I used 4 warriors and a druid (I needed something that could queue heals). After 4 or so TW instances I got Strath and then farmed it.

Here was my process for repeating it:

1. Pass lead to the druid (on F2P account);
2. 4 warriors would log out
3. Druid would Dreamwalk out;
4. Druid reset the instance. It would say Stratholme reset;
5. Main warrior logs in. Now at the entrance of a fresh instance;;
6. Pass lead back to the warrior. Druid can now use "Teleport to dungeon";
7. Other warriors log in.

So no 10 minute wait or burning double instances.

RIP one of my F2P twinks though. The mount dropped and you have to be level 17 to learn it. Unlocked XP to level up and learn the mount. Have to make another one.
nice tips using a druid to dreamwalk out, gotta try this tonight.

BTW, when does it count as "double instances" using reset ?

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