How to cope with Gurubashi Arena level 90 trolls?


I'm farming x2 AGM at the moment on my Mage without realm hopping or help.

I know there will be 90's there and other Twinks after the chest and that's fine. I'm there almost every 3 hours, setting my alarm for 3am, 5am, 8am and I sometimes get the chest then. (I'm on 4 trinkets), I have been farming for about a week solid now. (as I finally decided to take AGM seriously)

However, lately I have been turning up and almost every 3 hours for the last 2 days two level 90's have been turning up, killing me and camping my body in the Arena, then saying to me (They are Horde) stuff like...





What I am seeking out of this Thread is some advice on how to control my f***ing rage at them. I am going to carry on farming AGM and will carry on getting camped every 3 hours, but at the moment i'm struggling to handle this.

Any similar stories? Any guru advice?
Now repeat after me...

The best thing you can do when it comes to AGM is stay calm and persistent. I often times just queue from gurubashi. In terms of interaction with the trolls (if you don't have anyone who will help you) I often times contact people in /who stranglethorn before the chest drops. It usually goes like this:

Mocha: Hey there, I see you're in the area. Are you perhaps here for the Gurubashi arena?
90: Yeah I need the achievement.
Mocha: Okay well if you wouldn't mind on passing this time I would greatly appreciate it. The trinket for me is a BIS item and being a twink I will never out level it. If you help me get my trinket I will be more than glad to help you with your achievement on my main.
90: No thanks.
Mocha: Okay it's a shame but I understand.

This is what happens for me nearly every single time.

On rare occasions I will get the response that people are just there to kill others in which case they may perhaps be willing to assist you to an extent. Other than that there have been times where I have been able to ninja the trinket to due troll vs troll combat in the arena.

It just so happens that I am best friends with the top raiding guild on my server, Warpath, and their main focus other than raiding is achievement points. Merely being known on my home server has assisted me with many, many 90s who are willing to help me out. I have shown up to gurubashi with 23 raid-geared, fully buffed 90s.

Either find people who are willing to help you or try to ninja it. Sadly those are your only two options. If you mention that there are trolls who have been ruining the arena you may be able to get some people who want to take them out solely for that purpose.

Cheers mate and best of luck. I know that my response may not be the most helpful, but I believe that you already knew what you had to do upon creating the thread. Just know that the worst thing you can do is to rage back at the trolls.

Stay unemotional and stop trying to get it for about a week.

By that time they should at least stop going during the off hours giving you a chance to claim some. With crz it took me a month to get a agm on my alt, slow and steady whens the race.
The best thing you can do when it comes to AGM is stay calm and persistent. I often times just queue from gurubashi. In terms of interaction with the trolls (if you don't have anyone who will help you) I often times contact people in /who stranglethorn before the chest drops. It usually goes like this:

Mocha: Hey there, I see you're in the area. Are you perhaps here for the Gurubashi arena?
90: Yeah I need the achievement.
Mocha: Okay well if you wouldn't mind on passing this time I would greatly appreciate it. The trinket for me is a BIS item and being a twink I will never out level it. If you help me get my trinket I will be more than glad to help you with your achievement on my main.
90: No thanks.
Mocha: Okay it's a shame but I understand.

This is what happens for me nearly every single time.

On rare occasions I will get the response that people are just there to kill others in which case they may perhaps be willing to assist you to an extent. Other than that there have been times where I have been able to ninja the trinket to due troll vs troll combat in the arena.

It just so happens that I am best friends with the top raiding guild on my server, Warpath, and their main focus other than raiding is achievement points. Merely being known on my home server has assisted me with many, many 90s who are willing to help me out. I have shown up to gurubashi with 23 raid-geared, fully buffed 90s.

Either find people who are willing to help you or try to ninja it. Sadly those are your only two options. If you mention that there are trolls who have been ruining the arena you may be able to get some people who want to take them out solely for that purpose.

Cheers mate and best of luck. I know that my response may not be the most helpful, but I believe that you already knew what you had to do upon creating the thread. Just know that the worst thing you can do is to rage back at the trolls.


Thanks for the post Mocha, the only problem is i cant talk to 90s. I know i only have a few options but just wanted to read posts like yours. ><

thanks for the encouragement!
Well, I play on Vashj, and I actually only started there a little less than a month ago. I was able to get my trinket in like 2 weeks trying, and at first I was able to just go there, and typically get it every time. With 5+ twinks on friends list, and nobody out there to defend it. But as soon as I got about half way, people started noticing my fishing hat, and found out how close I was to finishing my trinket, and they started FLOCKING. The 90s were there a LOT more too, and to this day a bunch camp it. Only thing I can figure is, if you que from out there, you're showing 90s and 20s for that matter that you'll definitely be there for the next one, and are trying to camp it. Then they get jelly cause their laziness put their toons behind a toon you made less than a month ago, and want to camp it. Good thing everyone is rogues and hunters though, because I can beat both on my shaman.

My advice is, if you want to camp it, que from the Hardwrench Hideaway place or whatever it's called, not at the arena itsself. This WILL attract other 20s, as they will want to go for the trinket as soon as they notice you are. But, it's a good thing you're an actual skilled twink, because you can turn the tables on classes you SHOULDN'T be able to, as this bracket is mainly 12 year olds or retards. But all-in-all, this should reduce the amount of 90s that are there, because you wont be keeping them busy while you're out there (giving them somebody to camp, getting a negative reaction, since they don't have any rating to go get or anything.)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I made buddies with a 2.2k rated disc priest, which is probably the highest rated on the server, and literally NOBODY that goes to the arena has any rating, so it's absolutely INSANE watching a single disc priest pull me, give me 250k bubble, fear, psyfiend, all while im opening the chest, then turn around and 1v5 people. Just shows how bad most people are at this game.
I don't really play F2P, but I can still relate to this. Trying to get AGM on a busy realm is a total bitch, and some 90's just seem to love ganking lowbies. I'm pretty certain it's a fetish. Anyways, best way to deal with these kind of idiots is take solace in the fact that you are above them, it really does help. Also, if you are there every 3 hours and they know that, just don't go there for a couple days. They'll get bored of comming because you don't show up and leave. This will cause you to be able to get some chests again. The best way still to get the AGM is by having a bunch of lvl 90 friends or someone realm hopping for you. You have tons and tons of idiots and morons in this game, but eventually you'll meet nice people at the arena. It will happen. I remember an amazing chest spawn where I tried to get it on my lvl 1 twink. I had no one to help or to realm hop and there were like 10 90's atleast. After trying to sneaky get the chest for 10 minutes and giving up all hope, the lvl 90 Alliance guys did /cheer at me and let me take the chest. After that I made an Alliance char and thanked them, their responce being they were there just for a fun fight, and that they would help me get it whenever they were there. My point is, there is that beautifull island of nice people, but you got to wade through the sea of dicks first.
Ugh, I remember on my f2p feral druid back in Cata, some alli 85 (Since my 20 was alli too), faction changed to Horde just so he could camp me. I stopped going to the arena so he factioned back to alli. What an asshole.

Best bet is just to avoid them, I tend to hide on top of the Arena using jumps and observe from there, most 90s won't find you. If there's one 90, I just queue for WSG and let him get it. If there are multiple, I just hope that they'll fight eachother and I'll ninja it.

Also, a good trick is to name your pets stuff so you can talk to 'em.
If you have a 90 friend with you who has a large mount, let's say, a 90 with F2P addon, you can ask him to stand over the chest with his mammoth. You start opening the chest, he gets on his mammoth, enemies can't see you, they have to AoE or tab to target you, and if they don't know you're there, that's awesome.

I've did that before on a level 1 twink, I got a friend to help me just by him standing on the chest with his mammoth while I opened it. <3
gotta ninja like a boss, besides for that its just time
If you have a level 90 on the server, you can open up 2 clients. Log into one on your 90 and type your info into the other. Once you've cleared the arena out, mammoth up over the chest and log into your twink who should be placed in the middle of the arena. Hide under your mammoth (the 90 will still appear to be online) whilst collecting.

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