How to cope with Gurubashi Arena level 90 trolls?

And if they use an AOE spell?

Depending on their comp.. they'll DC from the lag?

As for how I cope/handle it...


I know you said you aren't using help.

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Well..whatever you do, just dont show you are mad or they will keep doin that.
I find myself in largely the same situation for farming AGM (no realm-hopping or 90 support) and it can certainly be...frustrating. Best advice I can offer is to try and befriend some of the "regulars" who show up a lot - they may be willing to help you out if they're just there for the PvP.

The only time I've ever had success was when random 90s have invited/offered to help me, so you just have to get lucky sometimes.

Other than that, all I can say is remember that you're at a disadvantage here and keep your expectations low because it'll take a while.

Best of luck to you.
Real Talk: If you need a coping mechanism to deal with situations in a virtual world, then getting your arena trinket is the least of your worries and you're better off putting forth effort in re-aligning your priorities in life.

Chased me around the arena on mounts for 10 minutes, finally got me and spammed sit for 5 minutes. fun :D
Yes, the absolute LAST thing you ever want to do is let someone on to how upset you are getting. In a troll's mind, that means they have won the battle.
However, I find that if you remain silent and appear calm then the situation will avoid getting as hairy as it would if you acted angry.

Relish in the notion that said trolls are probably very lonely and sad creatures.

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