How to balance 19 dps

Shamageddon said:
I was under the impression they were getting a 100% weapon buff to Mangle/Shred (not that shred effects the bracket). If they started running around with Ravage it would be a lot more like rogues ambushing for 800+? What if they were to get Rip in the lower bracket? Feral druids aren't really a burst class. Maybe even throw them Skull Bash? I don't see any other way Druids can silence (apart roflstomp Taurens).

Mangle is indeed getting a buff but the nerf to rake compensates. By my maths ferals will have a negligible net buff of +2.5% due to this change. Introducing Rip would indeed make feral more interesting, but i make the numbers for a 5 point rip on a ap stacked feral equal to just under 140 damage per tick, which is too much. Feral sustainable damage is about right at the moment, and introducing rip in any form would increase that, so i don't feel that this is a good solution. Skull bash could work. The charge/interrupt would help compensate for their mobility nerf while not being OP on the 1 min CD, thats an alternative to bear bash. Im still not sure about ravage. I like the idea, and i do feel that giving a burst option would make the class less monotonous and more rewarding to play and it would raise the skill cap.
Ok, I have played Feral mainly 1v1 but have done quite a few warsongs from 4.0 and on. I currently have reason to believe that giving kitty dps Ravage or Rip would be the best for us. As we already have a DoT, Ravage would be much more useful, but i believe that tiger's fury would increase our dps more in the long run. I will post my Rake Dots crits and non-crits if needed so we can see the numbers. But as i said before, Kitties need some more utility in the bracket. Infected wounds is a well placed talent but i believe that it should be slightly buffed. I know this is coming from someone who is more likely to lean to buffs, but in reality, Feral will be so gimped with 4.0.6...That we will need some more utility. We currently have some of the best mobility in the bracket. Although our damage is steady, we have no burst. I for one can down pretty much anything (pally included) with my current steady dps. I also believe that healing at its current state for Ferals is decent enough for 19. We are a class that can be put on the field anywhere and prosper. But as I had stated before, if we were able to get Tiger's Fury and Ravage/Rip, I would be very content with the class.
Pretty much ready to do it now. Check back in the 19 section in a few hours and i'll have written up a draft of my recommendations to blizz.
Kore nametooshort said:
Pretty much ready to do it now. Check back in the 19 section in a few hours and i'll have written up a draft of my recommendations to blizz.

is this going to be the "how to balance level 19" groups, or are you making a new thread? also, how do you plan on sending it to blizzard, since i imagine, just posting it on a forum wouldn't be optimal. (i am sure you have this all figured out, i just wanna know how you'll do it =))
I rolled a fersl before snd got jeweled fishing pole... one shot.... one shot....oneshot, all ferals need is that pole and its gg. Spriest i feel is fine because at 85 their damage is so ridiculous that they can 2shot a full bloodthirsty prot pally, well, not 2shot but burst him down within 10seconds, so they should be bad at low levels so it is harder to get the massive damage reward at 85.I was in a bit of a rage earlier, 10 horde hunters vs me and 4 friends+ 4 ally with white gear on. Not my idea of fun. I think counterspell is fine at 4seconds, however a buff to it would make it op

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