How to balance 19 dps

dps recount data here:

19 healer discussion here:

balancing low levels discussion:

Right, its no secret that some dps specs are wildly overpowered compared to other ones so here i'd like to discuss which dps specs are unbalanced and how to make dps specs more balanced.

I apologise in advance for any incoherence, i wrote this all in one sitting and haven't spell checked it yet :D

My observations:

Feral: Lack burst. In 4.0.6 mangle receives a buff and rake a nerf, but over all the results in a net buff of about +2.5% dps. Lack utility especially considering the powershifting nerf and predstrikes->HT nerf.

Balance: pretty reliant on long cast times which isnt good. Starsurge hits too hard.

hunters: explosive shot hits far too hard. Autoshot while moving will be a buff too far. Too much utility and gap makers/snares. Pets die too easily.

Mage: Counterspell is OP, the lock out time is simply too long. Very squishy, when they take damage they really feel it.

Fire: about the right number of snares, not enough mobile dps, pyro is useless.

Frost: too many roots, 3 on short cool downs + frostbolts is too much and gimps melee.

Arcane: counterspell, let alone imp CS is over the top. Other than that i feel nova is a root too far, with CoC imp blink and mobile dps they are OP.

Paladins: ToT is an issue. Survivability is too high with FoL in its current state. Exorcism hits too hard.

ret: Hits far too hard, the hardest hitting spec in the bracket.

prot: hits too hard for a spec with its survivability, still has ToT issues.

Disc: higher dps than some dps specs. Penance one shots levelers, i know its supposed to be an offensive healer but there is a limit.

Shadow: pityful dps. Mind Blast receives a 60% buff in 4.0.6 but this isnt enough.

Rogue: Low damage, but good utility. They tend to look lost once someone survives an opener. Don't have much control over the sources of their dps.

Shaman: I felt like crying when playing mine because my survivability was so low. Purge is OP against some healers.

Elemental: Thunderpunt has too long a CD, its not necessarily there when needed. Reliance on lightning bolt for a lot of dps is a problem due to lack of gap makers and maintainers.

Enhancement: Good damage, but they find it difficult to maintain time on target when they achieve it.

Warlocks: I still need recount data on damage here. They are really squishy.

Warriors: ToT is a huge issue here. Lack of hamstring forces warriors into fury spec

Fury: damage is too high, utility too low

Arms: Damage too high, could use a tad more utility. Rotation is clunky and slow.

Possible solutions:

Feral: - Ravage and Bash

Balance: - Make typhoon the specialisation ability and starsurge can take its place in the talent tree.

Hunter: - Make movable autoshot only learnable at level 60.

- I think explosive shot in its current form is too strong for the bracket. I also don't think it's easily nerfable though it would be an option, however it might be better for the bracket if it was swapped with wyvern sting. This alone would lower hunter damage by 20% and would drastically lower their moving dps.

- Remove scatter shot and conc shot. Hunters already have two stuns (if BM and wyvern sting is surv) and a further disorientate is OP. With wingclip, stuns and disengage a skilled hunter should have enough tools to play well against melee classes, if they kept conc shot they would remain OP. Disengage likely has to stay to appease blizzards pve levelers.

Mages: - Make Blastwave the fire specialisation ability and put pyro in its place in the talent tree.

- Remove Counterspell from the bracket. It is OP. Playing from both a healers PoV and a mages PoV i have observed that it locks players out for too long for the bracket and isnt necessary for the mage to succeed, you have poly->fireblast, use it.

- Remove frost nova from the bracket (player only, keep pet one). This leaves frost with two roots, fire with two snares and arcane with a snare and still pretty damn good mobility. I feel as a mage myself that this would make me balanced CC wise.

- Give scorch to the bracket. Fire wants to be able to deal damage too, yo.

- Give mana shield. Especially considering the CC nerfs i have suggested mages survivability is low. This should fix them, mana isn't a problem anyway.

Paladin: I have suggested heavy nerfs to FoL in the healer thread, this will affect prot and ret heals as well.

- Give HoF, its integral to allowing Pallies ToT.

- Nerf Exo by 40%, it shouldnt be integral to pally dps without art of war.

Ret: Needs about a 30% nerf

- Nerf Templar's Verdict to 30/70/180% weapon damage in same manner as Ambush was nerfed.

- Crusader strike now scales with 75% weapon damage at level 19

Prot: needs about a 15% dps nerf

- Nerf Avengers Shield Damage substantially by 60%. With nerf to CS this would be enough.

Disc: - Nerf penance damage by 40%.

- Nerf Holf fire damage by 33%

- Mind Blast damage will be buffed by 60% to compensate somewhat.

- 20% buff to SW:p, needed to buff shadow.

This will end up as something of a 10% nerf while reducing their burst and reliance on penance

Shadow: - 60% buff to mind blast

- 20% buff to mindflay

- 20% buff to SW:p

These changes will put Shadow dps up with that of an arcane mage, but less mobile.

I only have data for sub.

Sub: Needs a 20-25% dps boost without affecting opening burst.

- 100% buff to sinister strike, it is surprisingly low.

- 35% buff to eviscerate.

This buffs dps and finishers enough to increase dps by just over 20%.

Shaman: - Giving Healing Surge fixes both resto problems and ele/enhance survivability. Assuming it is implemented as i suggested in the healer thread i dont feel that it would be OP.

- Give frost Shock. This allows elemental and resto some gap maintaining ability and escapability and gives enhancement a gap closing ability. Definately needed imo as shaman have no gap cooldowns and ghostwolf + EB totem is inadequate.

- Remove purge, it has no place in the bracket by being OP against some healers and not others, especially with no dispel resistance mechanics. It also means shaman can't ask for so much other utility if they already have purge.

Elemental: - With major glyphs thunderstorm has a largely reduced CD.

Enhance: - Fine with FS and HS.

Warlock: - Give Soul link. passive 20% damage "decrease" would make the difference.

- Give Sacrifice, a large shield with a long enough CD.

These will increase lock survivability enough to make them not die to the slightest burst.

Warrior: - Give hamstring

- Give Intercept and Berserker Stance

- 30% HS nerf in 4.0.6

- Give disarm

- Sunder armour removed from the bracket (to make space for more abilities)

Arms: needs roughly a 10% dps nerf and a less clunky rotation.

- Mortal strike now hits for 100% weapon damage at level 19

- Give overpower, but it only hits for 80% weapon damage at level 19.

- Make this a part of the arms specialisation "Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 40% chance of allowing the use of Overpower for 9 sec. This effect will not occur more than once every 5 sec." The talent taste for blood would then have its Overpower proc chance portion changed to an additional 0/30/60% chance.

I make this about a 10% nerf, an overall nerf to burst while a buff to how the rotation plays.

Fury: needs a 25% nerf.

- The only obvious way to nerf fury in addition to HS nerf is to drastically nerf bloodthirst. A 50% nerf would be necessary to achieve enough nerf to fury dps to make them not be OP when they get intercept.

Prot: Needs a 20-25% nerf for a spec with this much survivability

- With the 30% nerf to heroic strike the best way to acheive this would be to nerf shield slam of 50%
I'd let hunters keep conc shot and remove wing clip, that way if Melee gets on their ass they have to pop cds.
Evade said:
I'd let hunters keep conc shot and remove wing clip, that way if Melee gets on their ass they have to pop cds.

I think if melee go on their arse with either conc or clip they'd need to pop CDs, any competent hunter could reapply a conc shot in melee range, but with clip instead of conc the melee would have a better chance of getting onto the hunter. This point is still in debate in my mind however, we need to compare melee CDs vs hunter CDs. I think hunters have more CDs, thus they should get the snare that requires them to be in melee range rather than one thats reapplyable at range.
Yeah, hunters dont even need wingclip. Conc range is ridiculously close

.Frost shock for shamans-agreed

.how about lava surge for ele? Seems they need a nuke

.Intercept for warriors. right now they suck. And the dps nerfs you're suggesting are a bit ridic. They don't deal hardly as much as you're making it out to be
how about lava surge for ele? Seems they need a nuke

This is something i really considered, and yet again Im still undecided. Lava burst for a 19 ele would hit for about 350 with FS on target. Put this on a 1 second cast time with a 8 sec cool down and you have the potential for a lot of damage. On my elemental shaman i can still get relatively near the top of the charts with the tools i have at the moment and with a reduced CD on thunderpunt with glyphs and frost shock ele's will have more time to cast lightning bolt. As such i decided it was probably for the best to not give ele's lava burst. It would also have consequences for enhance and resto.

And the dps nerfs you're suggesting are a bit ridic. They don't deal hardly as much as you're making it out to be

All the dps values i went by are from this thread - If you think the data is inaccurate then please contribute some more data.
RET paladin is intersting, they lost ToT but they gained the heaviest burst in the bracket. Could be very situational and interesting for trap and eventual arenas
Grabco said:
RET paladin is intersting, they lost ToT but they gained the heaviest burst in the bracket. Could be very situational and interesting for trap and eventual arenas

hmm exactly, thats why i propose nerfing them so hard, im just not sure if its too hard or not. If their dps and burst becomes something like that of a rogues would HoF + HoJ be enough ToT to be effective? Would it be worth trying to incorporate part of either Pursuit of Justice or Long arm of the Law into the ret specialisation?
Regarding Hunters, Blizzard needs to nerf their damage by either A) lowering their damage moves' coefficients, B) lowering the damage on low level ranged weapons, C) raising the level requirement on some of their moves, or a combination of all of three. Survivability wise, simply make Disengage, Scatter Shot, and pet moves require level 20+.

Also, some of the changes you guys are suggesting are just plain stupid.
Pizza said:
Regarding Hunters, Blizzard needs to nerf their damage by either A) lowering their damage moves' coefficients, B) lowering the damage on low level ranged weapons, C) raising the level requirement on some of their moves, or a combination of all of three.

Indeed, i had considered option B but decided that option C was easier to implement.

Survivability wise, simply make Disengage, Scatter Shot, and pet moves require level 20+.

This would leave (assuming above changes) intimidation/wyvern sting and two near spammable snares. I don't think that this would be balanced or attractive to blizz. I think that disengage was likely made level 14 inorder to give hunters an easy CD to use at lowgame to help them with questing, as such i doubt they'll be willing to move it. With your changes hunters would be reliant on these snares to keep their distance while most other classes are being buffed to have a few cooldowns to gain distance. Hunters would find it difficult to maintain distance against classes with these CDs i think.
Kore nametooshort said:
Indeed, i had considered option B but decided that option C was easier to implement.

This would leave (assuming above changes) intimidation/wyvern sting and two near spammable snares. I don't think that this would be balanced or attractive to blizz. I think that disengage was likely made level 14 inorder to give hunters an easy CD to use at lowgame to help them with questing, as such i doubt they'll be willing to move it. With your changes hunters would be reliant on these snares to keep their distance while most other classes are being buffed to have a few cooldowns to gain distance. Hunters would find it difficult to maintain distance against classes with these CDs i think.

Why the hell would you give Hunters Wyvern Sting? Also, removing Wing Clip and Concussive Shot will never happen. They've had it since day 1 and need it.
Pizza said:
Why the hell would you give Hunters Wyvern Sting? Also, removing Wing Clip and Concussive Shot will never happen. They've had it since day 1 and need it.

I suggested wyvern because explosive shot is too powerful and giving surv a CC would make them more similar to BM and thus easier to balance and a large nerf to surve CC. I wasn't suggesting removal of both clip and conc, but rather one or the other.

I'm open to all suggestions though

Edit: I had another think about hunter damage. Nerfing explosive shot by 40% and ranged weapon damage by 27% percent would end in a net decrease in hunter dps of 30% while lowering their mobile dps and burst similar to that of an arcane mage.
Kore nametooshort said:
Feral: - Give Tigers Fury.

Yeah cuz feral druids already doing over 1k crits on my clothies are not enough... they need more burst

Kore nametooshort said:
- Remove Counterspell from the bracket. It is OP. Playing from both a healers PoV and a mages PoV i have observed that it locks players out for too long for the bracket and isnt necessary for the mage to succeed, you have poly->fireblast, use it.

I have got 2 healers myself and removing counterspell would hurt my mage alot more than it currently hurts my healers. Second of all I would like to know how you plan on interrupting a 1.5 sec heal with a 1.7 sec polymorph. As soon as I dont get the poly off before he starts his heal, Im done for. Speaking of ways to effectively use your abilities, you can fake cast and make mages waste their CS, use it.
Vincent said:
Yeah cuz feral druids already doing over 1k crits on my clothies are not enough... they need more burst

The only burst ferals have, even with the 4.0.6 mangle change is ferocious bite and for this they have to build 5 combo points and save 70 energy and then pray to the RNG gods. After that they sit there looking confused if the opponent didnt die. Feral's have to really nerf their damage before and after a ferocious bite to try for any sort of burst. Other than that their dps is relatively low compared to other dps classes. Also keep in mind the powershifting nerf they will receive in 4.0.6.

I have got 2 healers myself and removing counterspell would hurt my mage alot more than it currently hurts my healers. Second of all I would like to know how you plan on interrupting a 1.5 sec heal with a 1.7 sec polymorph. As soon as I dont get the poly off before he starts his heal, Im done for. Speaking of ways to effectively use your abilities, you can fake cast and make mages waste their CS, use it.

You aren't obliged to break the sheep immediately and healers (especially with nerfed flash heals) often chain heals together so you can still put the healer at a disadvantage. You are not guaranteed to pull off a fake cast, and even if you do you still have to eat a 4 second silence if the mage is arcane. The game isn't designed around 1v1 pvp and balancing 19's to be able to do every job will end in imbalance. Mages have great utility and really good mobile dps if arcane, so they don't need this ability to succeed in group pvp, and the spell lock out is just far too long healers in this bracket. If you're worried about losing survivability due to not being able to control casters so well you should keep in mind the suggestion for introducing mana shield.
Kore, are you really thinking Blizzard would change the talent trees for lower lvls satisfaction?
Vincent said:
And this isnt in any way equal to retribution paladins whom you are so eager to nerf? paladins got stun, feral got stealth, slow, roots, ranged dps and travelform, still both need to build up combo points. And I've yet to see a retri crit as high or do as good damage as feral druids, there's a reason there arent many retribution paladins but there are many feral druids. Ferals are already better and more useful in like every situation.[

Retri paladins do substantially more damage than feral druids given the same ToT, they are not comparable in the way you are assuming them to be. Ferals are entirely limited by energy and they never have enough, in order to create burst they need to sacrifice dps else where. Rets are only limited by ToT, mana is not a problem for them. Give them HoF and they gain alot of ToT meaning their damage rises substantially.

So your reason for nerfing mages is that the game isnt designed around 1v1 pvp? First of all I'd have to say the balancing should be just as much 1v1 as groups, and without CS mages wouldnt be able to beat anything that can heal and deal decent damage (read: druids, paladins, priests). And no this has nothing to do with survivability, simply being able to do anything against classes that can heal.

That is not what i am saying at all, you are misinterpreting what i am saying. Wow pvp is balanced primarily around group situations and around solo pvp next only if it satisfies the group aspect. As both a paladin healer, a druid healer and (as much as i can extrapolate from my shammy's limited abilities) a shaman healer i have found Counterspell to be game breaking in almost every situation where i have had it effectively utilised against me. As a mage i have found that counterspell gives me an unfair advantage against other dps casters in 1v1 because i can lock them out for almost all of the time it takes to kill them. As a mage i have found CoC, blink, sheep, frostbolt and arcane barrage as arcane enough to be more than useful on the O in WSG, as frost CoC, pet nova, frostbolt and sheep give me plenty of tools to be of great help on D. I don't see a way for CS to be implemented without being OP and i don't see an overwhelming need for it to be implemented for mages to be effective.

Lets take arcane mages as an example since you seem to feel they have wronged you in some way, lets say and rogue ambushes you, you'll blink, he will shadowstep and backstab, by now it is most likely that he got waylay on you already, and what can you do?. Even if you were to get off a frostbolt cast which is 2 sec and any decent rogue should be able to interrupt, you're still 50% slowed from waylay when he's just 40% slowed. And you would have to wait for the next blink to be ready before you could do anything and thats another 15 seconds. And if you havent got him slowed by then he can just sprint up to you again. And even if you got him slowed its just a couple of seconds before he can shadowstep again. Seems fair?

The situation you describe is a 1v1 scenario and as i said can only be expected to be balanced if it satisfies group balance, but even though there are various factors that could swing the fight into the mages favour: if the mage has his trinket off CD and the rogue might not, allowing the mage to use it and get away; the rogue might fail to apply waylay; the mage might be a gnome or goblin allowing him to use his racial to get away; a skilled mage could get a sheep on the rogue just after the first ambush allowing a Frostbolt cast and barrage and allowing a blink and CoC after the shadowstep or there might simply be a team mate or arena partner to help the mage out. While playing my mage i have been experimenting in the gulch with not using nova and i didnt feel gimped.

I can just defend the classes I have played and see how these changes would affect me.

Please do, it makes me rethink my suggestions and justify them hopefully making them better.

Xposure said:
Kore, are you really thinking Blizzard would change the talent trees for lower lvls satisfaction?

The suggestions that i've made to talent trees would have zero impact on endgame, so yes i would hope so.
Feral has more then enough burst. Nerf hunter damage by 20-30%, remove scatter shot. Done.

You can't expect blizz to go and rebalance the entire bracket. Just pray that if we beg enough they'll fix the biggest problem -- hunters.
Chanka said:
Feral has more then enough burst. Nerf hunter damage by 20-30%, remove scatter shot. Done.

You can't expect blizz to go and rebalance the entire bracket. Just pray that if we beg enough they'll fix the biggest problem -- hunters.

Theres no point not trying to balance the entire bracket. I've got a 10 thread long list of thread from just the last week about randomers complaining about the state of low level pvp, and thats only the posts i've picked up on from my vague browsings of the wow forums. Blizzard should be listening for feedback on low levels and i fully intend to supply that.

Simply "fixing" hunters won't do the job, that wouldnt make all healers equally viable, it wouldnt fix warriors, it would fix rets or any other specs that are in the poop at the moment.

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