Send game inv and claim it on same emal. max 8 license possible
I think it's 2 now. I tried to do this through maybe 4 months ago and it would only let me make 1 linked starter.
On that page (Summary) to the right under YOUR GAME ACCOUNTS there should be an option "+ Play for free" under the WoW tab.
If it isn't there, I'm confused. ^^
I think it's 2 now. I tried to do this through maybe 4 months ago and it would only let me make 1 linked starter.
Send game inv and claim it on same emal. max 8 license possible
So just to be clear, you say I do "Recruit a Friend" and send the invite to the email address I'm already logged into? Do I need to be active for Recruit a Fried? Looks like it...
I would like to have 2 trial accounts tied to my main one so they can all share gear and be played at the same time. The accounts are existing, could I use Account Merge for that? It it can't be done with existing account new trials would be fine.
I've managed to do that almost 1 year ago by GM livechat. Needed about 10 tries and talks with different GM's to actually get a nicer one that did the job for me.
If I go to my account management page it refuses to show me a "+Play for Free" button to add a US Starter account to my US, but it does show a button to add an EU starter.
If the account summary web page has limited you to just one trial on your bnet account (or blocked adding one at all), then it might be possible to get around the block the same way. While on that page, enter the following into the web browser's address bar (not search bar):