How long have you played WoW for? (f2p related)

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I see all these kids who suck at math boasting about their skills in battlegrounds because of how long they've played but can't even bring up one valid factoid that would legitimize their claims. Then today I saw this topic on the official WoW forums saying "Prove you played WoW before Wotlk". It brought up a very interesting point. Most of the good players who've played since vanilla don't even brag about it, but I was curious about the good players in the f2p bracket and who's been around the game for a while.

So post a screenshot or any proof you find deem-able of the claims that you've played WoW for a while. This isn't any show of skill, just want to see who's dedicated fans, for fun, not sport.

No bragging/Trolling/ Other Misc. Bullshit please.


(It continues up to this month, but all I screenshot were my earliest days.

Again, this isn't for bragging rights, just want to know who's been around a while and back.
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Reserved - I am @ the office atm. Something like 45-50 days :D... Just 1 main f2p char. 5 days I think is just afk in Halaa and DMF.

WotLK : Don't have any proof but was something like 55 - 60 days. ( 1 Main 69 Ret and 1 Bankpimp Lev 1 Rogue ).
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Can't put up anything cause my main account is all locked up :(

But I started just after Wrath around the Blizz anniversary in 2008 when they handed out the Baby Blizzard Bear, had it on a few toons :) I had only had the account for a few days at that point.
Middle to late TBC. Don't have any proof. Except maybe <No Turtles> of Cenarion Circle. Any of those characters might tell you the time period.

Haven't paid since the pre Cat talent change destroyed endgame. The referrals are from RaF. Chinese gold farmers sell game time for gold on some servers. I got some rockets this way too. Have played on and off through every expansion.

Haven't paid since the pre Cat talent change destroyed endgame. The referrals are from RaF. Chinese gold farmers sell game time for gold on some servers. I got some rockets this way too. Have played on and off through every expansion.

Wattzzsuuppp Kale?
I hate posts like this, but I feel the need.

@ La'Haryl / Lohkrah -
I would agree that a lot of your posts contain substance. That being said, I'm really getting tired of the hypocrisy/high horse. I've seen you multiple time call people out for being "that kind of forum user", yet you choose to respond to these people insultingly. If you really disliked trolling and drama you would just leave the posts alone; they tend to die out that way. However, I get the distinct feeling that you are similarly interested in starting drama and do so in a way that makes you look superior.

Please stop. Stay on topic, and ignore the trolls.

I'm certainly not trying to start anything, I just want to help have a more supportive community who can stay on topic for more than 2 pages.
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