How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

Swoopsies said:
haha ya.... now they get to run my next twink thru =P

lol, I wish I had another account, I would run myself through 80000 times. But since I don't, I'm settling with Gloves of Holy Might. :(
this thread does NOT give me much hope.

i'm at 25 runs, without seeing the bracers or gloves that i want. always stupid shoulders or boots. or owl gloves. so many owl gloves!
since the runs are so quick and you end up getting locked out after 5, you might as well kill mobs further back in the instance and take a chance at getting some of the super-duper rare BoEs that drop in the zone.

anyone have a method of what to kill when farming the BoE zone blues? maybe a specific path to follow so i'm not wandering around in pointless areas? or is clearing every mob in the zone the general rule of thumb?
Adt said:
since the runs are so quick and you end up getting locked out after 5, you might as well kill mobs further back in the instance and take a chance at getting some of the super-duper rare BoEs that drop in the zone.

anyone have a method of what to kill when farming the BoE zone blues? maybe a specific path to follow so i'm not wandering around in pointless areas? or is clearing every mob in the zone the general rule of thumb?

Antlers and I just cleared the whole instance. It was very easy but then again we were using mages. I still do not have Eagle shoulers or Healing gloves. Right now I have perfect Monkey shoulers and 8-8 Eagle gloves. Sigh. I will have to say that Revelosh feels like more of a pain than ST trolls.
i got eagle bracers the other night. and then got 8/8 eagle gloves today.

i am calling it quits on Revelosh. i'm not going to fuss over 1 stat point.

so i guess that puts my total Revelosh runs to around 40 before i got what i was after. i also got a not-perfect healing gloves today. maybe put them to use at some point, we'll see. nice to have them, though. even if they're not perfect.
They rigged it so 90% of the time an item with spirit will drop regardless of which one it is >.<
Honestly, I've lost count. Upwards of 300+ I'd say for Fiery Wrath. Never seen a pair of 9/8 Eagle gloves either.
I got 8/8 Eagle on hunter. 1 stat difference isn't making you win a battle or put more damage in BGs. Maybe just 100 more. Time is the most valuable thing you have in your life, so... :)
The easiest way i found to farm it is:

o Park your twink outside Uld.

o Park a high level character on a different account outside Uld.

(I would imagine a high level druid, pally, DK, or rogue are easiest)

You can dual box both characters or have a friend help.

Make sure they are partied and zone both characters in.

Immediately after zoning in, run the twink straight forward and leave him against the wall.

Run the high level character to ravelosh, kill him, loot, then run back to your twink.

Now, have the twink roll Need/Pass on the item that dropped, then zone out.

The high level character can now zone out.

Reset. Repeat five times every hour (or so).

I can easily do it on my friend's 80 DK. Almost every mob he passes attacks him, but the damage isn't anything to worry about. The only NPC dieing should be ravelosh wich isn't too much XP.
it took me 25-30 runs to get gloves of healing + 15 so i was very happy

now just need spaulders of natures wrath

something tells me ill have to do a fair few more runs for these :(
ok an update just finished my my 35th run and healing gloves +14 just dropped

why couldn't u of been nature shoulders :( cry
I did a solid 50+ runs for my eagle gloves. I took a buddy through to get his bracers of power and got them on the second run. sigh.
40 runs farming for healing gloves, then I realized eagle is better. 3 or 4x eagle had dropped by then and I had a spare pair. All of them were 8/8.
I have not seen healing gloves to date and I have ran 4 other people for their gloves. I don't understand why this place hates me so...

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