How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

got my revelosh gloves on lock in first 5 runs, ~200 on priest, ~150 for rogue which i never got gloves and got perfect gloves of monkey/shoulders in <50 runs on my udrogue that i ended up deleting b4 i finished ;/
55th runs the charm for a deadmans hand on my new war ;p
I've run 85 times over the past week. I have every pair of Revelosh gloves but Healing now. At least the WoW gods rewarded me with Prince Nazjak and Tidal Charm this weeking.

On a side note I'm co-running with a druid guildie of mine. He runs my 5 runs first hour, and we swap etc. On MY runs we got Revelosh's Gloves of the Eagle twice and Revelosh's Spaulders of the Eagle twice (the items he needs), and we've gotten Revelosh's Gloves of Healing on HIS runs. (at least he could use that and I could use the eagle/whale gloves I've gotten but meh, what a sham!)
I'm here to brag in my good fortune!

After doing over 70 runs to get some eagle gloves on my first twink. . .

I got two owl gloves, a perfect eagle, and a perfect set of monkey shoulders (not that I can use them). hehe. :D
recently I started these revelosh farmings.

Got some amazing luck including perfect "Owl" gloves, Eagle gloves, perfect "monkey" shoulders and gloves(dont need them), and 2 lots of perfect Fire power gloves.

Thats in 3 days, still looking for Healing.
Had every perfect combination now, in 100 runs. APART from monkey gloves. 8/8's dropped last night, oh well, at least i should be grateful i have them.
Got my of the eagle gloves on my 10th run, perfect ones, still looking for eagle bracers and eagle shoulders, though dont know if they are better than BoA shoulders. Done about 40+ runs now, with one perfect monkey gloves
It took me about two weeks, non-stop to get my Fiery Wrath ones. Which I heard was the hardest ones to drop. I don't even know how many runs it took. In the hundreds, I am sure. =(
I would have done about 45-50 runs..... but then I got lucky..... my healing one dropped and very next run Eagle dropped.... and I also got a pair of perfect firey as well :p
got my perfect eagle shoulders on my second run - And recieved the + healing bracers and gloves a few runs later! Guess i was just lucky :)

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