how is the 85 bracket?


hey, i might try the 85bracket so id like to know a bit about the it..
how are the random battleground queue times? EU-english realms
till which rating do you get regular 2v2 pops?
are there random oneshots like in the 70s bracket?
do you meet more than 1-3 fotm specs?

thanks ;)
hey, i might try the 85bracket so id like to know a bit about the it..
how are the random battleground queue times? EU-english realms
till which rating do you get regular 2v2 pops?
are there random oneshots like in the 70s bracket?
do you meet more than 1-3 fotm specs?

thanks ;)

didnt u make a thread about 70's or 80's a week ago?

imo 85 bracket is fairly unbalanced I assume they are still shamans at 87 or whatevr level u get asendance and rogues are just crazy. I could be wrong thou.
Used to be a active 85 twink guild on AD 6-7 months ago at that time they had insta que up til 5 min que for random bgs pretty sure they still had AV pops at that time.
didnt u make a thread about 70's or 80's a week ago?

imo 85 bracket is fairly unbalanced I assume they are still shamans at 87 or whatevr level u get asendance and rogues are just crazy. I could be wrong thou.
Used to be a active 85 twink guild on AD 6-7 months ago at that time they had insta que up til 5 min que for random bgs pretty sure they still had AV pops at that time.
i made a thread about 90, thanks for your response tho
No idea about EU, but US queue times are 10 mins -1 hour( it fluctuates).

You dont necessarily get one shotted'( except in arenas when vs'ing double combat or MM/rogue) its mostly dying in 2-4 global CDS with the main culprits being rogues,(they gain even more tools than at 70 or 80) hunters, rets, in that order

I have no idea about EU, but alliance is always stacked with fotm agility classes and only 2 races- humans and night elves.

I used to get pissed about it but now kinda just accepted it. US alliance stacks classes like rogue, hunter, feral, monks

Casters- players only play warlocks and mages sometimes boomkins. Shaman and spriest are almost non existent( especially alliance side they stack mages and warlocks-the better of the two casters)

Melee-Aside from every agility class, (except ench shaman) , Rets and DKS own and warriors are meh
bracket is a exaggerated mirror image of 20-24 bracket.

F2P's feed the 20-24 bracket
CATA capped players feed the 85-89 bracket. CATA capped 85s however can build a serious competive twink and is in a good scaling zone, however most 85's are broke and very ill geared

if or when MOP is added to the basic game package, this bracket will die, and 90-99 will be the next live bracket
What do I gem as a 85 warrior?

I´m looking to go without MoP items (Arms be mad OP).

What do I gem as Arms? Crit and Strength?

What do I gem as Prot? Mastery?
What do I gem as a 85 warrior?

I´m looking to go without MoP items (Arms be mad OP).

What do I gem as Arms? Crit and Strength?

What do I gem as Prot? Mastery?

my 85 only has gems in a helm and in belt due to buckle. MOP gear is easy, you can fill near all slots with drops farming rares and doing archaeology during a MOP 10 day trial. get your arch to 525 and do not train to go past that. there are alot of BOA weapons thru out MOP and there are guides where to look. last 10 day trial i did, i got near a set of doubles on all of them due to the expansion being done
my 85 only has gems in a helm and in belt due to buckle. MOP gear is easy, you can fill near all slots with drops farming rares and doing archaeology during a MOP 10 day trial. get your arch to 525 and do not train to go past that. there are alot of BOA weapons thru out MOP and there are guides where to look. last 10 day trial i did, i got near a set of doubles on all of them due to the expansion being done

Well thanks, but I don't want to gear with MoP gear :p

What gems did you gem in those 3 slots? Crit and plain Strength?
So far PvP has been okay and I'm running around in ~380 gear, there's a lot less twinks in the battlegrounds than there are at any other xp-frozen levels.

But I'm mainly doing it for PvE and to collect gear, apparantely I should gem crit on everything, but I like going for socket bonuses so I'll go for Strength and +hit as well.
getting MOP gear is easier than grinding 85 PVP gear.
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Grinding JP is so easy though, do Cataclysm normals, they take like 10 minutes and give 400 JP.

I like collecting gear and never played Cataclysm before, just going to collect all the tiers do some PvP for fun, raid with some people (maybe).
I like this bracket, and yes I play fotm rogue and a hpally for arena's I am 2400 on both and I have to say that most of all classes in this bracket are very viable (besides a select few). I've seen warriors, dk's, priests, even a shaman all at 2200 in this bracket - which did not win-trade to get their rating. Anyone with a bit of skill and half a brain can make it in this bracket easily, even this guy up here who complains how there's no spriests, he runs one himself and a lot of times ends up coming top of the charts 20-0 (unless ppl focus him)

Oh and yes I'd stack crit! Or Str/crit, plus with full DS H gear you can do very well in BG's... Your HP gets raised to about 300k (maybe a little under) but your gear is still scaled up to about 440-450 gear.
85 in a nutshell( just yesterday, but thats what u face as horde on a daily basis) endless amounts of 1550 ''human and night elf'' emoting kill farming kids who think they are hot shit when they kill u in a cheap shot but instead killed the bracket

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I don't get it, looks more like the hordes graveyard camped so much that alliances won't show up anymore.

The reason that it's easy to get 2.2k rating is ofcourse because there are people playing that haven't bought Cataclysm yet, it's the reason I got 1.8k during WotLK as 70 while running around in PvE-gear as Fury, winning like 30 fights in a row because there was no competition up until higher ratings.

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