how is the 85 bracket?

Just did a battleground for once, was okay, horde team had 7 hunters but we had Bursty, Ret Paladin with a Sun-Lute for the majority of the game, once (s)he left we lost one base and had to keep on to the last one for a while :p
Disgusting. I can't play the bracket for longer than 5 minutes. Doesn't matter if I play my shadow/lock or hunter.
2s pop fairly often and you don't get one shot often unless like OP said MM/CRogue literally the most faceroll and easy comp to play.
The following classes/specs can kill you in under 2 seconds, including but not limited to:

Mage, rogue, hunter, shockadin, Frost/UH DK, warrior, retri, shadow priests (with some ramp up time), locks.

It's not the technical 1-shots (big hits), it's the heavy HEAVY pressure some classes put out.
In battlegrounds I don't think anyone can one hit kill you right?

I've been doing BGs as prot warrior and it has been pretty funny. Shield Barrier and Revenge absorb almost all damage. Otherwise 2nd wind also ticks for 12k, so the last few K is a drag for enemies.
In battlegrounds I don't think anyone can one hit kill you right?

I've been doing BGs as prot warrior and it has been pretty funny. Shield Barrier and Revenge absorb almost all damage. Otherwise 2nd wind also ticks for 12k, so the last few K is a drag for enemies.

rets can 2 shot if they pop their swifty and hand of light procs up and rogues with trinket and procs up can ambush/ambush(100k+100k if both crit) and then 120k-200k evis cloth users like mages. Hunters can aimed/chimera and global or

or BM kill command 170k+ pet claw 50k crit+60k crit arcane shot or something and then do another kill command and ppl die in 6 seconds(Bm takes longer). Locks can do 100k back to back conflags too

Aylax already explained everything in his post

also wtf

I don't get it, looks more like the hordes graveyard camped so much that alliances won't show up anymore.

The reason that it's easy to get 2.2k rating is ofcourse because there are people playing that haven't bought Cataclysm yet, it's the reason I got 1.8k during WotLK as 70 while running around in PvE-gear as Fury, winning like 30 fights in a row because there was no competition up until higher ratings.
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rets can 2 shot if they pop their swifty and hand of light procs up and rogues with trinket and procs up can ambush/ambush(100k+100k if both crit) and then 120k-200k evis cloth users like mages. Hunters can aimed/chimera and global or

or BM kill command 170k+ pet claw 50k crit+60k crit arcane shot or something and then do another kill command and ppl die in 6 seconds(Bm takes longer). Locks can do 100k back to back conflags too

Yet once you enter a battleground, that hardly ever happens. Mainly because you don't 1 vs 1 there (and thus you don't use all your cooldowns in one go), but also because of scaling and the lack of real twinks in battleground (out of the 200 people maybe 1 or 2 can do what you described). I haven't done much BG's yet, but there was never one person kicking that much ass. I've seen one alliance rogue keep the 0 deaths, but everyone else always died atleast once.

There was an Orc Arms warrior doing good damage last time, but he bladestormed into a pack of alliance and then died.

also wtf


You posted a screenshot about your hordes and I thought it was only hordes in the battleground, but you just clicked the horde tab :p

But why did you post that screenshot and said this:
85 in a nutshell( just yesterday, but thats what u face as horde on a daily basis) endless amounts of 1550 ''human and night elf'' emoting kill farming kids who think they are hot shit when they kill u in a cheap shot but instead killed the bracket

EDIT: Oh I see now, all the rogues, sorry! I don't use any UI add-ons so yeah. I've had the same with hunters on the horde side, 7/10 hunters in WSG -.-
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