How I made 1000g in 30min!

Thank you blizzard for making epic gems buyable via honor. 5 Runed Cardinals later... Over 1000g. Just letting twinks know if they need gold and haven't thought of it already. Use that honor and give yourself some gold to work with :D
How much is one Runed Cardinal?

And I assume that the price of the epic gems will plummet after everyone realises they can get free epic gems. I mean, considering each BG gives around 1000 honor at 80...
Crimsons are going for 200-300 a pop on my server ( Blackwing liar )

I threw 5 up for 150 each Easy gold, ( I know I know under cuttining is not cool oh well I need my gold )
Tensu said:
Crimsons are going for 200-300 a pop on my server ( Blackwing liar )

I threw 5 up for 150 each Easy gold, ( I know I know under cuttining is not cool oh well I need my gold )


undercutting is a common, and rather popular method of gaining sales.

the issue comes when your undercutting fucks the market standard up.

from now on, find the base price. say... 299g.

go 298g 99s.


Loot money from mailbox.
Magnusopus said:

undercutting is a common, and rather popular method of gaining sales.

the issue comes when your undercutting fucks the market standard up.

from now on, find the base price. say... 299g.

go 298g 99s.


Loot money from mailbox.

I do that all the time but atm I need fast cash and just set them at 150g

I'm like an AH God when I need money ( I dont do it all the time ) but when when Wotlk came out and all the new gems where up for like 100g etc etc, yes I would be doing 99g99s99c

lol I really dont care how it effect other people but it makes me money so I'm happy :p
I had heard about this...and thought to myself, "150g?" That's not that much. meh. But, I never actually thought about it, haha. I have many toons across multiple servers who have spent a good amount of time in different twink brackets. When I sat down, about a week ago, and actually started buying cardinal rubies, I found that I could afford 30 of them. I still have 11 left. But I've sold them all for 150-200g.
Magnusopus said:

undercutting is a common, and rather popular method of gaining sales.

the issue comes when your undercutting fucks the market standard up.

from now on, find the base price. say... 299g.

go 298g 99s.


sell nothing because some tool put his up for 298g 98s


large scale undercutting is a pre-emptive strike against those that plan to drive prices even below yours. the key is finding that balance, low enough people dont attempt to compete, but high enough you aren't eating at your own profits.

bananaboater said:
Seeing how it took you much longer then 30 minutes to farm up that honor...i would say this topic fails

He was pvping for the sake of pvping, not farming honor to sell gems. The honor was not the reason he was playing, so its just icing on the cake.
bananaboater said:
Seeing how it took you much longer then 30 minutes to farm up that honor...i would say this topic fails

Are you joking or just retarded? Did you think I was going to spell out some full-proof plan to beat ingame economics?

All I was trying to do was give a helpful reminder to twinks ( especially ones without a main on their server ) that they could use time spent to add a little cash in their pocket. But thanks for being a jackass and contributing nothing.
Situation said:
Are you joking or just retarded? Did you think I was going to spell out some full-proof plan to beat ingame economics?

All I was trying to do was give a helpful reminder to twinks ( especially ones without a main on their server ) that they could use time spent to add a little cash in their pocket. But thanks for being a jackass and contributing nothing.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

Your topic states that you made 1,000g in 30 minutes. Meaning that it took you 30 minutes to make 1,000g. But it takes much much much longer to farm up that honor. The topic is misleading.

Its like me making a topic I made 1,000g in 30 farming up a bunch of Ore and putting them all up on the Ah for cheap and they all sold in less then 30 minutes and i made 1,000g.

No need for you to get "personal" I'm just saying that your title is very misleading.
bananaboater said:
Correct me if i'm wrong.

Your topic states that you made 1,000g in 30 minutes. Meaning that it took you 30 minutes to make 1,000g. But it takes much much much longer to farm up that honor. The topic is misleading.

Its like me making a topic I made 1,000g in 30 farming up a bunch of Ore and putting them all up on the Ah for cheap and they all sold in less then 30 minutes and i made 1,000g.

No need for you to get "personal" I'm just saying that your title is very misleading.

thats nothing like you farming ore. you are farming that ore for the reason of making gold. I've never jumped on a twink and queue'd up with profit in mind. I'd have the honor on my twink come 3.2 whether or not i could convert it into a sellable commodity.

So lets recap:

1. He played his twink for the sake of the pvp action. The honor accumulation was irrelevant.

2. come 3.2 he could convert honor into gems

3. it took him one half hour to convert his honor into gems, list them on the AH, and sell them.

so in exchange for the work of 1/2 an hour of time and effort invested into making money, he made 1000g.

so he made 1000g in 1/2 an hour.
To get annoyingly technical, all money made in game is an accumulation of not hours or minutes, but of the days and days it took to hit whatever level of crafting/profiteering one may be at!

I'm just going to go ahead and ignore the stupidity in this thread. The title was clearly me being facetious. I'm sure that most people saw the thread/title for what it was and put it to good use.

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