How I made 1000g in 30min!

bananaboater said:
Correct me if i'm wrong.

Your topic states that you made 1,000g in 30 minutes. Meaning that it took you 30 minutes to make 1,000g. But it takes much much much longer to farm up that honor. The topic is misleading.

Its like me making a topic I made 1,000g in 30 farming up a bunch of Ore and putting them all up on the Ah for cheap and they all sold in less then 30 minutes and i made 1,000g.

No need for you to get "personal" I'm just saying that your title is very misleading.
someone doesn't understand basic economic decision-making.

the time he spent farming the honor was a sunk cost that he used before he knew he would be able to buy epic gems. in otherwords, he did make 1000g in 30 minutes.

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