I was chatting with a friend and we came to the conclusion that, for a twink bracket like ours, one of the major flaws is that, 80% of players, think that they are better than 80% of the players.
That is mathematically impossible, so at least 75% of these players are incorrect (60%/80%).
So I thought I'd do a poll and see if we are really a group of individuals who think too highly of themselves.
This public poll is centered around one PVP activity that is readily available to all twinks: solo queue BG. How good are you compared to other 20 twinks? 0% being worst, 100% being best。
Background: for the xp-off population, it is, technically possible, that x% of players think they are better than y% of players, where x+y>100%, because one could argue that people who post on xp-off are already on average better than a random twink (due to being exposed to all kinds of guides and related information), but x+y should not be significantly larger than 100%, otherwise, it simply means that some of us are not as good as we think we are.
That is mathematically impossible, so at least 75% of these players are incorrect (60%/80%).
So I thought I'd do a poll and see if we are really a group of individuals who think too highly of themselves.
This public poll is centered around one PVP activity that is readily available to all twinks: solo queue BG. How good are you compared to other 20 twinks? 0% being worst, 100% being best。
Background: for the xp-off population, it is, technically possible, that x% of players think they are better than y% of players, where x+y>100%, because one could argue that people who post on xp-off are already on average better than a random twink (due to being exposed to all kinds of guides and related information), but x+y should not be significantly larger than 100%, otherwise, it simply means that some of us are not as good as we think we are.