How good are you, in terms of PVP at 20 (solo queue BG)

How good are you compared to other 20 twinks? 0% being worst, 100% being best

  • 95%~100%

  • 75%~94%

  • 50%~74%

  • 25%~49%

  • 0%~24%

Results are only viewable after voting.


I was chatting with a friend and we came to the conclusion that, for a twink bracket like ours, one of the major flaws is that, 80% of players, think that they are better than 80% of the players.

That is mathematically impossible, so at least 75% of these players are incorrect (60%/80%).

So I thought I'd do a poll and see if we are really a group of individuals who think too highly of themselves.

This public poll is centered around one PVP activity that is readily available to all twinks: solo queue BG. How good are you compared to other 20 twinks? 0% being worst, 100% being best。

Background: for the xp-off population, it is, technically possible, that x% of players think they are better than y% of players, where x+y>100%, because one could argue that people who post on xp-off are already on average better than a random twink (due to being exposed to all kinds of guides and related information), but x+y should not be significantly larger than 100%, otherwise, it simply means that some of us are not as good as we think we are.
*most* and I emphasize *most* players play in this bracket because they could not play end game. They have a better time having advantages over other players and choose to do something easier with less key-binds. They also like one shotting people. Which in the state of arena, even at endgame, happens all the time in 2400 plus bracket. Just open up a rank 1 stream. However, there is a select few players I have seen that are actually gladiator players that didn't *cough "buy" cough* their accounts which are actually mechanically good for being such a low level. I have seen a few rank 1s actually dabble in this bracket for fun, only to leave because it actually didn't front them enough competition and got old extremely quickly. Also the skill cap to be good at this level is way lower, because of less abilities, IMO. I don't go to 20's to see impressive people play, I go to 20s to simply take a break from endgame while content is slow, and have a bit of fun here and there one shotting people personally. Out of the 100s of players I have seen, only a select few have I seen impress me, and they no longer even play. Just my two cents. I am also not going to name any other names, but there are people in this forum and people I watch in wargames that have huge egos that are actually laughable to watch try so hard to be good at something, and act good at a bracket that has no remote value. You can't take 20s to blizzcon fellas. if I were to pick a bracket where I have seen more skill in twinking it would be 39's and the old 70's bracket.
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Ret pala :)
Meh, I’d say about 60%-70% (75% at best) win rate overall of my characters on my account.

whoever said, “95-100%”, probably was either in a group or only played once or played at certain times on said character and moved on.
I dunno. I'd say I'm pretty good, especially adept with certain classes. I'd definitely say I'm better at raiding than PVP, though.
guys the vote has nothing to do with your win ratio. you can be a top 5% player but still rock a 50% win ratio because your faction sucks when you play.

it's about your percentile ranking, compared to other twinks, in terms how effective you are as a twink, when you solo queue BGs.

for example, @ohti voted 95%~100% which says that he thinks that he is better than 94.99% of 20 twinks.
I’ll still say 60%-70%. I know there’s people that’ll rofl-stomp me and I also know that a lot of people still have a hard time with me 1v1.

just a side note, I play both alli and horde whenever I feel like it. I just mainly play horde because of the que times and that percentile is actually for both sides when I play pvp. That can’t be said for some people unfortunately.
solo queing randoms is extreme psycho shit

i learn something from almost every loss (maybe not the ones where i sit at spawn waiting for the slaughter by either side to end), maybe you are at the point where pug games don't teach you anything anymore?
I don't really see the point of this thread, but okay - Psychologically, it's a pretty well-known phenomenon that most people think that they are "above average" at most every task they perform. And of course, you would have the voters who would just say that they are 100%/#1 just to meme all over your thread.
I feel like most ppl here probably fall under the 75% and up. Simply because they took the time to find outside sources of information for the game. There is so much to consider when evaluating a players ability... Mechanical skill, game knowledge, awareness etc. Most of the ppl here that i have seen in game have a good grasp on these things which honestly puts them a tier ahead of most wow players in general. Solo queing doesnt mean you are better then group quers and vice versa. I like to think overy 14 years of playing wow i have run into every kind of player and imo most ppl on this site are leaps and bounds ahead of what i consider the average.
Im probably the worst budget twink this site has ever spawned, always land on the top charts in terms of death counts.
was chatting with a friend and we came to the conclusion that, for a twink bracket like ours, one of the major flaws is that, 80% of players, think that they are better than 80% of the players.

That is mathematically impossible, so at least 75% of these players are incorrect (60%/80%).

So I thought I'd do a poll and see if we are really a group of individuals who think too highly of themselves.
I wouldn't view it as a "flaw".
HUGE ego's enable an more competitive environment.
people being legends in their own minds tend to constantly try to proof themselves.
all this improves game quality.
one negative aspect is that it also enables dodge-mentality etc. to maintain images.. but you can never really avoid that.

Yes, usually the majority of people calling themselves "top players" are deluded.
especially in a TWINK bracket, in which you can easily dominate games even if you're dogshit.
its easy for people to fool themselves stomping levelers or shitty twinks allday, making them think they're better than they truly are.

If you take a look at the views these "top players" have of what it means to be "the best".
A decent chunk of them aren't even objective oriented players, instead following their own strange goals, which makes it even funnier as we're talking BGs.

Adding to this, many players are bound up by various constructs of fictious rules preventing them from ever truly competing.
These made-up rules directly impact their definition of a "top player", which can go in countless directions rly..

Over the years i've encountered many types of these "top players" some more creative than others.

But if you put most of these in scenarios where they have to perform actual skill, positioning, good macro/micro gameplay, they usually fail. HOWEVER, besides their insane ms AFK-button reaction-time, their ability to find an excuse everytime they get shit on, i'd count as an "impressive skill" tbh :D

But all of that is goood for the game! It keeps things juicy.

Just look at the amount of "UNDEFEATED R1 Tw0nk Champions" that SH00K THE BRACKETS SO HARD!.. it is still shaking.. as people are still laughing thinking back. But they managed to create COMPETITION, as others bought into it.

It is a shame that most of these Legends of the Past seem to either be banned, or surprisingly.. grew up?? <_< ... Now since boomers took over, XPoff is kinda quiet and boring :( now we got LowTrashTalk best off's, baity posts masked as polls, and glance's insane "outside-the-box" pug stomper strats/build showcases.. Which can also be quite entertaining tbh, but getting old.

despite all this, i've definitely met some impressive twink players over the years. easily top 10% if not 5%.

Not just mechanically, but being smart enough to overcome barricades caused by the limited class toolkits, simply through awareness and knowledge. Many of them had HUGE egos aswell, but they could back it up.
Sadly many of these either moved on to other expansions/games, or just from twinking in general, as games change.

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