I've had about enough of all you whiney bitches. As it was previously mentioned, the first twinks did not organize their play around huggable equality and concepts of "oh hey, we should get a bunch of folks together with the exact same gear as we have and spar it out ad nauseum". To the contrary. A twink's primary concern was raping fucking face and annihilating the weak. Same geared, undergeared, wtf ever. Camping GY's in BG's and World locations alike. Camping corpses for hours in the Barrens and STV, for so damn long the camped sod would want to throw his keyboard through his fishtank or Uninstall or call 60's to beat the Pwner into submission.
Now all of you little pussies want to talk about "ethics" when it comes to twinking. Are you fucking kidding me? When you are in XP-Offs, and read this carefully children, YOU ARE NOT TWINKS! You are BIS HEIRLOOM HEROES (maybe some of you have GF'd gear, who gives a shit), and nothing more. I don't give a shit if your name is Pizza or your name is DonnieDarko. You are sparring against other BIS HEIRLOOM HEROES, constantly circle-jerking for a win. This very website perpetrates the myth that you are Twinks, but you are NOT PURE TWINKS, nor will you ever be. A true Twink is a renegade. A mercenary that slays without ethics, or guidelines, or all this other little pussy-prescription shit that permeates your bullshit "Twinking Code". Wake up and get off of your moral and ethical high-horses. You are all a bunch of little parent-paid whiners who grinded enough points for some BOA. And now you want to bitch about someone who is ACTUALLY TWINKING and say that it is ethically wrong. Wake the hell up. True Twinking is NOT DEAD, but you WON'T FIND IT IN THE XP-OFFS!
By the way, entering an XP-ON BG as a BIS 19 is by no means a guaranteed win or a guaranteed massacre. You still have a shit ton of idiots on your team that are level 19 with 200 hp. It's not like you can go in there and single-handedly control the game everytime, especially when MOST people on the opposing team have the exact same BOA as you. But going in and raping 300 hp idiots is fun as hell. Culling the weak, how it should be. How it used to be. This should be motivation for the people that die 30 times in a match to step the hell up. Blizzard fucked up big time by adding XP to BG's (yes, this argument has been hashed out a million times, so i won't delve deeply into it). These PVE, leveling-minded, morons that should be out questing or dungeoning enter a field of battle. They should be MOWED THE FUCK DOWN. Their absolute frustration at being infinitely pwned will either motivate them to gear and be better or to go run Wailing Caverns a few times for the sake of a ding (and leave the field for other heartless gardeners to sow). No mercy. No immunity. No regret.
And because of how fucked up the XP-OFF scene has become with queue reliability (the queues are fixed? really? wtf ever.), I do not for one minute fault anyone who decides to get their money's worth and queue XP-ON to finish achieves or farm kills. If anything, it makes them MORE OF A TWINK than the jag-offs that look pretty in Durotar sitting on their turtles with their shiny BOA's, waiting for 3-5 pops a day.
P.S. This post is not in support of DonnieDarko. Frankly I can't stand that jackass either. But more than that I can't stand all of the bitch-ass-pussy wannabies parroting each other's useless sentiments in this thread. Wake the fuck up and realize WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE NOT.