How ethical is this in the twink community?

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Inkobah said:
Actually, this is a great point that has to be considered. When and how do ethics apply to a video game? I know there's various opinions on the issue, but a line has to be drawn somewhere...or does it?


In my book, ethics apply to do the "right" even if you do not have consequences when doing otherwise.

In this case the freedom a player has NOT to cap a flag stops exactly to my freedom to play the game and not have one of questionable intelligence to ruin it :(
I play in exp BG's all the time. My 39 is my main, and since the bracket is dead I gotta find me an alternate way to pvp.

and makes people think every twink is a coward bully who is just out to ruin everyone's day.

Let people think what they want, I play like this because there is no other way for me.
to say "WHATEVA, I DO WHAT I WANT AND I DUN CARE WHAT U THINK" is acting like an 8 year old. when you represent only 8% of 12 million people, you put your Public Relations face on. Unless you like being nerfed constantly...
lol i would like to see blizzard "nerf" twinks
to say "WHATEVA, I DO WHAT I WANT AND I DUN CARE WHAT U THINK" is acting like an 8 year old. when you represent only 8% of 12 million people, you put your Public Relations face on. Unless you like being nerfed constantly...
Blizzard is not going to nerf twinks because a few of us that are not getting games are going into exp BG's and farming with the flag.
no it's cool, keep making them hate us. then when there is an unfavorable change that comes after an onslaught of whining from levelers, keep telling yourself that your actions had nothing to do with it.
Fizzfizz said:
then when there is an unfavorable change that comes after an onslaught of whining from levelers

i can only see positive changes

nerfs for fotm classes. you know, the classes ppl use to farm gy with flag

or maybe heirloom nerfs. yeah, thats the gear those farmers have

i would like to thank all those people who farm bads with flag in xp on for making this game a better place for the rest of us.
I've had about enough of all you whiney bitches. As it was previously mentioned, the first twinks did not organize their play around huggable equality and concepts of "oh hey, we should get a bunch of folks together with the exact same gear as we have and spar it out ad nauseum". To the contrary. A twink's primary concern was raping fucking face and annihilating the weak. Same geared, undergeared, wtf ever. Camping GY's in BG's and World locations alike. Camping corpses for hours in the Barrens and STV, for so damn long the camped sod would want to throw his keyboard through his fishtank or Uninstall or call 60's to beat the Pwner into submission.

Now all of you little pussies want to talk about "ethics" when it comes to twinking. Are you fucking kidding me? When you are in XP-Offs, and read this carefully children, YOU ARE NOT TWINKS! You are BIS HEIRLOOM HEROES (maybe some of you have GF'd gear, who gives a shit), and nothing more. I don't give a shit if your name is Pizza or your name is DonnieDarko. You are sparring against other BIS HEIRLOOM HEROES, constantly circle-jerking for a win. This very website perpetrates the myth that you are Twinks, but you are NOT PURE TWINKS, nor will you ever be. A true Twink is a renegade. A mercenary that slays without ethics, or guidelines, or all this other little pussy-prescription shit that permeates your bullshit "Twinking Code". Wake up and get off of your moral and ethical high-horses. You are all a bunch of little parent-paid whiners who grinded enough points for some BOA. And now you want to bitch about someone who is ACTUALLY TWINKING and say that it is ethically wrong. Wake the hell up. True Twinking is NOT DEAD, but you WON'T FIND IT IN THE XP-OFFS!

By the way, entering an XP-ON BG as a BIS 19 is by no means a guaranteed win or a guaranteed massacre. You still have a shit ton of idiots on your team that are level 19 with 200 hp. It's not like you can go in there and single-handedly control the game everytime, especially when MOST people on the opposing team have the exact same BOA as you. But going in and raping 300 hp idiots is fun as hell. Culling the weak, how it should be. How it used to be. This should be motivation for the people that die 30 times in a match to step the hell up. Blizzard fucked up big time by adding XP to BG's (yes, this argument has been hashed out a million times, so i won't delve deeply into it). These PVE, leveling-minded, morons that should be out questing or dungeoning enter a field of battle. They should be MOWED THE FUCK DOWN. Their absolute frustration at being infinitely pwned will either motivate them to gear and be better or to go run Wailing Caverns a few times for the sake of a ding (and leave the field for other heartless gardeners to sow). No mercy. No immunity. No regret.

And because of how fucked up the XP-OFF scene has become with queue reliability (the queues are fixed? really? wtf ever.), I do not for one minute fault anyone who decides to get their money's worth and queue XP-ON to finish achieves or farm kills. If anything, it makes them MORE OF A TWINK than the jag-offs that look pretty in Durotar sitting on their turtles with their shiny BOA's, waiting for 3-5 pops a day.

P.S. This post is not in support of DonnieDarko. Frankly I can't stand that jackass either. But more than that I can't stand all of the bitch-ass-pussy wannabies parroting each other's useless sentiments in this thread. Wake the fuck up and realize WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE NOT.

Tbh Copymachine, although your post was a diatribe of pent-up angst, I kind of agree with you on certain things. I just don`t feel the need to try and put my point across using CAPS and loads of "tough man" phrases like "MOWED THE FUCK DOWN" and "WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE NOT".

I think twinks are what you make of them. Some make level one bank alts that are pimped out just to look good standing around a mailbox in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Others strive to make a BiS for PvP to either rape face or do arena with, or exclusively for BG`s. Yet more like to make a twink for PvE to do raids with friends. There are many different types of twinks, this goes with the evolution of the game.

Many changes have been made to the game including twinks getting the heavy nerfbat sometimes. It`s cool to reminisce over the oldschool, hardcore twink archetype but the game has changed and so did the approach to it. You can rave all you want over how YOU think twinks should be but twinks mean different things to different people. So what you state as FACT, is another mans bullshit. It is neither here nor there to each individual.

I don`t agree with the above reasons for flag camping in WSG, but neither do I particularly blame them. There are no locked games atm despite a number of initiatives and effort by the community, so what are people supposed to do? If your 39 is your main, and there are no games, are you going to go in unlocked xp or quit the game?

Play how you like for sure, just be mindful of your actions whilst doing so as the knock on effects can do more damage to twinking overall than you may realise. You can be as brash and as arrogant about it as you like, but that sort of selfish attitude affects us all in the end.
copymachine said:
[...]the first twinks did not organize their play around huggable equality and concepts of "oh hey, we should get a bunch of folks together with the exact same gear as we have and spar it out ad nauseum".

[...]in XP-Offs[...]You are sparring against other BIS HEIRLOOM HEROES, constantly circle-jerking[...]I'm a renegade. A mercenary that slays without ethics, or guidelines, or [...] your bullshit "Twinking Code". [...]

By the way, entering an XP-ON BG as a BIS 39 is by no means a guaranteed win or a guaranteed massacre. You still have a shit ton of idiots on your team. (hello face, you are a true fan) [...] It's not like you can go in there and single-handedly control the game everytime, especially when MOST people on the opposing team have the exact same BOA as you. [...] No mercy. No immunity. No regret.

P.S. This post is not in support of DonnieDarko. Frankly I can't stand that jackass either. Agreed.

That's about what I share with copymachine.

Fizzfizz said:
when you represent only 8% of 12 million people, you put your Public Relations face on. Unless you like being nerfed constantly...

This guy trully believes there is 8% of wow players that "twink"... you are not so good with numbers, more like .1

Saved the best for the end.

Mrcer said:
It looks bad. So dont do it. Twinks play in Xpoff bgs. nontwinks play in xpon bgs. So if you play in Xp-on bgs, no one will look at u like a twink. Just a scrub

Mrcer said:
I used to do the same thing on my Warrior Twink.

Notice the oxymoron...according to his book! Very funny guy.

It doesn't matter how many times you did it. Scrub? And by the way I don't have the need to be looked at in any sort of way. That very feeling you have is the root of ego and vanity. You make it sounds like "twink" is some sort of super prestigious aristocratic title.

And Best Rogue EU <3
i got the 8% from blizzard's own poll, that a lot of us participated in, where people voted on what their favorite form of pvp is. 8% chose low level xp off. i do realize that the 8% represents the percentage of poll taking people and not 8% of all people playing wow.

i also realize that this is an argument of teenagers vs adults, which is basically unwinnable for either side lol.
Actually my opinion on Donnie has evolved. I won't call him a hero but at least he is being brutally honest about what he does, and why he does it. He is TRULY FUCKING TWINKING while the rest of you whining fags can't buy tampons fast enough to plug up your bleeding holes. This shit ain't called World of Peacecraft, or World of Ethicscraft, or wtf ever.

Big ups, Don. Keep on truckin'...

You should hop into some xp-offs though bro. "Turdel" will feed you enough kills for Bloodthirsty in a couple weeks max.
copymachine said:
Actually my opinion on Donnie has evolved. I won't call him a hero but at least he is being brutally honest about what he does, and why he does it. He is TRULY FUCKING TWINKING while the rest of you whining fags can't buy tampons fast enough to plug up your bleeding holes. This shit ain't called World of Peacecraft, or World of Ethicscraft, or wtf ever.

Big ups, Don. Keep on truckin'...

You should hop into some xp-offs though bro. "Turdel" will feed you enough kills for Bloodthirsty in a couple weeks max.

So eloquently put. It put your point across with real verve.
You seem to think as if everyone twinked just to roll over some undergeared noobs day in day out, copy. This is not the case. Did you ran away from twinks pre-3.2 everytime you saw one? I sure didn't, because it feels so much better to kill a twink (if I landed a kill ofc) than to grind 10 undergeared fellas.

Your idea of twinking is not the same as every other's idea of twinking. That is also one of the main causes of discussions about twinking. What is it? Why are people doing it?

In the end, people are free to do what they want with their gametime, as long as it is within the EULA. Frankly, I don't care if I come across a twink in a BG. I lvl out of it anyway. They have the right to play their favorite toons.

Buy me a tampon!
copymachine said:
Actually my opinion on Donnie has evolved. I won't call him a hero but at least he is being brutally honest about what he does, and why he does it. He is TRULY FUCKING TWINKING while the rest of you whining fags can't buy tampons fast enough to plug up your bleeding holes. This shit ain't called World of Peacecraft, or World of Ethicscraft, or wtf ever.

Big ups, Don. Keep on truckin'...

You should hop into some xp-offs though bro. "Turdel" will feed you enough kills for Bloodthirsty in a couple weeks max.

Oh my. A brute... well... a keyboard brute actually.

The thing is that donniewanko did not make any holes bleed :S Actually when people stopped supporting him he dropped like a piece of shit in the toilet. With the same sound probably. Want to twink in XP-on BGs? Great! Noone told you not to do it. Wanna keep the flag and prevent others play the game and WIN? No! This is not World of Piececraft! To have a pussy that do not want to win! And hitting /afk when you are about to win.

It is not like you have the BiS in your bracket and kill people. This is ok. It is the fact that you prevent 9 other people to win the BG. Easy as that. So, copymachine.... Be as angry and aggressive as you want behind your keyboard, you moron fuck! (had to use these words to get your slow mind's attention)
Faceoff said:
Oh my. A brute... well... a keyboard brute actually.

The thing is that donniewanko did not make any holes bleed :S Actually when people stopped supporting him he dropped like a piece of shit in the toilet. With the same sound probably. Want to twink in XP-on BGs? Great! Noone told you not to do it. Wanna keep the flag and prevent others play the game and WIN? No! This is not World of Piececraft! To have a pussy that do not want to win! And hitting /afk when you are about to win.

It is not like you have the BiS in your bracket and kill people. This is ok. It is the fact that you prevent 9 other people to win the BG. Easy as that. So, copymachine.... Be as angry and aggressive as you want behind your keyboard, you moron fuck! (had to use these words to get your slow mind's attention)

Whether he did it or I did it, it sounds like your hole is bleeding right now you whiny little fuck.


Stay in school. Don't do drugs.
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