How does this bracket work?

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hahah you mad? GL working at mcdonalds bro. SS you killing 6 f2p 20s or it didnt happen. other than that your attitude seems like the regular 24 twink[x] trolls twinkinfo forumsgive me your 24 name so that i can see if you troll bg chat toohahhahaha getting farmed by f2p 20s bro? you mad bad bro? why the heck do you 24s have to incite a flame war like every week...

i dont eat that crap let alone work in a place where i wont get paid $30+ an hour. i bet you play other brackets but hide on your f2p toon becasue you're so bad. looking forward to making you afk out.
i dont eat that crap let alone work in a place where i wont get paid $30+ an hour. i bet you play other brackets but hide on your f2p toon becasue you're so bad. looking forward to making you afk out.
hhhahahah usual 24 troll response your so bad than you wont give me the name of your toon. u mad bro?know any good proxies cause we getting banned soon?
I love these obvious trolls looking for a rise out of someone.

Yes, I work at McD's

Yes, I live in my parents basement

Yes, I click

Yes, I S key

Yes, I use 1-9, -, = only (Well actually I only need s,1, 2, and 3 to kill 20s.

Yes, keyboard turn.
I love these obvious trolls looking for a rise out of someone.

Yes, I work at McD's

Yes, I live in my parents basement

Yes, I click

Yes, I S key

Yes, I use 1-9, -, = only (Well actually I only need s,1, 2, and 3 to kill 20s.

Yes, keyboard turn.
i am counter trolling bro(trolling the 24 trolls)
I still think it's great how bad 19s thought they could go play some F2P and q up vs some non xp players, but end up getting F'd by 24s.

Beat at their own game. Sad the truth hurts so much now they resort to trolling.
I still think it's great how bad 19s thought they could go play some F2P and q up vs some non xp players, but end up getting F'd by 24s.

Beat at their own game. Sad the truth hurts so much now they resort to trolling.
lol obvious troll umm i am pretty sure there are like way more 24s trolling in the f2p section and the 20-24 action. go ask the mods they have deleted/locked/moved plenty of those Bump for mod confirmation
lol obvious troll umm i am pretty sure there are like way more 24s trolling in the f2p section and the 20-24 action. go ask the mods they have deleted/locked/moved plenty of those Bump for mod confirmation

Ahh so ur retaliating ? Soft skin couldn't take the 24 trolls and are trying troll back? So far you all look like a bunch of whiners IMO
Ahh so ur retaliating ?  Soft skin couldn't take the 24 trolls and are trying troll back? So far you all look like a bunch of whiners IMO
Do you have nothing better to do than troll the forums?know any good proxies bro? you know before you get banned?troll all you want now cause you ll get banned soon
Do you have nothing better to do than troll the forums?know any good proxies bro? you know before you get banned?troll all you want now cause you ll get banned soon

Sorry the truth hurts, but I'm not here to tippy toe around them.

Threatening me was entertaining though. Read the original post and find out why this thread started.
i am counter trolling bro(trolling the 24 trolls)

For the record, this will still get you a ban.

Edit: Look how clean i made it!!

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