How does loot work in a chromie time dung


Hi, im running a dungeon that is lower in normal time than my character (49 in a legion dungeon). I'm running the dungeon in chromietime (not via the finder) and I'm seeing 3 different level of drops.
1) the adventure guide version (req level 45 ilvl 49 iirc)
2) a scaled version (req 49 ilvl 57)
3) a upgrade version (req 49 ilvl 60).

Is there a pattern to this, why do I see the adventure guide drops? Also is every item able to upgrade?

New to chromietime and the new scaling system.
All about Scaling. Not every XPac will have 'Warforged' even in Chromie Time. So the normal (if you just walked into the Dungeon) iLvL/Character Level + Chromie Time scaled TO your Level + certain XPac's Gear can Warforge so that makes up the 3.

Then, at a higher Level like you are, you have a further option for certain XPacs and that's Socket, Tertiary or Socket + Tertiary... Have fun.
Thank you, what about the lower (same as adventure journal) drops? They are ofc no use is that because the loot is not for my spec/class?
Are you asking about for example, iLvL 36 from TBC Normal Dungeons? If you aren't in Chromie Time, you'll get the highest iLvL/Character Level drop for that XPac. In this example, you'd get iLvL 36 for Normal, iLvL 33 for Heroic (yeah, makes no sense). If you do it in Chromie Time it's suppose to scale TO your Level through 49.

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