How do you deal with hunters?

Spryness said:
I do like a discussion. I don't quite understand when people take discussions personally.

My hunter is not on Aerie Peak, unfortunately. The only characters I have on Aerie Peak alliance are the lock and warrior. : (

I've beaten horde rogues in battlegrounds the way I've described, although most fights in there start with a 100-yard mark into easy win. I haven't had any duels with him besides against a P2P 19 priest. Dat bubble!

If we're going with the trinket on scatter, I'll use your example for how a fight plays out (although gouging during the net seems too optimistic). Except respond with:

Hunter: Pet Intimidate

Should be enough to get out of range and finish the rogue off.

My reflex would be to disengage immediately after scatter, take the incoming shadowstep, and get the rogue off with root into wing clip or conc. shot. A rogue could respond with a delayed trinket into sprint after the immediate disengage strategy to get into range, but that leaves themselves open to roots if read. An early trinket leaves them open to conc shot, which forces shadowstep, and we're back full circle.

I just learned that trinkets can remove disarms and silences from this post. Somehow missed that in the patch notes awhile back. Neat.

I can barely see. Way too sleepy.

Trinket the scatter if hunter trinkets the slow (said this already).

We could go all day. Lets just meet up. Whats your name, Ill look for you and spam sexy emotes on you while stealthed. In witch case follow me and well find a spot:)
Med'an said:
Trinket the scatter if hunter trinkets the slow (said this already).

We could go all day. Lets just meet up. Whats your name, Ill look for you and spam sexy emotes on you while stealthed. In witch case follow me and well find a spot:)

An immediate trinket on the slow after blowing conc shot seems a weird choice. Could just be my inexperience on a proper rogue/hunter duel, but I've never done that and never had to in 1v1 situations in battlegrounds.

I would love to do that, but as I said in the last post, my hunter is not on Aerie Peak. He's on Cenarius alliance.
As a warlock (Affliction! :D) you will most likely not be able to kill 'em unless they got no brain, get a BJ, give a BJ (or all 3...)

1. Bane of Doom is your best friend

2. Don't waste those 2 secs on Immolate it takes shitloads of time to cast and does not even nearly enough dmg compared to the time you waste casting it.

3. NO SEARING PAIN - you get shadow damage increase not Fire DMG...


If you encounter the hunter first fear him... put Unstable Affliction, Corruption and BANE OF DOOM (<--- hehe :D) on him then while he just got out of the fear they are most likely "UH WHAT hAPPENED NERF LOCKZ!!!11!!!" quick fear on Pet that you don't have to worry to just get more cast time on stuff or less channeling...

At the time you run straight up to the hunter to force the scatter (idk why they use it when you're a caster and you're not casting anything.) then just try to get a shadowbolt -> Insta Soulfire done keep dots up and if you see that you will die re-cast Bane of Doom on him again and maybe Corruption they most likely die through it 'cuz most players in this bracket got no food with them (me included :D).


You can also use instead of Soulburn > Soulfire also Soulburn > Healthstone to have 8 secs. 20 % more hp.
I am self a hunter and think they are op. (I want it to stop but hunter is only thing that i can play well XD)

But for rogues try to get trinket of as early as possible. Almost all the rogues: sap> ambush (some noobs use shadowstep XD).

WHit the ambush i get cripeling posion (Did not spell it right I know). i juswt disengage trinket. and gone is the crippeling and the kiting starts. I dont know if anybady said this already I dont read this all the time, BUt maybe.

1 rogue saps me

2 rogue ambush( crippeling poisen on me)

3 hunter disengage

4 hunter use trinket(cripeling poison gone)

5 rogue do shadowstap (cripeling poison agian one me)

6 Hunter tries to get range and use scatter shot.

7 Rogue trinket it and use sprint.

8 hunters kitting is over dont got ability to get range

9 rogues start pwning and done

10 rogue wins!

11 Rogue cheers and hunter cries and go afk.

That is how i think it is possible for a rogue. I am not sure if it wil work so I hope if this helps.
For enhancement shammy I work through the concussive shot and trinket the scatter.

Then in melee range drop the earthbind and go to work.

If it doesn't go your way don't try to stand still and heal through the dmg - I think only a healadin could keep up at this level.

I run to the nearest hut if it looks grim and only if I have a good head start. If I am not too lazy I switch to shield and backstrafe. Quick heals inside the hut and drop totems. Usually a hunter will send in their pet - don't use anything but autoattacks and healing because they are waiting to soften you up.

In general don't play on the hunter's terms - they own mid field. Skirt the edges of the field to and from the enemy base and stay with a group when possible.
As a prot pally if I'm caught midfield by a hunter I drag it out long as possible to either get help or for the moment they slip up. Typically I do:

1) The little burst dmg I can, starting with cru strike to get charges started on Holy power. Done on pet if hunter is already out of range.

2) Soon as the hunter disengages or is already a distances away I drag the pet away with a sideways run to keep dealing dmg/cru strike for charges on the pet. Meanwhile using said charges for WoG or using FoL as needed and watching the distance.

3) Then when I get out of their shooting range most times they over compensate and run too far forward, which then I rush in with aveng shield + HoJ and probly follow with exo spam (noobish I know but vs a huntard I feel nothing).

Mana wise I usually don't run out if its just 1v1, which makes the exo spam possible. Soon as someone else steps in though its usually over. If the hunter keeps a good distance the entire time then I just save the pet for cru strike + judgement and keep healing till help arrives (hopefully). Anyways thats my tactic.
Shootyou said:
I am self a hunter and think they are op. (I want it to stop but hunter is only thing that i can play well XD)

But for rogues try to get trinket of as early as possible. Almost all the rogues: sap> ambush (some noobs use shadowstep XD).

WHit the ambush i get cripeling posion (Did not spell it right I know). i juswt disengage trinket. and gone is the crippeling and the kiting starts. I dont know if anybady said this already I dont read this all the time, BUt maybe.

1 rogue saps me

2 rogue ambush( crippeling poisen on me)

3 hunter disengage

4 hunter use trinket(cripeling poison gone)

5 rogue do shadowstap (cripeling poison agian one me)

6 Hunter tries to get range and use scatter shot.

7 Rogue trinket it and use sprint.

8 hunters kitting is over dont got ability to get range

9 rogues start pwning and done

10 rogue wins!

11 Rogue cheers and hunter cries and go afk.

That is how i think it is possible for a rogue. I am not sure if it wil work so I hope if this helps.

why oh why would any hunter trinket cripling poison if they just disengaged out of range? The only way the rogue is catching up now is with shadowstep or lucky evasion dodge+sprint. Save trinket for shadowstep - scatter shot/pet stun.



use shapeshift macro,

pop rejuv often,

LoS if possible and kill the pet - if not, stay on the hunter, they get very scared muahaha

Keep rake up, if you can see you are going to lose, refresh it

Be prepared, it's easy - Disengage is followed by conc shot, shift the slow.

Check the hunter pet, noobs run with stat pet or whatever they think is cool. Pros run with disarm, stun or silence. You really only care about the stun/blind (monkey, wasp are some)

If you know they are BM hunters, I find it worth saving the trinket for Intimidation, otherwise it's best used for scatter. Scatter often comes right when you come out of stealth or after disengage+conc (which you shifted out of, so now the next tool is used because you are right in his face) so using the trinket on it means you can stay in melee range
Dont winge about with it. Free Action Potions....just wait for the hunters to moan.

Med'an said:
Roll a rogue, Hunter killer. Get 2x crippling poison (3x with thrown)

Iv dueled a lot of really good hunters with AGM and everything, and do it all the time while slacking around Gurubashi Arena.

Hunters call rogues an anti class and its with good reason. Unless you get bad RNG and crip poison just does not proc in the first 3-4 (5-6?) sek.

Writing a guide on how to beat them is kinda hard because they can do so many combinations of things. But Ill try. (Ps, Im not writing this to be cooky but to help ppl kill hunters :p )

Heres what I do (ps this is kinda worst case scenarios. The hunters Im facing try new tacts often)

Hunter with spider (net):

1) Sap hunter

-(not sapping pet, you need to be really close to get some good hits off for poison procs)

2) Get really close to him fast and ambush

-(NOT shadowstep ambush)

Hunter scatter shots me, trinkets and runs off.

3) I trinket the scattershot before he gets anywhere and get a crip proc (if u get bad rng and no proc just sprint as he conc shots you (but its totally doable without even using sprint, or evasion for that matter).

Hunter puts a net on me

4) Gouge the hunter

-(Im hugging the hunter, beeing more or less 100% inside of him, gouging is easy then. Be sure to have enough energy for gouge, don't blow off energy at start here)

Because of the sap (still worth it) the gouge does not last that long and the net on me lasts a little longer (1 sek or so). Thats np, hes slowed.

Im on the hunter again or he disengages.

5) Shadowstep

Your on the hunter again, unless he vastly outgears you he has no way of killing you before you kill him. If he vastly outgears you, use evasion here.

Hunter with scorpion (disarm):

1) Sap hunter

2) Ambush hunter

3) Gouge hunter

Perhaps you just gouged a disengage or scatter shot, but since were doing worst case scenarios here lets pretend you didn't.

He scatter shots you

4) If he trinkets, you trinket. If he didn't trinket, don't trinket unless the poison has worn off and he runs at normal speed (in wich case your really unlucky and often ****ed)

His pet disarms you and he disengages.

5) A) If you still got trinket, remove the disarm with trinket and shadowstep. GG you win, no way hes gonna kill you with more or less equal gear. He can pop agm, does not matter. You might wanna use evasion if you got worse gear though.

5) B) You don't have trinket, **** it, shadowstep and stay on him. You still have the offhand to attack him with and hes got no ways to get you off him. Use evasion and sprint if needed.

PS, PC out of battery and Im going to bead. This should get you a long way. Ps, let me know if you think u have a worse case scenario then I wrote.

This is good information. Rogues that can play well are difficult to beat as a hunter, even with a 4 level advantage over them. I've gone up against Medanx and he tends to be very sticky. Crippling poison is powerful and without CDs, I'm not going anywhere. It's probably the most frustrating thing a hunter can run into, especially if the rogue uses evasion making it likely the pet won't hit with Kill Command. Here's a good worst case for you. Nobody will like me for this, but to handle good rogues, I did come up with...

#showtooltip Strong Anti-Venom

/use Strong Anti-Venom

/use Free Action Potion

I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my list of "to do"s for the pesky and very sneaky rogues that so often ruin my day. Rogues tend to cluster and you're usually dealing with more than one at once.

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