How did certain brackets begin?


I understand how 19s, F2p, 24-29s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 85s and 90-99s became a thing..
But for brackets like 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59.. why?
Smash niggas with my 59 DK set
And smashed others with my pally who thought they could surpass me
Ye in the same boat tbh, twinks should be able to smash people 5-10 levels higher imo, or 1shot people the same level in heirlooms etc. If it can't I don't see why it'd be too interesting. Obviously I wouldn't want 1 shotting other twinks, but just play 100s instead of like 39 or 49s I don't see why you wouldn't unless you just want already pruned action bars to be even smaller.
Back in vanilla it was a pain in the ass to level, especially the last 10, because that was a massive ass grind, so sometimes you'd just park it at 49. A lot of the best in slots back then were also BoE, so if you found something awesome youd stay and use it.

My main since TBC, used to start as 49 twink, it was a 2handed enhancement shaman. Kang the decapitator + windfury was insane. :). On one of my oldest 49 twinks, we started at 29, and the guild got really bored after a while and decided to go 49 for more abilities and higher damage potential.

59 came to be in WOTLK as far as I know, because of the bracket changes.
Here's the quickest lesson;

29; Had certain quest rewards level 35+, TBC Enchants used to require an item of item level 35* or higher, so people would get these quest rewards, put an extremely overpowered enchant on it (unaffordable for a lot of twinks, mainly because the mats cost was extremely high in the first place) and literally solo battlegrounds.

39: The above is the main reason 39 was sometimes even prefered over 29, you got the most powerful enchants in the game, on the lowest level at the end of a bracket (29 never got you a full set of item level 35+* items). This is why I initially went from 29 to 39 during TBC. You were killing level 60s easily, sometimes being able to kill fresh 70s as well. Sure you could also do this on level 49, but it would be less impressive. Scarlet set as well.

49 is probably the most niche bracket I think. It had more abilities but probably most importantly for twinks, this was where the epics started dropping. Played it for a while, but not too long. Still have my shaman there now though. That said I never had any special appeal to this bracket, though you had some impressive epics here.

50-59: Raiding, arch. items., socketed gear at 59.

* = I'm saying item level, but it was just counted as weapon/armor level then and only quest rewards could have a higher weapon level than any drops.
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Looking back it it's a waste that we never got an expansion with 20 levels. So we could twink at another bracket, which was part of the expansion, but not end-game.
40-49 was likely started due to the World Epics being in that Level range. I actually had both the 1H and Shield on my Shaman when I Twinked her at 49 years ago. 10's were started most likely as Bank Alts because Armory doesn't report below 10 and if your Account gets hacked and any 1-9's get deleted Blizzard won't reimburse you for any of it. Unsure on 30-39 and 50-59.
This is my opinion from my experience.

19/29 - easy to level to and gear, with enough skills to be fun, and very active ... but I barely touched those brackets in vanilla

39 - still easy to level and gear, but with more abilities than lower levels. I started my warrior at 29, but without intercept (which was a level 30 ability iirc) I was endlessly kited to death. This was when charge was only usable out of combat, you had to stance dance, etc. (was more fun play imo)

49 - a little harder to gear, but not too bad. You had a lot of spec choices (this was back when you had points to spend in all three trees) and felt close to end game in terms of play style. I had the most fun here.

59 - I didn't play this bracket in vanilla, but I would assume it was a pita to get gear (would need multiple 60s with dungeons like ubrs). Could get high pvp ranks though and I assume it wasn't too hard by doing av over and over.

edit: my 59 rogue was originally a 49 in vanilla and i played my 39 warrior in vanilla too ... I believe that's about all that I played
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I remember the short lived 74 bracket. It was so broken.

Rogues would level to 72 for more stats benefit while still being able to use Nifflevar Bearded Axe (now its 71 apparently)
prot pallys would almost one shot people while being tanky as hell.
Disc priest was as always dominating to, all they needed to do was to stack starmina.

And I tried to play MM hunter, dindt go well :p
40-49 was likely started due to the World Epics being in that Level range. I actually had both the 1H and Shield on my Shaman when I Twinked her at 49 years ago. 10's were started most likely as Bank Alts because Armory doesn't report below 10 and if your Account gets hacked and any 1-9's get deleted Blizzard won't reimburse you for any of it. Unsure on 30-39 and 50-59.
I made back in BC a really cool 49 priest with atleast 4 epics as I remember. Man those days were fun
19-59 = youre bad but have enough gold to make you appear good, 60 = you like vanilla 70 = you like tbc 80= you like wotlk and so on, 99 = you actually enjoy farming bots in bgs
This is my opinion from my experience.

19/29 - easy to level to and gear, with enough skills to be fun, and very active ... but I barely touched those brackets in vanilla

39 - still easy to level and gear, but with more abilities than lower levels. I started my warrior at 29, but without intercept (which was a level 30 ability iirc) I was endlessly kited to death. This was when charge was only usable out of combat, you had to stance dance, etc. (was more fun play imo)

and don't forget PoD. You got one of them and you had to make a 39 warrior twink
One of the things about 59s in vanilla (never played, just heard of it). You could get the PVP rank mount, which was a 100% mount, at level 59 when regular 100% mounts required you to be level 60.

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