How active is this bracket?


20-24 is a terrible bracket let alone
29's are dead, sadly

i was wondering if 39 has any activity? what is the average queue time for bgs?
So basically its only active M/W/F at 8 PM EST for a couple hours evidently, and then its dead as a door nail.

this blows.
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Man, is it just me or are players spoiled these days?

Anyone here play WoW during vanilla before x-realm bgs? Try 30 minute queues at ALL brackets, including max level. Back then, 19s were more "dead" than 39s are now.

People still playing 39s play them because they love playing 39s. The love it enough to coordinate and arrange times to be on together. It's called community, and it's rare in WoW these days. It's what I'm doing on a private server, and it's what makes the game worth playing more than anything else.
Man, is it just me or are players spoiled these days?

Anyone here play WoW during vanilla before x-realm bgs? Try 30 minute queues at ALL brackets, including max level. Back then, 19s were more "dead" than 39s are now.

People still playing 39s play them because they love playing 39s. The love it enough to coordinate and arrange times to be on together. It's called community, and it's rare in WoW these days. It's what I'm doing on a private server, and it's what makes the game worth playing more than anything else.

During vanilla, at level 60, I've never encountered a queue time for WSG greater than 10 minutes on Bonechewer-US. This was before, and after the first ever transfers from Warsong to Bonechewer came to be.

There's a large amount of P2Ps in the 20-24 bracket and it is beyond me why they do not move up to 29, 34, 39, etc. Whenever I ask, ironically the answer is "because those brackets are 'dead'.".
During vanilla, at level 60, I've never encountered a queue time for WSG greater than 10 minutes on Bonechewer-US. This was before, and after the first ever transfers from Warsong to Bonechewer came to be.

There's a large amount of P2Ps in the 20-24 bracket and it is beyond me why they do not move up to 29, 34, 39, etc. Whenever I ask, ironically the answer is "because those brackets are 'dead'.".

Maybe my server was just unlucky then. Ofc, before x-realms, every twink bracket had long queue times even if 60 was active. Nothing happens until you have a group of people decide to trail-blaze. I suppose most of the players with the resiliency to do that probably quit during or after TBC. =/ That, or they found something else to do.
is bracket active enough to get EOTS and AB games, or is it just WSG
There's a large amount of P2Ps in the 20-24 bracket and it is beyond me why they do not move up to 29, 34, 39, etc. Whenever I ask, ironically the answer is "because those brackets are 'dead'.".

I can't speak for all P2P 20-24s but those that I know who participate in the bracket play it to feel like twinking used to be - an opportunity to faceroll less geared players (in this case the F2Ps)
The answer is easy, they like the challenge of one-shotting F2P's.

They those kind of individuals that played 39's/29's whatever back in the day just to pwn levelers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, that's pretty obvious. But I find it hard to believe that only 20-40 players would rather have real competition. Especially considering we've found at least that number willing to work for competitive games on Molten, where the base population is only around 50k. If we can do that, there should be a lot more than just 20-40 people out of the couple million playing WoW daily who are interested in competitive games. >.<
one my btag friends plays in this bracket

he's got a mage named grapefruit

he said this bracket isn't active and alliance is sometimes ''meh'' when it comes to competitive..similar to 85s? is it?

edit : hes got a TI acc and goes by the same name as his mage
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