Horde QQ from EU


Been lots of QQ about this before I know.

Playing EU horde, only did 13 games of wsg, won 11/13.

Dunno if it's been like this since start of F2P trials though, can't judge on 13 games...

11/13 sounds nice, but it was 'hell lot of work, in all games I've been the only

F2P twink horde side. The rest is random trials. Ally side has like 4+ atleast.

Though I've only seen 2 good ally players.

Prob is if it wasn't for me constantly picking up the flag horde would've lost 13/13.

Playing as ele shaman. Sometimes it's a clear cap, but if not I must wait for team

to kill efc. In most cases they just can't manage to, they don't even come near

the ally base at all.

Point is there are NO horde twinks EU. Dunno if anyone on this forum even play EU but

oh well. I'd say if you go EU for whatever reason please consider going horde,

Especially if you want a challange.

As for me atm, it is hard enjoying any match, since horde trials alone can't get anything done. They've been useful as meatshields, kek.

Had a game with 10 hunters aswell, and similar ones, not counting any rogues/exo pallys.

Can you ppl give any tips, or how to endure this shit...

Because atm I don't see any reason to contineu playing horde, going ally

is not going to help the bracket either. Will consider going US if it won't change in

long terms.

<Things that stand out>

All kinds of beginner questions.

QQ of horde sucking at this game.
Agree - Aerie Peak (or U.S.) is the place to play F2P twink right now. Who knows might change in the future?
I guess I will have to give it a shot, though there are related threads about US horde lacking twinks.

Atleast horde has 1+ twink if it works out =P

''enable reduce input lag'' never used it, let's hope it magically removes lag.

And also... LFH all over again ._.

I wonder if really ALL eu players went us for f2p.
Yep. Either the Americans are up at some ungodly hours, or there's loads of us over there from EU.

Must admit, fishing competition at 10pm sunday night is much better. I'm actually up in time for them now ;)
tbh I'm looking for a EU server to start twinking cuz sometimes the lag in bg is just too high (200-300ms) with the reduce input lag enabled.. And as a rogue even if im inside of the enemy i cant hit em sometimes etc.. So kinda sucks. Give me a heads up if there's a EU server that got some twinks.
killthrill said:
tbh I'm looking for a EU server to start twinking cuz sometimes the lag in bg is just too high (200-300ms) with the reduce input lag enabled.. And as a rogue even if im inside of the enemy i cant hit em sometimes etc.. So kinda sucks. Give me a heads up if there's a EU server that got some twinks.

Well, it's at Aerie Peak US everything's going to happen.

We are soon launching 2v2, 3v3 tournament here for F2P twinks with epic prices.
Hiidden said:
Well, it's at Aerie Peak US everything's going to happen.

We are soon launching 2v2, 3v3 tournament here for F2P twinks with epic prices.

Well u cant really know that, its a relatively new thing going on.. AP wont be the only twink server, thats for sure :) But I will stay on ap for now..
leotseddap said:
Aka a kiss from Aty, we can get one of those ^^

Nah I wont talk about the prices yet but I think you will like it. We are kinda limited cause of trial accounts though.

killthrill said:
Well u cant really know that, its a relatively new thing going on.. AP wont be the only twink server, thats for sure :) But I will stay on ap for now..

Ofcourse it's always some twink realms going around, but Aerie Peak US will have the largest playerbase for sure. The reasons to this is because EU and US players play here and aswell you can't transfer or move character so I guess people will be here for a long time.

By that most of the people drags to the biggest server and want to join the fun.

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