Lotta QQing in here ;-;
That's what the forums are for.
Lotta QQing in here ;-;
Crying aside, its true. You haven't been around long enough and most likely don't participate in wargames or arena 20s. All the good alliance, gladiator players etc....don't que bgs, they only que 20s arenas. With the exception of Paige and maybe Niz. But I don't see Niz que much. There is a lot of alliance players, but half of them rather sit in goldshire. It's the same with horde. Most of the good horde only que into wargames or sit in durator and then log if ally is syncing premades. There were many players that left for a long duration to climb the latter and reach rank 1 in rbgs who were all horde. Aka Gokkus group, RIP. Every time this group of players goes into a normal bg, they absolutely shit on everyone. I am not even part of that group of players, but I have played with them in war-games and in normal bgs. There is more new players on alliance personally I have noticed, and I play both factions, but mostly horde. There is one group on alliance who ques bgs who actually contests a fight against other horde premades. It's Paigexd, Niz, Nocontest and usually two off healers. Banishedjr, or twomoreheals, cyberbully etc....Its literally the only contest unless alliance is running massive hunters, which happens on both factions. Organized pvp is the only way to determine things, and so far over the last year with the exception of yesterday it has been horde vs horde wargames because most of the players from Stuck at GY I mentioned do not wargame and only bg when all of them are online. They rather roll levelers the contest in wargames.
I don't play as much as I did in the old days (cata/mop), but from what I have seen of the current community, I can safely say, there are VERY few premades Alliance-side. "LFM" pops up in chat maybe once or twice a day. The Horde definitely seems to go pug stomping a LOT more.lmao the otherside does it too? Don't an idiot.
Does the Horde really have so much drama that they need 3 or 4 different communities?so now there’s the nerf me daddy community with 600, the og comm with 300 left, a new one called hordecore made by supacow with 150+, and also cignus’ which I haven’t checked out yet
Having read this whole thread, this comment sums it up nicely. I just find it so funny that this sort of thing is an issue... "iMa r1 gLaD! coMe aTe Meh BrUH!" There is just WAY too much ego in this bracket lol.what was radioactive apparently became nuclear
I don't play as much as I did in the old days (cata/mop), but from what I have seen of the current community, I can safely say, there are VERY few premades Alliance-side. "LFM" pops up in chat maybe once or twice a day. The Horde definitely seems to go pug stomping a LOT more.
Does the Horde really have so much drama that they need 3 or 4 different communities?
Having read this whole thread, this comment sums it up nicely. I just find it so funny that this sort of thing is an issue... "iMa r1 gLaD! coMe aTe Meh BrUH!" There is just WAY too much ego in this bracket lol.
Don't forget my tier 1 community... it's rather exclusive... I'm the only one in it. Sure telling myself how awesome I am gets tedious, but I can live with it.
You never solo que shit lol. As i stated your one of the few healers that rolls premades in pug bgs with paige cyber niz tgod sallya twomore and your main core. I didnt even day you guus were bad. I said you promote the only competitions in the bracket when there is an equal playing field. Its not my problem you cant orchestrate and hour of your life to premade a organized pvp match but you can fuck around for a few hours killing levelers. Lol. Bring your group in the premade next week if juan and dizzen show up and it would be some fun matches. Also i dont entirely judge skilled players off 20s i can only gauge by their achievements and current 60 arena rating. And most havent surpassed 1500. Lollol @ the assumption horde are the only ones with player loss to 60s and the basis of ur persuasive argument
What horde premades sweep alliance without a hunter advantage? Any that actually q? Is your argument just "oh i wargame so i know of all the good players and since alliance doesnt wargame theyre not as good as horde"? Not all good players wargame, and not all players that wargame are good. I assume you've never tried to set up RBGs among mostly adults with families lol. It's hard af, and generally something comes up regardless of how well you plan.
i solo q fairly often and ive seen a lot of horde premades struggle against a twink or two and some decent levelers. I just can't believe that Horde dominates the way you describe in the hours I'm offline based on what i see when I'm on, and based on replies I assume other players feel the same. idgaf which faction has more quantity or quality but ur argument is really shitty and I think a lot of players general experiences would reinforce that. seems more like u just wanna cry on behalf of the horde players who want to wargame a good group of alliance
I think it's pretty safe to say most normal people don't feel the need to prove how good they are to anyone but themselves and the idea that anyone that's actually good (and not cripplingly insecure) would or should feel the need to demonstrate their skill in wargames on a 20 is hilarious, they're fun but honestly you're almost always going to have imbalance and some teams will just be better regardless of how you try to balance because of chemistry and player skill differentials except in the most outlandish of cases. If you queue your 5 man and I q a 5 man and we beat you 10 games out of 10 with varied levelers on our teams, i think its safe to say we would win a wargame with core players and rotating teammates assuming relative balance in teammate swaps.
we've never shied away from a challenge in random bgs, not sure why you think its all about farming levelers just because we're too busy IRL to organize wargames against ppl we beat all the time anyway