Honestly, How bad is ret...?

Yeah, stocking HP is the only card Ret has up it's sleeve, and the only burst. You can tell when a warriors next shield slam is going to pop and kite him, you never know when you're going to get hit with a TV that's 1/4 of your health.
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Without BoA, ret is pathetic. With the BaR, you can 1v1 anything that isn't a Prot paladin or a healer. BG utility is definitely there. HoJ, some sustained damage, offheals, and plenty of ToT. It's worth trying, but it's just not competitive against healers.
Without BoA, ret is pathetic. With the BaR, you can 1v1 anything that isn't a Prot paladin or a healer. BG utility is definitely there. HoJ, some sustained damage, offheals, and plenty of ToT. It's worth trying, but it's just not competitive against healers.

Fair enough, there's only 3 classes/specs that are competetive against healers.

I'd stack Resilience/Crit, even if that means dropping the Str on the PvP shoulders for the Spell PvP shoulders (Stam, crit, resil). You need to last long and boost your burst capabilities. Crit>Resil>Stam>Str

Retribution is a time bomb, rocking a 15 second burst CD that needs to count when it hits --don't be afraid to sit on 3 HP. It has the advantage of being ignored in team fights letting him set up Chained Stun burst for a surprise 650+ Damage that can blind side a healer depending on how you time your cool downs. I'd place it's effectiveness a little below Arcane Mage, Like A. Mage; when played correctly it can shine.

That's just IMO. I would never actively pug Ret though.
Retribution seems to be more of a nuisance more than anything - looking at that damage output and the healing output they are by far one of the easiest to beat that I have seen.
You could either try burst them down or you just keep having them heal until out of mana and finish them.
I say they are viable as offheals but their damage is just extremely low at lower levels now.
Well, If all back fires I know a good place to get a one hander and a shield.
Ret is probably the most fun spec to play imo as a pally. This spec actually requires some skill and quick thinking though.
The dmg isn't too bad, and two-hand dmg was raised from the last patch by like, 5%? Not much of a difference but it helps. I've been playing prot lately to get heirlooms easier but I'd recommend for everyone to try it at least for a while.

Also got some screen shots. These were pre-patch 5.2

Got one flag capture and two flag returns in that lst one^^


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I dislike the new visual of Templar's verdict, I like the old one D:
it's not bad. right now ret heals are topping the healing charts... really if you concentrate only on heals as ret right now you will get 50k+ heals every game guaranteed. About the damage, it's decent. Not bad, not good. It's fun though I really like the Templars animation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4NdgZfZpQ I know, the people in this video are bad and undergeared... but I didn't have time to get some really good clips. was about in an hour or so. But it'll give you a bit of how rets work right now. This was 5.1 btw
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Undergeared, s-keying terribles. I love the druids that don't just travel form away with a HoT on to get away. No they stood there mounted doing nothing or just running away on foot and got killed. Also forgot the rogue in the zerker hut that didn't kick you either.

Ret is terrible. Just play prot and learn to use focus to lock down healers and be done with it.
Undergeared, s-keying terribles. I love the druids that don't just travel form away with a HoT on to get away. No they stood there mounted doing nothing or just running away on foot and got killed. Also forgot the rogue in the zerker hut that didn't kick you either.

Ret is terrible. Just play prot and learn to use focus to lock down healers and be done with it.

Oh no man, don´t play the hate card! You might get banned by Yde the tyrant and friends. Saying your opinion out loud is dangerous in Soviet Twinkinfo.

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