Holy Paladin!


I'm currently putting together a holy Paladin. I'm just curious as to what enchants I should be using on each piece. Any advice would be helpful
Would suggest starting with this layout and slowly building an FC set since overall we might be the most reliable class/spec Pug FC in game today.

Ore's Gear
Cause Horde is whats up, duh =P
Why? Hpals are tough enough as it is with their omgwtf heals. Maybe replace Godfrey's with the mail legs and leave everything else as it is?
Mnkey said:
Ore why are you back horde?

I'm currently Band from Wow for a small portion of time and got my Faction change reverse, As soon as i recover my acc. back from blizzard i will be coming back to allie.

I suggest my gear layout because you should never die as an Hpall because you did not hold the right amount of "extra" stamina or armor, that should actually be the smallest of your troubles and your death would end up being the result of bad placement.

Your gearing for Healing which makes those consistant 1.3k crits a must expecially when it involves crossing Field with your FC. Saying "crit is not important is a quite single-minded and foolish statement. Having an FC with 2.3+ Health healing the adverage 560 is no where compared to the Critical amounts.

If you are building on armor your simply decreasing the survival chances of your FC which puts you and him at a disadvantage, by not having the stats you are capable of holding and will eventually become your "mistake".

Ore's Guide "How to Hpall" coming soon.
Orebrb said:
I'm currently Band from Wow for a small portion of time and got my Faction change reverse, As soon as i recover my acc. back from blizzard i will be coming back to allie.

I suggest my gear layout because you should never die as an Hpall because you did not hold the right amount of "extra" stamina or armor, that should actually be the smallest of your troubles and your death would end up being the result of bad placement.

Your gearing for Healing which makes those consistant 1.3k crits a must expecially when it involves crossing Field with your FC. Saying "crit is not important is a quite single-minded and foolish statement. Having an FC with 2.3+ Health healing the adverage 560 is no where compared to the Critical amounts.

If you are building on armor your simply decreasing the survival chances of your FC which puts you and him at a disadvantage, by not having the stats you are capable of holding and will eventually become your "mistake".

Ore's Guide "How to Hpall" coming soon.

Unless the hpal is doing the FCing maybe? Or is there something else to it?
The thread is based on a very general statement

WpGCoss said:
I'm currently putting together a holy Paladin. I'm just curious as to what enchants I should be using on each piece. Any advice would be helpful

I gave him the most important advice Healing Gear set up and, why.

I did start to answer that in my first post

Orebrb said:
Would suggest starting with this layout and slowly building an FC set since overall we might be the most reliable class/spec Pug FC in game today.
all that crit will do nothing when you are sitting on your graveyard. i have played with ore plenty... i would not take his advise as a new holy paladin. and yes, you want more armor and hp or hunters and rogues will rofl at you.

Disturbing @ Vek'nilash - Game - World of Warcraft

2129 armor (compared to ores 1500ish?), 13 resilience and a respectable amount of hp.
Dorigon said:
and gf'd gear out the ass

rly helpful to a new paladin

and another useful contribution from the dipshit warlock that sticks his nose in everything that doesnt involve him too
u seem to b new at internet forums

in any case, it was silly at best to link a so-heavily gf'd armory
been here for years. just dont find it necessary to jab my fat jowls into every conversation like yourself.

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