Holy Paladin!

this is a question for ore....you stack crit but do u heal/fc with that spec? why not take the extra crit from wog?? or do u switch depending on ur mood lol just enlighten me
You talk about instant heals being important and then you enchant haste. Wasted enchant especially if you're stacking crit. Improper itemization.
You talk about instant heals being important and then you enchant haste. Wasted enchant especially if you're stacking crit. Improper itemization.

If you do the math +16sp = +10 more healing done on your instant cast. Not nearly as important as the +10 haste.

Any other questions?
Any other questions?

why is your guide total bs? armor>crit, a dead pally does how much healing?.

but...but you will only die has a hpally due to bad plac..bla..bla, what about if a rogue opens from stealth with kick? a mage pops up and hits you with imp cs? how would you place your self out of that and with no armor/hp to survive it?.

“Who's your Jedi master? WHO'S your Jedi Master?”
I assure you Ore knows what he is doing.
........wow.......u cants keep a fc up threw a decent rush with just instant cast "spells" what a decent size heal every 6 seconds what maybe 300-400 if it crits and hes getting crited for like 500 over and over again...l2p im sideing with ore crit pally is way to go

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