Hitting hi-level mobs

I got slightly better equip as elemental shaman and soloed again the lvl 44 turtle in 1000 needles (now with bufffood -> hit chance + 14,62%) and i got the turtle down in the first try! :)
I've read somewhere about some changes coming in MoP regarding hitting higher level mobs, just can't find it again.
Since this place seems like a suitable place to ask, can anyone give me some info on this?
Hit, Dodge, and Parry are going to be the same for melee, ranged, and spell damage. its a huge nerf for hunters against any level opponent and a nice buff for casters against higher level opponents.
I maxed out my hit gear, and now i killed a lvl 45 crab in Tanaris ( as elemental shaman). I think there is no way atm to kill any higher lvl mob at lvl 20.
cant believe this thread is still going lol
its like a an energizer bunny... kinda put my data collecting on hold as the only real work to do is pegging some kind of formula for Parry & Dodge at high levels, but the overall trend is there and its all going to change a bit anyway.

...it did feel a bit satisfying to see that the hit formula from wowwiki that people reference is just flat out wrong though.

even if it dies i'm planning to rez it come MoP when i redo the charts. mwahahaha
bump just 'cause people are still saying "omg, the hit formula doesn't work". I'll be updating all this after MoP hits. The lines will move a bit, but obviously the biggest change is going to be that ridiculous green line (you know....green...for hunters) will be gone. :)
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"When MoP rolls out - melee, spell, and ranged attacks will all have the same chance to Hit, Dodge, and Parry. So on the first chart, the green and blue lines will be the same as the orange (although it will move a bit)...hence the Hunter nerf."

Expertise will give spell hit for casters.
However spells cannot be dogd'd+parried, only missed/LoS'd
I am glad for the hunter nerf(i main agl/str classes, and you gain (27%??) agl/str as dodge/parry) i may e wrong on this, but you DO gain Ddg,pry from STR/agl

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