Hit Rating Cracked

Rayu said:
4 hit gives the same increase of DPS as 10 AP does after passing the hit cap.

Besides that - I do agree crit is better in duels where you have little up-time, since it's rather about the potential burst damage than the chance of the burst coming out as good as possible. Talking about 1v1s with a priest or mage for example.

Then it comes down to play-style. Do you go for reliability (hit) or potential (crit)? If you stack hit your tactic vs. a priest will be to oom him, if you go for crit you will want to pop your trinket when he screams you when your health is low. You will often find yourself stacking less stamina in a crit build, while hit builds are often balanced. Either build is viable, but some situations will be a lot easier if you have a set of both.

So you would try to OoM a priest in a 1v1 Duel as a rogue?

At this low level it isn't so much about OoMing the opposition as it is to overwhelm their healing ability at an opportune moment.
I dont know about the people in this thread, but generally how it plays out for me in a warsong/premade is that youre pretty much never soloing an FC as a rogue. As for the 'increased burst' afforded by heavy crit builds, how do you rogues actually use your energy? Generally Im using white attacks on the FC, with the occasional SS thrown in, but mixing that with focus gouging/kicking the healers that are spamming their 18 second cast. Its ridiculously easy to CC a healer while dpsing an FC in 19s.
Conrose said:
So you would try to OoM a priest in a 1v1 Duel as a rogue?

At this low level it isn't so much about OoMing the opposition as it is to overwhelm their healing ability at an opportune moment.

In a 1v1 duel, as a rogue, I try to oom priests. If you doubt that to be successful, ask any priest on Draenor EU. It's really annoying to have a rogue with 1400 health, LB and bandages when you see your mana drain trying to get him down slowly.
Falaris said:
I dont know about the people in this thread, but generally how it plays out for me in a warsong/premade is that youre pretty much never soloing an FC as a rogue. As for the 'increased burst' afforded by heavy crit builds, how do you rogues actually use your energy? Generally Im using white attacks on the FC, with the occasional SS thrown in, but mixing that with focus gouging/kicking the healers that are spamming their 18 second cast. Its ridiculously easy to CC a healer while dpsing an FC in 19s.

I would pool my energy as a target nears my "Burst Kill Range" or the HP level around which a full Energy Dump could potentially get a kill... this of course gets extended by Thistle Tea availability, buffs currently active, etc. Spamming SS every time I have the energy results in more or less a PvE type damage output which nearby healers would be able to account for and simply heal quite casually if they are not being CC'd or interrupted by my allies. If in a Premade, I'd manage my energy pooling to finish up and allow my burst combo to coincide with the burst combination of another ally so that the Burst Kill Range between us would be significantly higher than it would be with my Burst Kill Range alone.

With my melee Ranged Hunter, I often kept an allied rogue on my focus so I could easily tell, when they were on my target, that they were preparing for a burst combination and hold off on using my Burst Combo until they were ready.
Rayu said:
4 hit gives the same increase of DPS as 10 AP does after passing the hit cap.

Besides that - I do agree crit is better in duels where you have little up-time, since it's rather about the potential burst damage than the chance of the burst coming out as good as possible. Talking about 1v1s with a priest or mage for example.

Then it comes down to play-style. Do you go for reliability (hit) or potential (crit)? If you stack hit your tactic vs. a priest will be to oom him, if you go for crit you will want to pop your trinket when he screams you when your health is low. You will often find yourself stacking less stamina in a crit build, while hit builds are often balanced. Either build is viable, but some situations will be a lot easier if you have a set of both.

What I was getting at is what are you basing the +10 AP and +4 Hit off of. I understand you are arguing that they are equal, but what piece of gear would give you +4 hit WHILE leaving you with -10 AP and not taking anything else (crit/stamina/ect).
Pizza said:
What I was getting at is what are you basing the +10 AP and +4 Hit off of. I understand you are arguing that they are equal, but what piece of gear would give you +4 hit WHILE leaving you with -10 AP and not taking anything else (crit/stamina/ect).

AP is the easiest DPS stat to calculate with. I just took 10 AP for an easy equation.

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