Hit cap worth it as Resto FC Druid?


So. Is it really needed?

I currently use Hit staff and Ellos band and got called a scrub for about 5 minutes by a certain individual.

Is it really that necessary?

I will most likely be queueing with a pocket healer and atleast one other player so it's not like i'll be solo fc'ing.

Need you're opinions please.
Now i'm not exactly the druid specialist but if your an fc, you'll probably be doing more running/jumping than actually fighting. I mean i'm sure you'll be throwing around a couple of moonfires/swarms around but nothing major. In the end, i guess it's up to you
As a fc, you will need as much stam as you can get. I think grand staff of jordan is good for stam and healing yourself.
Or go eye patch which frees up being able to get the pve staff for more int
no imo its not worth it. you will rare ever miss roots anyways. get more int and stam
When i fced on kate i only stacked stamina, intellect and crit, crit for those swiftmends.
A resto fc BiS staff is GSoJ, I don't understand the argument.
you dont hit cap only with GSoJ dont know what you are talking about.
yes but the main item in question is GsoJ or DHC, when the obvious choice should be GsoJ.
oh sorry thats what you meant
yes but the main item in question is GsoJ or DHC, when the obvious choice should be GsoJ.

to me it seemed like what was in question was whether or not to use ello's to finish off the spell cap. imo like veinte said its not really worth it. especially when you'llbe queuing with pocket heals
I'm sorry to go off topic about a resto druid..
But what about a resto shaman?
I'm a resto shaman, but we don't use the grand staff of Jordan?
And I didn't take the eyepatch, I fished for LFH.. So what are your comments about that?;/

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