Hit cap worth it as Resto FC Druid?

I say it depends on were you are (running from efr or already in your fr) . If you are running from efr hitcap. very often i do various stump jumps root from up top, then contiue running. on d if you have many hunters on offence (coming for u) and you are solo fcing (chances are in pugs you will be) just use gsoj . chances are by the time you get a root on one (if hes good) he will have killed most of your health and then his buddy with roflstomp you the rest of the way . Your best option in a multiple hunter offense would be to start on roof and go strait to top/mid of the horde / ally tunnel wait for them to jump down or onto second level and as soon as they do that jump right back up to top of tun as they runs around to top of tunnel to try and get you again go up tunnel to rinse and repeat.

yes i know i got way off topic but the point is with multiple hunters rooting will leave you vulnerable most of the time while you are fcing and such i wouldnt really use more than gjos
Let me correct the many mistakes made in this thread:


If you're alliance hit cap with GSoJ and Ello's

This set up allows for more stamina. Also the extra agility doesn't from the Ello's doesn't hurt.


You could hit cap with GSoJ and Eyepatch.

Obviously, this set it way over hit cap. BUT, this set allows for more agility, more armor, and a little more intellect.

Both are very good with and without healers.

Now that I've told you HOW to hit cap. Let it be known that, yes, hit capping is very important when FCing.

- Roots, roots, roots. Don't fuck yourself by missing a root. If you spend that time on throwing a root down and miss, you're done.

- Moonfire/insect swarm is very important. I can not count the amount of rogues I kept out of stealth because I moonfired them just as they got out of range. You miss that moonfire, they get another opener. Also, If you see a rogue in stealth and you miss your moonfire on him, you should end your life right about now.

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