Alright, I'm going to play the bad guy here and say it - the 2nd Amendment is archaic and no longer necessary in our modern society. It was written during a time when the nation was just beginning to lay its foundation and could have been invaded at any time. That's quite clearly no longer an issue in 2016.
So you want guns to protect yourself? To protect yourself from what? Criminals entering your home? Criminals in public?
How effective do you think those guns are going to be if you actually practice proper gun safety in home? In order to prevent gun accidents with those very children or family members in your home that you want to protect, do you not agree that they should be unloaded, locked up and secured with appropriate trigger guards? Tell me how useful those guns are then in the event of a home invasion by criminals?
"Excuse me Mr. Burglar sir, give me a few minutes to go to my gun safe, unlock it and put a few rounds of ammo in and then you may continue with your invasion."
Right. How many people actually live in an area where they think carrying a gun around all the time provides safety against criminals in public? Do you just walk around in constant fear of something happening and think that having a gun is the only way to feel safe? What a miserable existence.
Protecting yourself from the government? If you honestly think having a few rifles and pistols in your home is going to serve even the slightest bit of purpose in the event you would actually need to defend yourself from a tyrannical government, that's a delusion that I can't even begin to touch.
Can't we just admit that the majority of Americans who clamor over the slightest threat to the 2nd Amendment are people who think guns are cool and just like blowing shit up with them? This being the case, what's wrong with allowing licensed and regulated places like shooting ranges to have guns that you can rent and blast to your heart's content?
Apologies for the wall of text, I highly doubt many people will take the time to read it all and will probably just call me a socialist pacifist coward or some variation. I just think the 2nd Amendment is archaic and no longer needed.
The second Amendment is necessary because it gives the people the right to defend themselves from invaders whether that's a home invader, or whether that's when the government fails to protect its citizens and the citizens can protect themselves from a foreign countries invasion.
Let me get this out of the way, if a robber knows you own weapons, do you think he will try to rob you or the guy who doesn't carry a weapon? Your argument about a gun being ineffective against a criminal is not true, if the criminal knows you have the same tool to take him out why would he even try to risk it when he can walk to someone else's unarmed house?
Most people who own guns don't live in constant "fear" about anything, but rather to protect themselves just in case something does occur. Not to mention, a few posts ago I said people are also saved by gun carrying civilians who saved innocent lives by criminals with knives and other objects. In that particular scenario, the person in "fear" is the civilian who is unarmed, not the person who is armed. The ones living in fear are the same people begging for help when they are being robbed or held hostage by a criminal with a weapon.
Of course with guns anything can go wrong, accidents can happen obviously, just like accidents can happen while driving a vehicle.
A "few rifles" and pistols can help in the case of a tyrannical government, especially when there are 320 million people in the US and let's just assume half of those people are armed that would be a pretty strong force to be reckoned with. Even if a tyrannical government arises, you can't just assume everyone involved in government matters will put up with that, but rather join a rebellion against it.
People don't just use guns to "blow shit up", they are used for sport as well as hunting and protecting oneself from being hunted out in the wild. I would even argue that people who dislike guns, and want them banned, are the people who are scared rather then the people who own guns themselves. Which is why they want them abolished and want them to be harder to obtain.
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