Highwav 39 twink Guild recruiting Draenor EU


Bump! We had an event last Sunday! Tons of fun. Recorded most of it and will make a video. I will upload it on our Youtube channel

We are still looking for more recruits! :)
Hey, I was wondering how the bracket is doing and if the Draenor guilds are still recruiting?

I'm going to start up playing WoW again soon and I always loved the 39's
Hello, I'm not quite sure about the horde side. All I know is that its inactive and we don't have any hordes playing. I have 2-3 on Real-id that could show up on events but no more than that. So we would really need some horde players. Currently we have a lot of alliance so we play wargames within Highwav. If you still want a Horde I could supply you with the items you need. I got a officer in WB.

Keep in mind that this post is outdated and I will update it soon. I will take new screenshots and fix some info. Adding and removing.
I'm still very much interested in horde, any help with gearing would be very welcomed seen as I have no mains on this server. I would very much like to get activity on horde going so I'll stick to horde for now and see if we could recruit so more to horde to help boost the overall population on draenor. Also could I have ure ID so I'll be able to keep in contact in game, ty.

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