Highest max crit on F2P

1087 Pyro Crit with zerker, that plus a 356 or something like that crit fireblast... globalled a sub-par geared priest through his shield... hahahaha

Edit: Oh yea wizard oil and 11 int pot

i got a 620 arcane barrage crit on some guy yesterday in AB....stacking offensive stats is definitely the way to go
I did hit Xdurdead for a 38,000 TV recently. I was level 85 though. Idk if that counts but it was technically ON a F2P.
1,420 with Aimed Shot when i'm in my AGI gear + a few buffs. I reckon F2P's could push 1.6k if they're fulled geared and have a party full of Buffs. Hell, maybe even 2k!
Well thats alot of responses. Yesterday I noticed blessing of blackfathom is way better now, +10% on all stats and +15% on frost. (If I remember right) Before it was only + 5 int, some spirit and +15 frost dmg. Seems that hunters (which I hate) crit most. So basically they crit most, have pet, dps alot, and have great stamina since of the talent and probably blizzard soon will make them heal like a priest since they are so underpowered. I may be stupid, but what is Zerking? Still I have my hopes up for execution crit. Little out of topic: anyone know at how spell power affects Pyroblast and its DOT? Since only data I have found is from Wrath of Lich King patches and before.
No, you didn't get 5% every time. The buff itself is a random number from 1-10%. It used to be 5% every time, which is why it still says that on the tooltip. Check your character sheet for the exact % you got.
700 Crit Lava Lash with a non-boa shaman, on a paladin. Which is impressive considering it was also peppered with 4 other sources of 20-50 damage simultaneously. basically did 80% of health worth of damage in a 2 second window to any average 900-1200 hp player.

did it have stacks of the FC debuff or something? because that's... o_o

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