What Does Your UI Look like? (80Version)

dont be mad fan
bans dont exactly bother me, but if thats what it takes for you to attempt to discredit my statement then feel free.

whatever helps you sleep at night.
Whilst it annoys me how much pointless hate there is being flung around on this forum like faeces in a chimp enclosure, I do agree that it's a little suspicious why you'd go through the effort to cover up your action bars.

Anyway, here's my UI:

Or you can see it in action in my youtube videos.
Whilst it annoys me how much pointless hate there is being flung around on this forum like faeces in a chimp enclosure, I do agree that it's a little suspicious why you'd go through the effort to cover up your action bars.

Regardless of me leaving my keybinds or not, bartended would just make it impossible to view if they are bind or not, so there is not much left to be " suspicious ", i just dont like showing em.
@Fearie or w/e the hell

is that titanpanel? i havent seen that **** in forever, my god the nostalgia.

also: leave it to nesyla to act as a kill joy.


ive used bartender before and there is definitely an option to show your binds.
@Fearie or w/e the hell

is that titanpanel? i havent seen that **** in forever, my god the nostalgia.

also: leave it to nesyla to act as a kill joy.


ive used bartender before and there is definitely an option to show your binds.

Even if there was, and i'm nto saying there is as i haven't seen it, why would i want to show my binds

And also, you have a weird way to intend joy, it seems as if you have joy insulting people ? trolling ?

Last warning, keep any kind of troll and negative comment off this thread.
He's not even trolling, he's simply asking you why, it's a UI thread, Keybinds are a part of the UI, If you don't want him to know why you block your keybinds stop replying..
Even if there was, and i'm nto saying there is as i haven't seen it, why would i want to show my binds

And also, you have a weird way to intend joy, it seems as if you have joy insulting people ? trolling ?

Last warning, keep any kind of troll and negative comment off this thread.

because theres no reason to black out your bars even if you *do* have binds.

and yes, i do get joy out of trolling nerds.
Kore beat me, oh well. Looks like he has it covered.
I don't think in all the years ive played wow and looked at forums have i come across a UI thread that didnt have at least 1 person being accused of not binding keys and an argument ensues
Thats incredible feaire

I tried to do it on my 85 dk back in march/feb when he had 346/359 gear

Got xt-002 down to about 35%
My old wotlk interface[...]

recount was located in the bottom right corner
titanui easiest thing to setup looks clean basic for a new pveer

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