Highest crit after patch. 39 only please. =D

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Oh, ok, i get it !

Escuse me if i don't understand all of what you say: i speak fluent english, but i play wow in french so i don't get all the wow words :p
hôp said:
Oh, ok, i get it !

Escuse me if i don't understand all of what you say: i speak fluent english, but i play wow in french so i don't get all the wow words :p

Lol wasn't trying to put you down or anything, I was actually showing you how badass they can be if you ever plan on picking up engi on a low level char or twink at any time.
hôp said:
Ya i know, don't worry :p

At what eng. lvl you can get that?

I'm not sure with the current changes, but I believe you still have to be 30+ to obtain the engineering skill. You have to be able to train in gnomish engineering which you can learn in ironforge at 225 engineering and lvl 30. You also don't need to have engi after you learn it to keep the deathray and use it. So, in theory you could train engi high enough to learn and make the device then drop it for a different skill if you wanted to, or even drop gnomish engineering for goblin engineering and have both the gnomish death ray and the rocket launcher, which do not share CDs. I suppose you could then make a macro to cast both at the same time and deal a fair amount of damage to a runner if you didn't have ranged attacks.
So, in theory you could train engi high enough to learn and make the device then drop it for a different skill if you wanted to

how sure are you of this after what they did to JCing?
Landed a wf in full ap set with every single higher level buff(meaning not the 85ap BoM but the 130ap), elixer of intellect and agility, rallying cry of the dragon slayer, strength tot down BUT NO KINGS, o and i had zerker, popped bloodfury. 1675 was the one crit in the wf on that poor priest...i got the ss somewhere just gotta find it. Before that, i white crit another lowbie in the high 1100s.
With my druid (no buff, only zerk), I did 1k with Wrath.

My moonfire did 220 (dot).

I have only 285 SP, but I could easily go higher ^^
6k with gnomish death ray :p no zerker but it was the EFC who had the 100% damage taken increase debuff.

with a spell, 1000ish starfire.
Maxed but plausible

Okay so today after my last exams, I decided to try and max out my SP.

What I did:

- equipped SP gear (I'm lacking RotM, Wingborne Boots and another BoA SP trinket though, see further)

- gathered a 22 int buff, 25 int elixir, Arcane Elixir, MotW (self), Kings

- ate a Fish Feast

- had someone in my group with Jade Pendant Of Blasting, a 39 shammy with Improved Flametongue Totem, Lesser Wizard Oil on SoJ

- a Toasted Smorc (from Midsummer) to compensate for my SP gear lackings.

- I joined WSG whilst standing near the target dummies in Theramore, with my shaman and pala (Jade Pendant) waiting. I then grabbed the Berserking buff, /AFK'ed out.

- I popped up a Chipped Power Core (thx to a twink-info post) and started spamming Starfire and other spells.

Here are the results:

- 2.2k SF crit -> http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4823/wowscrnshot062509191130.jpg

- 1.25k Wrath crit (Chipped Power Core faded out by then) -> http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/7903/wowscrnshot062509191146.jpg

- SS of combat log with the 2.2k SF crit, 500 Moonfire crit, 1.25k Wrath crit and another 1.3k wrath crit -> http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/605/wowscrnshot062509191307.jpg

- IS ticking for 222, Moonfire ticking for 157 -> http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/4234/wowscrnshot062509191413.jpg

(It's the first time I'm using Imageshack, so tell me if I'm doing it right ;-) )

Assuming this would've been on a Fury Warrior, with berserking buff, berserker stance and Death Wish:

2200 x 2= 4400 :======: 4400 x 0,05 + 4400 = 4620 :======: 4620 x 0,05 + 4620 = 4851. That would be massive =D. (I'm not sure if calculations would work like that though.)

Chances of this happening in a BG are obviously and luckily close to zero ^^. I just wanted to try this out for once :p.

I hope this post will motivate others to push their limits. ;-)


A happy Meta
Glass-cannon gear with Zerker and FC-debuff = 1961 Frostbolt.
851 shadow bolt as an affliction warlock not buffed on a non debuffed target. Right had a smore forgot about that. Either way I stand by it as decent for affliction.

I dueled a 53 paladin once and I bubble/death ray one shot for 5300. I hit for 5300 on a 39 orc warrior in AB once too. He had about 3k health. I wish I had screenshots. I haven't had any luck with death ray in months. Did they shadow nerf it?
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