Hi my name is fort and i have something to say

- if the OP is the 19 horde fort that was in WT and the alliance alt fort variation? along with many of WT alliance win log rollers, he/she is guilty of GY farming in the past

- MOP is no burstier than CATA was, FTOM OP classes changed. holy pal's, and disco priests were rather OP then and still are even more now, res-shamans although good in CATA, joined FTOM healer ranks. Bal-druids are now the new hunter, evident by all the hunters rerolling into them.

- GY farming is done by both sides, but when people thru real-ID/guild premades roll a combo of 5-6 of the above healers, then hold the flag and GY camp...it's camping.

- using achieves is a poor scape goat excuse for GY camping. you can constantly find someone who wants 250000 kills. or someone who's account was banned and wants a title back on their new account. cycle can be kept going and will never end with that mentality
i play to win and kill the other faction

if some1 else is running flags and mid is empty i go gy

if not i normally run flags if some1 dont get there before
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some teams ask to get farmed....

try to contain the gy and cap fast and u get a laf rogue or druid that stealths by and picks up the flag to prolong an obvious loss... cbf to chase them down when im trying to sit afk in gy and move on to the next game
res-shamans although good in CATA, joined FTOM healer ranks.

pffft hwwwhhattt ahahahahha


Bal-druids are now the new hunter, evident by all the hunters rerolling into them

xcept 1 thing, 99% of balance druid rerolls are fucking god awful because you dont just hit w,click your actionbars and collect dpschart scores.

ps balance was always good. It was just never realized.

pps why do you say disco priest, it confuses me?
Well the problem is, atleast in EU; we got enough people to keep pops going, untill some dickheads from TL ques and farm the hell out of the opposite team. This affects some people will stop queing including TL. This means; us who really wants to play a good entertainment game has to wait 40mins-1 hour for next pop. But I guess that's alright?

What Fort is trying to say is: he don't got anything to stop some people from gy farming, but he's asking people nicely to stop doing it and stop giving the bracket even more cancer than it already has. And if you don't agree with him, well you should consider playing another game/bracket, because it's not a good sportsmanship and this shouldn't belong to the best bracket in the world.

its not about gyfarming, its about losing

people stop queuing or winlog because they lose, not because they get farmed

allow me to tell u how it works

if your team doesn't die, you likely won't lose the game,
if your team dies, the enemies have killed you,
if the enemies have killed you, you end up at graveyard
if you end up at graveyard it'll be harder to push shit back

why do you think horde wins majority of games? cause they have experienced players and most healers that know where to be, they go mid, win mid, push back and control/contain the whole enemy team @ their gy

and yeah people dont give a shit about getting farmed, its all about losing
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Nice moderating- not.

Anyways, I personally find it frustrating that theres no competition on Alliance for horde. Most of the best players are on Horde at this particular moment. Use-to-be NA have faction swapped and are recruiting the best players they can. Eu is also playing horde side. The power imbalance makes it easy to farm when it should be harder.

What I mean by it being harder, is that is gy containment can be more difficult to do in MOP. There are more stealthies and the more common classes have speed boosts + lots of heals. Fcs are harder to bring down.

Druids should be able to get out of gy, pick up the flag with a lolfc set. this sometimes can force the opposing team to pull some/all out of gy.

What would help is if TC would step up activity again. New and inexperienced players should be going to horde, not Alliance. More experienced players should be charitable and log Alliance to help out at least every once and a while. Hass should bring NA alliance, but I doubt he will do that.

I personally enjoy it when guilds queueing on both side gets matched up in a pug. Its a more entertaining, organized game for both sides. The pugs involved also enjoy it.

Realistically, it is hard to have power balanced games, because it is a PUG. If you're looking for more balanced games, you need to keep tabs on who is group queueing and set up a group accordingly. And not just any random five man! Take into consideration player skill/experience and class balance.

Play smarter and you will get farmed less.
Keep the discussion polite, please.

Alright, looked it over briefly, I hope I removed the rudest posts. It would be a great help if you reported the problematic posts.
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