Hey, what's your favorite race?

Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Digging the goblin jump these days.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

If ethereals were playable that would be awesome. I really like gnomes, just wish they had more classes to choose from. Anything can look good imo except female tauren and male belf. There really isn't such a thing as a male belf though, just female belfs that aren't as pretty.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

As I said repeatedly lorewise Undead Paladins make much more sense than Undead Priests!

There was some official statement back in Vanilladays when Horde had Shamans and Alliance had Paladins that the healingclasses & races got kinda mixed up. This "balancing" we all love oh so much resulted in Priests with battle rezz in Beta and for fairness were given to both sides (before druids got implemented afair).

Ontopic: Naga->Undead->rest

edit: need a female Naga Shaman->would pay 10 Bucks/Month for this :)

Undead priests don't follow the Holy Light though, they follow the Forgotten Shadow.

/lore nazi from an RP server.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

As I said repeatedly lorewise Undead Paladins make much more sense than Undead Priests!

There was some official statement back in Vanilladays when Horde had Shamans and Alliance had Paladins that the healingclasses & races got kinda mixed up. This "balancing" we all love oh so much resulted in Priests with battle rezz in Beta and for fairness were given to both sides (before druids got implemented afair).

Ontopic: Naga->Undead->rest

edit: need a female Naga Shaman->would pay 10 Bucks/Month for this :)

The only reason Undead have Priests is because it would be unbalanced if they could only play Shadow.

Undead Priest makes more sense than Paladin. Just because you're revived as a Forsaken doesn't mean you still contain your powers over the light, naaru, elements, etc.

Undead can be Priests for the Shadow spec. Paladin isn't an option.

Ontopic: Tauren master race.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Undead priests don't follow the Holy Light though, they follow the Forgotten Shadow.

/lore nazi from an RP server.

Ofc you are right with the forgotten shadow but there is a point you missed.
Although most Undead priests follow the Forgotten Shadow they arent forced to.
Actually they can still follow the holy light (most don´t cause it burns them but still).

Same goes for Paladins.
Forsaken/Undead can be every class even paladins IF the paladin gets turned by his own will (happend quite often).
So in fact Undead Paladins can just heal with the holy light.
Undead Priests instead have to endure a lot of pain to "holy"heal cause its a different kind of holymagic or something-am not that into magictrees. But I know that this sunwalkercrap was never ever intended in the lore till Blizz added $ to lore;)
So Undead Paladins > Undead Priests (lorewise)
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Undead Priest makes more sense than Paladin. Just because you're revived as a Forsaken doesn't mean you still contain your powers over the light, naaru, elements, etc.
Actually its exactly this! Forsaken keep the powers they achieved in life. Forsaken can be every class a human can-even paladins. Read my post above.
2 more points:
-There was warcraftlore before WoW ;)
- Shadowpriests were added after ppl screamed they cant level priests. Took priests forever to reach 60 in the first months of Beta/Vanilla.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Ofc you are right with the forgotten shadow but there is a point you missed.
Although most Undead priests follow the Forgotten Shadow they arent forced to.
Actually they can still follow the holy light (most don´t cause it burns them but still).

Same goes for Paladins.
Forsaken/Undead can be every class even paladins IF the paladin gets turned by his own will (happend quite often).
So in fact Undead Paladins can just heal with the holy light.
Undead Priests instead have to endure a lot of pain to "holy"heal cause its a different kind of holymagic or something-am not that into magictrees. But I know that this sunwalkercrap was never ever intended in the lore till Blizz added $ to lore;)
So Undead Paladins > Undead Priests (lorewise)

Unlike priests though, Paladins came to be in lore for the sole purpose of slaying undead and demons. Yes, the Holy Light can burn undead. Priests don't have to be chosen by the Holy Light to perform spells though, whereas an undead paladin would have to be blessed and chosen/accepted by the Light in order to perform spells,which is impossible.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Unlike priests though, Paladins came to be in lore for the sole purpose of slaying undead and demons. Yes, the Holy Light can burn undead. Priests don't have to be chosen by the Holy Light to perform spells though, whereas an undead paladin would have to be blessed and chosen/accepted by the Light in order to perform spells,which is impossible.
But what if the light is a bit simple I mean straightforward, what if it just judges one thing about a candidate, what if that thing is conviction? What if one day there is one recently ex-human so deluded that the holy light cannot detect an ounce of doubt? WHAT IF?
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Dwarf > Gnome > Nelf > Panda > Undead > spacegoat > Tauren > Human > Orc > Goblin > Worgen > Troll > Belf
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Unlike priests though, Paladins came to be in lore for the sole purpose of slaying undead and demons. Yes, the Holy Light can burn undead. Priests don't have to be chosen by the Holy Light to perform spells though, whereas an undead paladin would have to be blessed and chosen/accepted by the Light in order to perform spells,which is impossible.

First of all:
Undead Paladins are actually ingame since WotLK

Then like stated above, horde priests should only be shadow specced. They dont, so lore is broken for classbalance.
This means that some great "WingWang" gave horde priests holyspells. Same can go for Paladins. The blessing is not always needed as stated in Tirions Story.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

Draenei and Tauren. To me they both represent the "good guys" or the better aspects of their respective factions. The fact that they both tend to be rather large (and in charge) is an added bonus.
Re: Hey whats your favorite racee

In charge? Wouldn't it rather be orcs and humans that are the respective races in charge of their factions?

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